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108 Cards in this Set

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Private Ambulances may only respond to emergency calls if

CHP has authorized them to

Definition of Ambulance

A rescue vehicle or a vehicle modified to transport injured people

Code 3 Operation describes:

use of lights and sirens

Code 3 is justified for 3 reasons:

1. to save a life

2. prevent undue suffering

3. prevent disability

Do guilty verdicts that have been dismissed by courts still count as convictions?


Are all ambulances operating under the same license required to display the same name?


How many hours of service must be provided under each license?

24, unless the ambulance does not respond to calls from public agencies

How often do fire extinguishers need to be inspected and serviced?

Yearly or immediately after use

When are ambulances inspected by CHP?

Initially, yearly, and randonmly

Destination restrictions prevent ambulances from

taking unnecessarily long routes.

Escorts for patients: The prohibition against unqualified drivers and attendants serving as patient escorts does not exclude

family, other persons concerned with the patient's well being, and minors (who should be allowed to come whenever possible)

Good Samaritan Laws do not protect EMT's when

acts or omissions are performed in a grossly negligent manner or not in good faith.

Can CHP grant exceptions to statutory requirements?


The purpose of DMV ambulance driver test is not to prove driving competence, but to

screen those with criminal backgrounds, physical disabilities, or poor driving habits.

You do not need an ambulance driving license if you are

a police officer, firefighter, or if you are licensed in a different state and driving for an emergency into California.

6 prerequisites to getting an Ambulance license:

1. 18 years old

2. Hold a valid CA Driver's License

3. File a complete application including criminal convictions and certain traffic offenses

4. Pass a written test

5. Submit fingerprints

6. Complete medical form DL-51

Temporary certificates last _____ days


Regular certificates last no longer than __ years, and expire the same day as your drivers license


Conditional validity means that your ambulance license is only valid when you have three things:

1. a valid drivers license

2. a medical examination certificate

3. an EMT-I certificate after one year

Renewal Applications will be excepted within __ months of expiration of your drivers license.


If your ambulance driver's license is revoked, you can submit a written request for a hearing within ___ days.


The hearing committee is composed of 3 members representing the

DMV, CHP, and EMS Authority.

An ambulance driver's primary responsibility is

the safe transport of the patient

Safe means:

1. not risking an accident

2. smooth driving

a) that does not stress or traumatize the patient

b) that permits attendant to give medical care

Negative effects of Code 3 transport include:

1. frightening the patient

2. putting a stable patient into shock

3. disrupting ongoing medical treatment

Medical conditions that require Code 3 represent ___ percent of trips


Three medical conditions that require Code 3 transport include:

1. Uncontrolled hemorrhage

a) internal chest or abdomen bleeding

2. Uncontrolled cardiovascular or respiratory impairment

a) congestive heart failure

b) wounds to the heart

c) progressive pulmonary edema

3. Complicated or impending childbirth

a) a case that requires operative intervention

Any doubt as to the seriousness of the emergency when considering use of Code 3, must be decided in favor of

the patient

When is driving in a way that risks loss of control of the vehicle, or relies on drivers or pedestrians to react ideally, justified?


Ambulance drivers are exempt from certain traffic laws in what conditions

1. Responding to an Emergency call

2. Displaying a steady, red warning lamp with 1000 feet of visibility in front of the vehicle

If a driver is involved in an accident, but was exempt from certain traffic laws, can he still be criminally and civilly liable?

Yes, if he was not acting with due regard for the safety of others.

Determining if a driver exercised due regard toward the safety of others is based on what criteria:

1. sufficient notice of the ambulances approach was given

2. signalling equipment

a) whether it was necessary to use it

b) whether it was used

c) whether it was audible and/or visible

3. If the driver decelerated before impact with a driver who did not yield

A rural driver at 55mph may not hear the wail of the siren if his windows are closed and the radio is playing until the ambulance is ___ feet away


A city driver with his windows down may hear the siren when it is ___ feet away


Hazards when driving Code 3 include:

1. blind intersections

2. driveways

3. motorists with impaired hearing

4. inattentive drivers

When using a siren, Ambulance drivers should:

1. assume drivers do not hear the siren at safe distances under most conditions especially at intersections

2. assume drivers have difficulty locating the source of the siren

3. use the siren only when it is most effective

4. never pass on the right

When using a warning lamp

1. use primarily to protect life and property

2. excessive use reduces public respect of their purpose

Front, steady, burn-red warning light should be displayed

when an extreme hazard exists

Do revolving, rotating, or flashing red lamps satisfy the requirement for a steady burn lamp?

No, but they can supplement it

Flashing red lights may only be displayed

when an extreme hazard exists (meaning any incident that requires traffic to stop, be blocked, or proceed only as directed)

Flashing Amber Lights is only used for

unusual traffic hazards, until hazard ceases to exist.

Warning Lamp effectiveness may be reduced by what 3 factors:

1. low sun or glare

2. confusion with traffic signals and neon lights

3. Their position if mounted to high or low on the ambulance.

Should headlamps be used in the daylight?

Yes, they increase visibility.

Definition of defensive driving:

doing everything reasonably possible to avoid accidents.

A preventable accident is one in which the driver

failed to take reasonable precautions to avoid the accident.

Defensive driving requires

continual exercise of sound judgment and good driving habits with an awareness that all other drivers cannot be relied upon to drive safely.

Is physical fitness a prerequisite for safe driving?


Five elements of defensive driving:

1. knowledge: of the rules of the road, his, and his vehicles limitations

2. Alertness: of potential hazards

3. Vision: as speed increases visual accuracy decreases

4. Judgement: knowing what to do when

5. Skill: in handling an ambulance

Loss of control is often due to:

1. driving too fast for the conditions

2. Accelerating too hard

3. Braking too hard

4. Changing direction too hard

5. Taking a curve too fast

Minor backing mishaps (crashes) can result in:

1. keeping an ambulance out of service

2. costly repairs

3. additional paperwork

4. poor public image

5. expensive insurance

6. job loss

To back up a vehicle, station a crew member

outside to the left rear of the vehicle.

Before backing up check for

pedestrians and obstacles

Before backing up, push the


Back up at a ______ pace


While backing up, constantly check your


Intersections are the most likely cause of accidents because:

1. visibility is obstructed

2. drivers misjudge clearance

3. motorists may not see or hear the ambulance

4. two or more ambulances meet at an intersection

At an intersection the driver should check for

actual and potential hazards well in advance of the intersection

At intersections, the driver should look to the left, then

to the right, then, the left again before entering the intersection.

Maintain a safe ______ distance


A safe following distance enables a driver to

stop or steer around without crashing into a vehicle that suddenly stops

You should keep a separation of at least ____ between the ambulance and the next vehicle

3 seconds

If the ambulance is large or heavy, increase following distance by


If the surface is loose or slippery, vision is obscured, or the driver is not fully alert, increase following distance by


If the road surface is packed snow or ice increase following distances by


At speeds of 40 to 60 mph safely passing a vehicle takes __ seconds


If you decide to pass a car and conditions are okay:

1. don't hesitate

2. stay in the passing lane

3. scan the road for unmarked intersecting roads and driveways

4. be prepared to abort

When driving at high speeds

don't go to fast around turns, and pump the breaks prior to immediate slowdown

When speed is doubled, braking distance increases by


In preparation for hazardous conditions be sure that the _________ is all in good condition

wiper blades, heater, defroster, lights, brakes, tires, and steering mechanism

In hazardous conditions, drive at speeds appropriate for conditions and increase the

following speed

During darkness, keep the windshield


during darkness, keep the instrument lights


During darkness, keep your eyes


During darkness, slow your speed considerably on


Slow speeds, _________, and _____ prevents hydroplaning

inflated tires

deep treads

The responsibility for determining the mechanical safety of the ambulance rests primarily with the


Responsibility for equipping and maintaining the ambulance rests with the


When should the driver inspect the ambulance?

At the beginning of every shift

The driver should ensure that scheduled vehicle maintainence has been performed at established


While inspecting the ambulance, the driver should make sure previous deficiencies

have been corrected

The driver should determine if the ambulance is unsafe, not equipped, or maintained for

emergency operation

It is illegal for an owner to permit the operation of an ambulance that is not

equipped as required

Make sure to inspect for carbon monoxide in ambulances because

it can harm ill patients and ambulance personnel

Requiring an ambulance drivers license for employment is helpful for what three reasons?

1. reduces training cost

2. it is free pre-employment screening

3. it allows both EMT's on an ambulance to take turns driving

Ensuring that there are no unlawful drugs or equipment on the ambulance is whose responsibility?

The owners

Who has the responsibility for integrating all emergency medical services systems in California including training, certification, and scope of practice standards for EMT's?

The EMS Authority

The minimum certification requirement for the attendant in an ambulance is a valid _____ certificate


Regulations apply to which emergency ambulance services:

a. private

b. public

c. volunteer

d. subscription

e. industrial

f. all of the above

f. all of the above

May CHP grant exemptions on training and education standards established by the EMS Authority?


Training for all pre-hospital staff must include preventing _______ diseases and in _________ incidents for first responders.


hazardous materials

Who must ambulance services follow for policies and procedures/scope of practice questions on the job?

Medical control

Safety Equipment includes seat belts for

every seat

Children and infants not secured to a gurney should be secured by

child/infant restraint devices.

Are drivers and passengers seated in the front of the ambulance required to wear seat belts?


Does safety equipment include heating and air conditioning?


Ambulances should carry extrication equipment depending on

if it is readily available from other rescue units or not.

Ambulance cots should be collapsible and capable of being elevated from the head or feet, as well as

adjustable from four positions

Mattresses should be covered with impervious ________ material


Padded ankle and wrist restraints should measure __ before tying to maintain a ___ width while in use



How many complete sets of clean linen supplies per ambulance cot?


Reusable medical supplies should be maintained in what condition?

Clean and ready to use; disinfected or sterilized as appropriate.

When a patient with a known communicable disease has been transported, the patient compartment and all interior surfaces including fixed equipment should be

thoroughly cleaned with soap, water, and disinfectant.

Supplies of blankets, pillows, and linens, should be stored in what manner?


To protect against HIV and hepatitis B, the following protective equipment should be carried:

1. masks with one way valves

2. gloves

3. gowns and goggles

4. containers for soiled equipment.

Rigid cervical collars should be carried in sizes for

adult, child, and infant patients.

4 sets of _____ splints should be carried for for use in adults and children ages 1-14.

short, medium, and long, including a pediatric femur splint, cardboard splints, inflatable air splints, half ring leg splints of the Hare and Sager traction type all having straps.

How many headbeds should be carried?


6 oropharnygeal airways should be carried in the following sizes:

2 for adults, 2 for children, 1 for infants, 1 for newborns.