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77 Cards in this Set

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what does CAMs stand for?
complementary and alternative methods
what is CAMs?
group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are NOT generally considered part of conventional medicine
what does complementary mean?
is used alongside conventional medicine; it complements the treatment
what does alternative mean?
is used in place of conventional medicine
what does integrative mean?
combines treatments from conventional as well as CAMs for which there is EVIDENCE of SAFETY and EFFECTIVENESS!
what is the national center for complementary and alternative medicine (NCCAM) a branch of?
NIH (national institute of health)
what does the NCCAM do?
lead government agency for scientific research on CAMs
when was NCCAM established
what are the categories of CAMs?
-whole medical systems
-natural products
-mind-body practices
-manipulative and body-based practices
-other practices
what are key points of homeopathic medicine?
-developed in germany more than 200 years ago
-practiced in the US since 1800s
-controversial as key concepts disagree with the basic laws of science
what are the regulations of homeopathic medicine?
-licensing varies state to state
-treatments are regulated by FDA
what is the evidence of homeopathic medicine?
no evidence showing effective treatment
what are the key points to naturopathic medicine?
-emphasis on supporting heath not combating disease
-belief that nature has healing powers
-naturopathic physicians or naturopaths
what are the regulations of naturopathic medicine?
some states have laws regulating
what is the evidence of naturopathic medicine?
no evidence showing effective treatment
what are the key points of traditional chinese medicine?
-goes back over 5,000 years
-practiced in hospitals in china and in the US
-includes acupuncture, herbs, cupping, massage, and diet
what is the evidence of traditional chinese medicine?
evidence is limited but acupuncture has most evidence of efficacy
what are the key points of ayurveda (the science of life)?
-aim is to integrate and balance the mind, body, and spirit
-eight branches that incorporate cleansing practices
-concerns about toxicity, formulations, and interactions
what are the regulations of ayurveda?
standards and schools in india but no regulations or standards in US
what is the evidence behind ayurveda?
evidence varies and is not conclusive
what are examples of natural products?
dietary supplements
what are limitations and precautions of natural products?
-concern over drug interactions, reinforce speaking with pharmacist, doctor, and therapists
-OTs do not dispense medications, are not licensed to prescribe and or recommend these products
what is aromatherapy?
uses essential oils to promote health and well-being
what does sweet orange oil help>
emotional balance and positive outlook
what does lavender do?
calm anxiety
what does grapefruit, lavender, lemon and rose do?
improve depression
what does peppermint and rosemary do?
improve memory and concentration
what are limitations and precautions of essential oils?
-can't be applied to skin
-can cause allergic reactions, headaches
-some should be avoided during pregnancy
-products not regulated in the US
what do mind-body practices integrate?
-modern scientific medicine
-exercise physiology
-power of belief
what is the goal of mind-body practices?
enhance the natural healing capacities of body and mind
what do the mind-body practices incorporate?
-relaxation response
-cognitive behavioral approach
-role of physical activity and nutrition
what does the spirituality aspect of the mind-body practices require the OT to do?
-have clarity about his/her own spirituality process in order for the OT to have unconditional positive regard
-use a combo of therapeutic use of self, unconditional positive regard,and a peaceful/steady mental and emotional state
-may foster positive mental and emotional states
-may be an effective coping strategy
-may promote positive emotions, hope, happiness, optimism, and a higher quality of life
what are limitations and precautions of mind-body regarding spirituality practices?
client must take the lead on what spirituality is to him/her
-client may be in distress regarding a traumatic or challenging event in his/her life
what does meditation focus on?
control attention by eliminating thoughts
what is meditation commonly used for?
stress reduction and or relaxation
what are limitations of meditation
someone who is actively experiencing psychotic symptoms may have difficulty engaging in meditation
-pray may reinforce delusions
what are relaxation techniques used for?
relieve tension and strain
what are examples of relaxation techniques?
progressive muscle relaxation or relaxation breathing
what may guided imagery be used for?
used to treat alcohol and drug addictions, depression, panic disorders, phobias and stress
what are limitations and precautions of relaxation?
Persons with active psychosis (hallucinations and/or delusions) should not utilize guided imagery and/or visualization
When working with persons with personality disorders or a history of abuse guided imagery and/or visualization may be contraindicated
where did tai chi originate?
what is tai chi?
though of as a "moving" meditation where the person moves his/her body slowly, gently with awareness
-utilizes breathing techniques similar to meditation
where did yoga originate?
what is yoga?
Uses breathing, posture, stretching, and meditation to balance the body’s energy
Wide variety of yoga to engage in
One of the top 10 CAMs utilized
what are limitations and precautions of yoga/tia chi?
Persons with mobility issues should be encouraged to do chair exercises or utilize supports
Persons with health conditions should be encouraged to check with a health care professional prior to beginning
what is biofeedback?
-Learning to control one’s muscle tension and involuntary body functioning (heart rate, skin temperature)
-Involves the use of electronic devices to measure and report back to the conscious mind information such as heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension
-Typically used for pain but may be used to treat stress, insomnia, headaches
-Various types including EMG, Temperature biofeedback, Galvanic skin response training
art therapy
Drawing, painting, sculpting as a way to reconcile inner conflicts, release repressed emotions, foster self-awareness and personal growth
Dance or movement therapy
Can help a person integrate the emotional, physical, and cognitive facets of “self”
music or sound therapy
May stimulate opiates and endorphins and improve blood flow, blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing, and postural changes
limitations and precautions of art therapy/dance/music...
Persons with traumatic/abusive pasts may require more time to process
Persons who are actively experiencing psychosis may not respond to loud/upbeat music
what is art therapy?
drawing, painting, sculpting as a way to reconcile inner conflicts, relase repressed emotions, foster self-awareness and personal growth
what is dance or movement therapy?
can help a person integrate the emotional, physical, and cognitive facets of "self"
what is music or sound therapy?
may stimulate opiates and endorphines and improve blood flow, blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing and postural changes
what are limitations and precautions of art, dance, and music therapy?
Persons with traumatic/abusive pasts may require more time to process
Persons who are actively experiencing psychosis may not respond to loud/upbeat music
what are manipulative and body based practices?
massage and therapeutic touch
what does massage enchance function of?
muscle and connective tissue to enhance the function of those tissues and promote relaxation and well being
what are limitations and precautions of massage?
persons taking blood-thinning medications should avoid vigorous massage
-persons diagnosed with cancer or with recent physical trauma/injury/surgery should consult oncologist before deep tissue massages
what is therapeutic touch?
based on the premise that it is the healing force of the therapist that affects the patient's recovery
what is therapeutic touch focused on?
specific technique focused on restoring balance and harmony in the energy field surrounding the body
what may therapeutic touch reduce?
tension, anxiety and pain
what is reiki?
healing practice originating in Japan
-based on belief that when spiritual energy is channeled through a Reiki practioner the patient's spirt is healed, which in turn heals the physical body
what is Qi gong?
part of traditional chinese medicine combing movement, meditation, and breathing to enhance the flow of vital energy in the body
-may improve blood circulation and boost the immune function
-may be used preventively or in response to a specific condition
which body practice can be used preventively?
Qi gong
self help or support groups
-meetings involving people with similar needs
-facilitated by consumer
-free of charge
-voluntary, anonymous and confidential
what are culturally based healing arts?
they incorporate beliefs that wellness is a state of balance between spiritual, physical, and mental/emotional self
-native american traditional practices
why ot and CAMs?
-impossible to treat body without consideration of mind and spirit
what does an OT who wants to utilize CAMs in practice need to do?
-complete an eval
-develop an intervention in collaboration with the client
-conduct outcomes measurements before, during and after intervention
BEFORE and OT implements CAMs in practice they must:
Decide whether he/she is competent to implement the CAM
Different CAMs require different education, training, and certification
It is the responsibility of the OT to implement safe and effective interventions
Be knowledgeable about the evidence regarding the CAM both scholarly and clinical

Clearly articulate the benefits, risks, and limitations of utilizing a CAM

Clearly articulate how the CAM fits into occupational therapy intervention including
Clinical rationale or reasoning
How the CAM supports or facilitates daily occupations
Why the CAM is appropriate
How the CAM is client-centered and relates to the goals identified by the client/patient
an OT utilizing CAMs must be in compliance with what?
state OT Practice Acts and bill in compliance with state, federal, and 3rd party reimbursement regulations
when a CAM requires additonal training whose responsiblity is it?
OT's responsibility to meet local, state, and federal regulations and laws
who should the OT contact if they are unsure of the regulations for using a CAM?
OT board for their state
are CAMs reimbursable by insurance companies?
the answer is yes and no.
-they may or may not be and individuals will need to pay out-of pocket for service
why is there some resistance to using CAMs in the medical community?
lack of strong evidence; however with evidence comes "respect" and incorporation of CAMs
what is the biggest obstacle to implementing CAMs into practice?
how can CAMs be used as preparatory?
Mechanism to open or close an intervention
To “prepare” an individual for the intervention
Meant to increase progress, success, or outcomes of the intervention
May include calming, focusing, stimulating, or relaxing activities
how can CAMs be used as purposeful activity?
To learn, utilize a coping skill
To learn, utilize as an IADL (health management/maintenance, religious observance)
To learn, utilize as part of rest and sleep
To learn, utilize as part of leisure (exploration and participation)
what are some areas where CAMs have shown efficacy in treatment?
Bipolar Disorder
-Natural Products
Omega-3 may reduce negative symptoms for persons diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
Folate may reduce severity of symptoms of depression
-Mind-Body Practices
Acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and guided imagery may assist with anxiety and stress