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18 Cards in this Set

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Thomas Jefferson wrote:
what intellectual revolution took place d u r i n g Colonial times:
Age of Reason
(an intellectual revolution)
about 1680-1800
who were the 2 huge influences of the age of reason
What was Isaac Newton's ~ big idea:
machine like cosmos based on logic ~~~~
how did Thomas Paine come to U.S.:
Ben Franklin brought him over from England at a time when colonists were very divided over Independence or Tory (1774)
Paine's most important publication:
Common Sense
published Jan1776 & urged colonists to immediately declare independence; very popular pamphlet
Paine =
other works of Thomas Paine (3)
and where were each written
America: The American Crisis (essays).

England: The Rights of Man,
what did "The Federalist" consist of (# and form):
85 essays written severally by Alexander HAMILTON
John JAY
main concept of Federalist:
balance of power----
rights of minority (balanced with majority--smaller states)
Legislative, Executive, Judicial branches!
explain God's plan for America in "Letters from an American Farmer"
diverse groups in ample lands thinly dispersed--religion therefore becomes ' indifferent '
2 bad things @ America that St. John de Crevecoeur wrote:
1 - farmer on fringe could become a sloth w/o social structures (church, laws, community ethics) 2 - Charleston-altho a lux. city, depends on Slaves sweat/blood, horrible treatment
by end of Ltrs from an Amer. Farmer, what does St. John de Crevecoeur decide:
disheartened at so-called "civilized" society--he'll go live among native for harmony, simplicity, sanity.
melting pot idea came from
St. John de Crevecoeur
Thomas Jefferson concepts
all people created equal/given at birth irrevocable rights; gov't is social contract; freedom depends on education of its people; need moral enlightenment; Reason; belief in God can be other thanJudeo-Chstn
Jefferson Dec. of Independence
" "
"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
Jefferson's view of slavery:
salvery is contrary to God's will and slaves should be emancipated in an orderly way before God's wrath comes
another political bit of Jefferson:
right of majority will to prevail, but minority rights must be protected