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49 Cards in this Set

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William Howard Taft

1909 - 1913


- advocated dollar diplomacy

Woodrow Wilson

1913 - 1917

1918 - 1921

- POTUS during WW1

- advocated moral diplomacy

- more intervention than Taft or Roosevelt

- sent US expedition after "Pancho" Villa

- author of Lusitania Notes

- led negotiation of Treaty of Versailles personally

- suffered stroke near end of presidency

Hay-Herran Treaty


- US proposal to Colombia

> $10m up-front

> $250k/yr 99yr lease of Panama

- rejected by Colombian Senate

Theodore Roosevelt

1901 - 1904

1905 - 1909

- incited Panamanian Revolution

- mediated at Portsmouth Conference

John Hay

1898 - 1905

- Secretary of State under William McKinley & Theo Roosevelt

- negotiates Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

- negotiates Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

- negotiates Hay-Herran Treaty

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty


- US proposal

> gets English permission to build Panama Canal

> establishes permission for all nations to use Panama Canal

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty


- US proposal

> suggests that in exchange for a few US demands, Panamanian independence gets US protection

Roosevelt Corollary


- basically tells LA countries to stay in their lanes or US will get involved

- used esp. by Theo Roosevelt

Russo-Japanese War

1904 - 1905

- waged for control of far east

- hated by both sides

- ended by Portsmouth Conference

Portsmouth Conference

Sept 1905

- mediated by Theo Roosevelt

- brings end to Russo-Japanese War

Taft-Katsune Agreement


- US recognizes Japanese dominance over Korea

- Japan promises not to invade Philippines

Root-Takahira Agreement


- Japan agrees to maintain Pacific status quo, Chinese independence, & Chinese Open Door Policy

Lodge Corollary


- authored by Henry Cabot Lodge

- warns foreign companies not to purchase militarily-significant land in Latin America

- meant to prevent any conflict between Latin American & European powers

Henry Cabot Lodge

1893 - 1924

- most influential man in Senate

- author of Lodge Corollary

- strong reservationist

> author of reservationist Treaty of Versailles

General José Huerta


- president of Mexico

- overthrew Porfirio Díaz w/ Catholic church

- government not recognized by US

"Pancho" Villa

- Mexican revolutionary

- backed by US

- lost competition to overthrow Gen. Huerta

Venustiano Carranza

1917 - 1920

- Mexican revolutionary

- backed by US

- president of Mexico


1914 - 1918

- fought between:

> Central Powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman empire

> Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia

- leads to US economic growth


- first non-warship sunk by German u-boats

- spurred the "Lusitania Notes"

1st Lusitania Notes

- authored by Woodrow Wilson

- stipulations:

> Germany will not attack passenger ships

> Germany will pay losses & abandon submarine warfare

> US will not join war

- Germany replies w/out confirmation or excuse

2nd Lusitania Notes

- authored by Woodrow Wilson

- stipulations:

> Germany will not attack passenger ships

> Germany will pay losses & abandon submarine warfare

> US will not join war

- Germany replies w/ excuse: "it was an accident"

- spurred William Jennings Bryan's resignation

- spurred appointment of Robert Lansing to Sec. of State

3rd Lusitania Notes

- authored by Woodrow Wilson

- p much tell Germany to go screw themselves


Aug 1915

- second non-warship sunk by German u-boats

- spurs Arabic Pledge by Kaiser Wilhelm

Arabic Pledge

Sept 1915

- pledge by Germany

> German u-boats will stop & warn passenger liners they're in a warfare zone IF these ships don't try to resist or escape

> obviously unworkable

Gen. John Pershing

- led US expedition to find "Pancho" Villa

- led American Expeditionary Force


Feb 1916

- third non-warship sunk by German u-boats

- spurs Sussex Pledge

Sussex Pledge

Feb 1916

- pledge by Kaiser Wilhelm

> German u-boats will attack only the enemy's navy

1916 election

- Republican candidate Charles Evans Hughes

- Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson

> "He kept us out of the war"

Charles Evans Hughes

- 1916 Republican presidential candidate

- Sec. of State under Warren G Harding

- reform governor of New York

- known for being conservative judge

Russian Revolution

Jan 1917

- puts Bolsheviks in power

- overthrows tzar

- eventually leads to Russian breakage from WWI

Zimmerman Telegram

- telegram sent by German foreign minister to German ambassador in Mexico

- suggests Mexico join WWI & Germany will help win back Texas, Arizona, California, &c from US

- intercepted by Britain

- spurs US to join WWI

Arthur Zimmerman

- author of Zimmerman Telegram

Selective Service Act


- establishes draft for men 21 - 30

Committee on Public Information


- led by journalist George Creel

- in charge of domestic propaganda

Espionage Act


- imposes <= 20yrs in prison for aiding the enemy or being disloyal to the US war effort

Sedition Act


- made criticizing the war or US a crime

- led to imprisonment of 1.5k dissenters, including Eugene Debs

War Industries Board

- led by industrialist Bernard Baruch

- determines priorities for factory manufacture

- allocates raw materials necessary for war effort

- fixes prices for manufacturers

Food Administration

- led by Herbert Hoover

- supplies food to the army & civilians in Western Europe

- highly successful

Fuel Administration

- regulates & conserves fuel for American use

- invents Daylight Saving Time

Railroad Administration

- creates priorities for transportation of supplies, soldiers, &c

- controls railroad schedules

War Shipping Board

- supervises US-domestic shipping to make war priority

War Trade Board

- oversees foreign trade

War Labor Board

- led by Felix Frankfurter

- standardizes wages

- protects right to organize & bargain collectively

- orders women in war-related industries be paid equally to men

1st Great Black Migration

- spurred by labor shortage in northern US

- fills northern manufacturing jobs w/ African-Americans

- exhibits northern racism in the problems black people have finding housing

Treaty of Versailles


- negotiations led by Woodrow Wilson personally

- leads directly to formation of League of Nations

- blocked by Senate Republicans

Treaty of Versailles

Nov 1919, Jan 1920

- authored by Henry Cabot Lodge

- strong-reservationist version of Treaty of Versailles

- blocked by Senate Democrats

1920 election

- Democratic candidate James Cox

> VP Franklin Delano Roosevelt

- Republican candidate Warren G Harding

> wins election by landslide

> overwhelmingly wins women's vote

Warren G Harding

1921 - 1923

- Republican candidate in 1920 election

- overwhelmingly receives women's vote

- terrible president w/ good cabinet

Herbert Hoover

- director of US Food Administration

- Sec. of Commerce under Warren G Harding