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38 Cards in this Set

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decrease in cellular size and consequently a decrease in organ size and possibly function
an increase in cellular size and consequently an increase in the size of the affected organ, function can be compensatory or pathologic
an increase in the number of cells resulting from an increased rate of cellular division
Abnormal changes in the size, shape and organization of mature cells and is often called atypical hyperplasia
Reversible replacement of one mature cell by another sometimes by less differentiated cell type.
The most common cause of hypoxia is ______________.
Other causes of hypoxia include environmental decrease in the amount of _______________, loss of ___________________ (molecule that carries oxygen) through functional problem or blood loss, decrease in __________ blood cell production, disease of ____________________ or ______________________ systems or poisoning of the oxidative enzymes _________________ within the cells.
Resp or CV
During heart ischemia, within 3-5 minutes the ischemic portion of the myocardium ______________ to ______________ secondary to insufficient ATP.
Cease to contract
Hypoxic damage to cells causes acid hydrolases to leak from lysosomes and they digest cytoplasmic & nuclear components – Leakage of intracellular enzymes in peripheral circulation provides diagnostic tool for detecting tissue-specific cellular injury and death though blood samples. With myocardial damage - name the contractile protein ________________
After hypoxic injury, ___________________ injury occurs via a metabolic process resulting in massive amounts of superoxide & hydrogen peroxide (radicals) that cause membrane damage and mitochondrial calcium overload.
10. Oxidative stress – A free radical is an electrically uncharged atom or group of atoms having unpaired electrons. When this unstable molecule creates injurious chemical bond formations, there are 3 particularly important reactions in regards to cell injury. List the 3 reactive species:
1. Lipid Peroxidation
2. Alteration of Proteins
3. Alteration of DNA
Two methods the body uses to inactivate or terminate free radicals are _____________ and ________________.
14. List the 4 major nutritional deficiencies as a consequence of alcohol abuse.
1. Vitamin B6
2. Thiamine
3. Phosphorus
4. Magnesium
15. Thimerosal (ethyl mercury) is a preservative previously used in vaccinations and was removed even though there is no evidence of a causal relationship between thimerosal and deficits in neuropsychologic functioning. Thimerosal was removed from vaccinations in __________ (year) by switching to ________________ dose vials.
Bleeding into the skin or underlying tissue is called a __________________;
A collection of blood in the soft tissue or an enclosed space is called a ________________.
Contusions – In the picture below, the patient was hit by the bumper of a car to the right upper calf. Note the purple coloration at the ankle 3 days after the injury. Discoloration of the skin may be seen in areas not directly injured by the initiating blow because ____________ in deep structures may ____________ _____________ _______________ ____________.
Dissect along fascial planes
Lacerations to the liver, spleen, kidneys, and bowel may occur in cases of blows to the abdomen, often with no ____________ _______________ ___________ to the abdominal wall.
externally visible injury
Vitamin D deficiency affects immunity in the __________________ and ________________ by increasing cytokine regulation and immunoglobulin synthesis
Macrophage and Monocyte
Vitamin D deficiency affects 6 non skeletal tissues: _________________, _____________________, _____________________, ____________________ , _________________, _____________________ and skeletal bone by increasing calcium absorption in the ______________________.
Hypothermia causes cellular injury through free radical reactions and Na+ accumulations. With continued exposure to freezing temperatures, vasodilation produces severe __________________.
When a nurse practitioner freezes off a wart, which do you think is more effective – freezing for 60 seconds or freezing for 30 seconds, allowing thaw time, then freezing for another 30 seconds.
Although the 60 second may expose cold to slightly deeper into the tissue, the freeze/thaw method is more effective at causing cellular damage – so shorter freeze/thaw technique is better.
Hyperthermia related to over dressing infants in winter is associated with _______________ ___________ ____________ (SIDS).
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Denver has a decompression (hyperbaric) chamber at PSL (Presbyterian Saint Luke Hospital). The purpose of using the chamber for a person with painful symptoms of the bends is to _____________________ the gas bubbles in the ________________.
Exposure to radiation has its primary effect in the nucleus on the ________________.
True or False Lipid accumulations in the liver secondary to alcohol consumption can be reversed if all alcohol intake ceases.
Proteinuria in significant quantities indicates ___________________ ______________ and altered cellular function in the _______________ membrane.
Cellular Injury
List 2 types of cellular death: ___________________ and ______________________
Which type of cell death is “programmed cell death?”
Can apoptosis be normal/healthy and pathologic? Yes or no
There are 2 conceptual categories of aging. The first poposes that aging is the result of the acculation of ___________________ ________________ and ______________.
Random Injuries and Events
The second category of aging proposes that aging is the result of a ______________________ _________________ ___________________ ___________________ or built in self-destructive processes
Genetically Controlled Developmental Program
Relatively little “undisputable” knowledge exists on the subject of aging. In the box about emerging focus on biology of aging: Increased peripheral sensitivity to insulin and reduced circulating insulin can be achieved by __________________, ________________________and _______________________.
Calorie Restriction
Daily Exercise
Weight Loss
Other emerging focus in the biology of aging looks at adult stem cells and at chromosome _____________ shortening and lengthening in relation to aging and cancer.
_____________________, the post mortem reduction in body temp to reach room temp typically occurs within _____ hours.
Algor Mortis
24 Hours
Death by _______________may can cause post mortem body temp to continue to rise for a short duration.
The term livor mortis refers to the ___________________ __________________ caused by post mortem blood pooling in dependent areas.
Purple Discoloration
Muscular breakdown of carbohydrate and depletion of ____________, causes muscular stiffening or _____________ __________ and is evident in the smaller muscles by _______hrs after death.
Rigor Mortis
6 Hours