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126 Cards in this Set

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the Crusades changed Europe by:
leading to increase trade with Asia
what belief did Native Americans hold about land rights?
the crops one grew were to be shared by all
the cliff dewllings built by the Anasazi gave them protection against...
the Hopewell and Mississippian mound builders were skilled
Farmers and Traders
Why was Plato significant
because he wrote the Republic, which described an ideal society
which of the following best describes the Olmac
they developed the earliest known civilizations in Mesoamerica
how do scientists think people first arrived in North America
during the Ice Age, sea levels dropped and people crossing land
duirng the Renaissance, the new emphasis on poeple rather than religion was called
what made the slave trade important to the West African Economy?
Slaves could be traded for valuable goods in the Middle East and Europe
Why was the kingdom of Ghana significant
it gained wealth from taxes and controlling trade in salt and gold
The goal of the Iroquois League was to...
Strngthen the alliance against invasion
what does the image above indicate about Roman government during the Classical Period?
that it was a Republic
Evidence suggests that a group of people called ____ crossed from northeastern Asia to present-day Alaska between 38,000 B.C. and 10,000 B.C.
a groups set of common Values and traditions is known as _______
Mali's ____________ and Songhai's Asikia the Great were both Muslim
Mansa Musa
in the Mid- 1400's, _________ developed a printing press that used movable type
Johannes Gutenberg
In the Middle Ages, nobles exchanged land for military service with ______, or warriors who fought on horseback
in 1324 Mansa Musa left Mali on a ___, or pilgrimage to Mecca
The _______ developed the earliest known civilization in Mesoamerica
the period of the _________ in Europe was more orderly and stable than the Middle Ages had been
The new focus on Human value and the Study of the humanities during the Renaissance was called ____
One of Songhai's greatest rulers was _________
Askia the Great
the people who migrated across the Bering land Bridge were _______
____________ had scholars set up schools in Mali for the study of the Qur'an
Mansa Musasa
what advantage did the Viking ship have over earlier vessles?
For which country did Jacques Cartier claim land during his two trips to Canada in 1534 and 1535?
How did enslaved Africans try to cope with life in the Americas
They sought refuge in families, religion, art and dance
which of the following best describes the Colombian Exchange?
Plants and animals were transferred among AQsia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas
Columbus's travels to the Americas created conflict between
Spain and Portugal
for which country did King Philip II lead the Catholic Reformation?
What was the conquistadors biggest advantage in defeating the Aztec and the Inca
Steel armor and weapons
Who was Malintzin
an Indian woman who helped defeat the Aztec
what was the function of the pueblo settlements set up by the Spanish in New Spain?
they served as trading posts for commerce and somtimes as centers of government
whose crew was the first to circumnavigate the glove
ferdinand Magellan's
Why did colonists in need of cheap labor turn to slaves from West Africa
west African slaves had already built up immunity to European diseases
Describe the Treaty of Tordesillas
it moved the Line of Demarcation 800 miles further west
A spanish conquistador named _________ led the destruction of the Aztec Empire
Hernan Cortes
Many _____ died as a result of the exposure to new diseases brought by European exploreres
Native Americans
the _____ aided explorers in finding new continents by alllowing ship navigators to check location by chrting the position ofhte stars
____ the first European to discover a sea route to Asia
Vasco da Gama
New Netherland governor who conqurered New Sweden in 1655
Peter Stuyvesant
True or False:
the Vikings wre the first Euopeans to make contact with North America?
True or False:
Vikings were skilled sailors who developed a new style of ship, called the longship
True or False:
Prince Henry the Navigator was an explorer who set out on many voyages
True or False:
A caravel is a device that enabled navigators to learn thier ship's location by charting the position of the Stars
True or False:
the Portuguese sent many enslaved Africans to Europe to the island in the atlantic, where they endure brutal living conditions
This was a powerful alliance of the Algonquian League
Powhatan Confederacy
thes system of granting land gave colonists who paid thier own way 50 acres of land, and an additional 50 acres for each person brought with them.
headright system
True or False:
the Puritains' Mayflower Compact was an agreement to create fair laws to protect the genral good.
True or False:
the Pilgrims settled with thier families, who worked together to help survive in Plymouth
True or False:
Anne Hutchinson disagreed with the Puritan leaders who believed that poeple who needed the guidance of a minister and that women should not play an active role in the church
True or False:
the New ENgland economy was based on agriculture, trade, and fishing
True or False:
Education in the New England colonies was important becuase parents wanted thier children to be able to run their buisnesses successfully
Columbus asked King ____ and Queen ____ of Spain to pay for an expedition across the Atlantic
Ferdinand , Isabella
Without intending to do so, the explorers introduced deadly new ___ to the Americas
Europeans shipped millions of enslaved _____ to work the colonies in the New World
True or False:
Henry the NAvigator was the first European to make contact with North America
True or False:
the Portuguese developed new ships called longships that were lighter, smaller, and easier to steer
True or False:
the Portuguese sent many enslaved Africans to Europe and to the islands in the Atlantic, where they endured brutal living conditions
what was the eventual result of the efforts of the Portuguese setting out to find new lands?
they found a new route to Asia
What significant effect did Portuguese exploration have on Africa
the Atlantic Slave Trade started.
These were used in colonies to control local affairs and rotect individual freedoms
Colonial Courts
these organizations were created in some colonies to pass laws
What middle colony was origionally founded by the Dutch, but later taken over by the English?
New York
Why did William Penn create the colony of Pennsylvania?
to provide a home for the Quakers
Thanks to Penn's work, Pennsylvania became an important example of what?
Representative government
What is the term for crops that are always Needed?
Staple Crops
What job did women in the Middle colonies NOT hold?
The British prime minister asked Parliamnet to tax the American colonists to help pay for _____
A standing Army
in 1764 Parliament passed the ____ which set taxes on molasses and sugar imported by colonists
Sugar Act
Many colonists believed that Great Britain had no right to tax them without thier _____
__________ helped found the Committees of Correspondence to share ideas and information aobut challenging the Brittish Laws
Samuel Adams
A popular method of protesting British laws was to _____ , or refuse to buy Brittish goods
the _________ required coloists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, whenever they bought paper items
Stamp Act
Colonists formed a secret society known as the ________ that used violence to frighten tax collectors
Sons of Liberty
The "Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street" is also known as the ________
Boston Massacre
In response to the Tea Act, the Sons of Liberty organized the ___________ to Protest the British Law
Boston Tea Party
The ______ closed Boston Harbor, cancelled Massachusetts's charter, and forced colonists to house and supply British troops.
Intolerable Acts
who warned the colonists of the British advane toward Concord
Paul Revere
Delagates signed the _________ Petition as a final attempt to restore harmony
Olive Branch
Who ws the Author of a 47-page pamphlet called Common Sense
Thomas Paine
What document formally announced the colonies' break from Great Britain
Declaration of Independence
Those who chose to side with the brittish were called
who tried to influence her husband to include womans rights in the Declaration of Independence?
Abigail Adams
By the 1780's, which colonies were taking a step to end slavery?
New England Colonies
What delegate from Virginia encouraged colonists to fight independence from Britain in support of the Patriot cuase?
Patric Henry
Among the list of 10 resolutions included the Declaration of Rights, one was to
Ensure the colonists' right of "life, liberty, and property."
The Battle of Lexington is important because it
was the first battle of the Revolutionary War
When voicing thier opinions to the Second Continental Congress delegates were
completely at odds and failed to come to a consensus
Colonists who chose to side with the British were known as
What inspired colonists to draft the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas paine's Common Sense
Why was teh Battle of Saratoga a turing point for the Patriots?
the Patriots gained the Support of France and Spain
What is the significance of the Battle of Yorktown?
it was the last major battle of the Ameican Revolution.
As a result of the First Continental Congress
the Declaration of Rights was Drafted
"Although many women were Patriots, the Declaration did not address thier rights" was whom's statement
Abigail Adams
As ______ prepared to lead the colonists agianst the British, Congress tried to make peace with King George III
George Washington
The Battle of _______ was a turining point for the Patriots becuse they gained the support of France, Spain, and Holland
the winter at ________ was a difficult time for the Continental Army, which lacked protection and supplies
Valley Forge
The patriots' victory at Yorktown was made possible by a strategic error on the part of ______, who moved his troops in the hope of maintaining communication with the British Navy
Charles Cornwallis
British troops, also known as ____, made easy targets as they retreated from Boston
Common Sense, a pamphlet written by _____, inspired coloial leaders to challenge British Authority
Thomas Paine
Native Americans mostly sided with the ____ in supporting the war effort
True or False:
as a result of the 1783 Treaty of Paris, land west of the thirteen colonies was given to France
True or False:
the main issue debated during the Second Continental Congress was whether foreign allies would be beneficial
True or False:
Thomas Jefferson felt the colonists had the right to break away from Great Britain becuase he did not believe in the Idea of a social contract.
True or False:
The Battle of Trenton was different from previous battles becasue the Patriots went on the offensive
True or False:
the Declaration of Independence did not address the rights of Native Americans
True or False:
the rejection of the Olive Branch petition led to the meeting of the First Continental Congress
True or False:
Bernardo de Galvez was one of many foreigners hired by the Patriots to fight as a mercenary during the American Revolution
Thousands of African American Slaves signed on with the British Army becuase they were promised their freedom
this person was dressed as a woman and fought in several battles
Deborah Sampson
Controlled the land west of the appalachians
American Indians
What problems did the US have with Britain following the Revolutionary War?
Britain restricted trade with the United States
What led farmers in Massachusetts to rebel?
high taxes
what are creditors ?
people who loan money
What was to blame for economic and other problems in the US after the Revolution
Weak Central Government
What nation was the most important trade partner of the US?
He was the New Jersey delegate who presented the small-state Plan
William Paterson
True or False:
Many Antifederalists did not want the Constitution to include the bill of rights
True or False:
Federalists were those who did not support the Constitution
True or False:
the Bill of Rights protects the rights of individuals
True or False:
The Federalist Papers were a series of essays that helped to persuade people to support the Constitution
True or False:
Checks and Balances are official languages that can be added to the constitution
Identify 3 STRENGTHS of the Constitution and 3 WEAKNESSES of the Articles of Confederation
a. Constitution
1. Power held by National gov,system of checks & balances,popular sovereighty
b. Articles of Confederation
2.power held by states, no checks & balances, 1 branch of government.
Identify 3 characteristics of the Virginia Plan
1. 2 houses
2. based on population
3. national government
Identify 3 Characteristics of the New Jersey Plan
1. based on equal votes
2. 1 house
3. state government