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188 Cards in this Set

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binary digit; can represent numbers, characters in an alphabet etc

Boolean operations

or, and, not, xor (exclusive or)


numerical way to identify memory shell

hexidecimal notation

good way to write bit patterns


circle on disk platter where data is written or read


part of a track


set of tracks at given spot of read or write heads

seek time

time needed to move read or write heads to different track

latency time

average time for wanted data to spin to the heads

transfer rate

rate that data is written or read to or from a device


International Standards Organization


American National Standards Institute


American Standard Code for Information Interchange; Format for text files where each alphabetic, numeric, or special character is represented with a 7-bit binary number with 128 possible characters

flip flop

digital circuit that can hold a single digit which may change depending on the pulse applied

two's completion notation

way to encode whole numbers

floating point notation

way to encode numbers that may have fractions


image compression method that restricts the number of colors allowed


image compression method that blurs the boarders of colors while keeping the same brightness levels


encode text with each symbol shown by 21 bits which can be encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32


device that produces the output of a Boolean operation when given an operation's input values


long string of bits

main memory

large collection of circuits where each can hold a single bit


manageable unit organized in the main memory


string of 8 bits; once cell can hold one of these

high-order end

left end of the bits in a memory cell; the front

low-order end

the right end of the bits in a memory cell; the end

most significant bit/ high-order bit

leftmost bit

least significant bit/ low-order bit

rightmost bit

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

circuitry in computer that controls manipulation of data


main circuit board

arithmetic/ logic unit

contains the CPU's circuitry that performs the operations on data

control unit

contains the CPU's circuitry that coordinates the machine's activities

register unit

contains storage cells for temporary storage of information in the CPU


collection of wires for the purpose of transferring bit patterns

machine language

collection of encoded bit patterns which are used as instructions for the CPU

i/o instruction

handles the transfer of data between the CPU and main memory


part of the machine language instruction which indicates the elementary instruction


part of the machine language instruction which provides more detail to the op-code

instruction register

register in the CPU which holds the instruction being executed

program counter

register in the CPU that holds the address of the next instructions to be executed

machine cycle

three-step process by which the CPU performs its job; Fetch, Decode, Execute

user interface

part of an operating system that communicates with the user


technique that allows multiprocessing on a computer with a single CPU

time sharing

act of more than one user using a computer at the same time


activity of executing a program



virtual memory

extended storage space made by the memory manager

Read-Only Memory (ROM)

memory area whose contents cannot be altered


software associated with booting and fundamental startup tasks that resides in non-volatile memory


user performing more than one activity at the same time

interactive processing

allows the user to communicate with the computer system while the user's application is being performed


situation where all activities are waiting on eachother

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

communicating with a user by way of images, not words

boot loader

programs executed first when computer is turned on

directory path

sequence of folders each containing the next


heart of an OS


signal that suspends the CPU's current activities

privilege levels

way to restrict the capabilities of different processes

application software

specific apps on a machine used for a certain job

system software

provides the base for application software; performs tasks common to all computer systems in general

difference between application and system software

former is used for a specific job, latter is common to all computer systems and provides a base for the former


network of networks


Internet Service Provider

tier-1 ISP

provides the communication backbone of the internet

access ISP

provides access to the internet


name registered with ICANN for ID purposes; International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers


governing set of rules


part of internet that isn't in your domain

IP address

identifies a machine on the internet


Hyper Text Markup Language; notational system for showing how a webpage is to be displayed


way to block unwanted messages


message segment sent independently over the internet


eXtensible Markup Language


File Transfer Protocol


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol


way to connect networks to make an internet

dotted decimal

notational system for representing bit patterns


Uniform Resource Locator; way to identify a webpage on the web

search engine

way to find relevant info on the web


way to implement a network with the bus topology


Voice over Internet Protocol


step by step instructions


informal way to show algorithms

assignment statement

way to save the result of a computation for future use

if-else statement

way to produce different actions depending on a condition

stepwise refinement

divide and conquer approach to problem solving

loop invariant

statement that is true each time a specific point in a repetitive process is reached


program segment isolated as a unit


applying a program segment within itself

pretest loop

looks before doing something

proof of correctness

formal means of verifying software

sequential search

search for a particular value in a list by checking every one of its elements, one at a time and in sequence, until the desired one is found; less efficient than the binary method


basic building block

assembly language

step up from the machine language

programming paradigm

program development methodology

structured programming

methodology that applies well-designed control structures to produce well-organized software


rules defining the syntax of a programming language

parse tree

IKEA representation of the grammatical structure of a string


program that translates other items into machine language


program that executes programs written in a high-level language without needing to translate to machine language

high-level language

notational system for representing algorithms in human compatible terms rather than in the details of machinery


meanings as opposed to appearance


appearance as opposed to meaning

operator precedence

order of operations for computers

data structure

conceptual organization of info


way to give info to a function

data type

covers both an encoding system and a collection of operations

syntax diagrams

way of representing a grammar

source program

program expressed in a high-level language

natural languages

evolved over time without formal grammatical analysis; English, German etc

formal languages

precisely defined by grammars; programming languages

difference between natural and formal languages

former is evolved over time without formal grammatical analysis while the later is precisely defined by grammars

imperative/ procedural paradigm

traditional approach to the programming process

declarative paradigm

asks programmer to describe the problem to be solved rather than an algorithm to be followed

functional paradigm

viewing a program as an entity that accepts inputs and creates outputs

object-oriented programming (OOP)

viewing a softer system as a collection of units called objects which are capable of performing the actions that are immediately related to itself as well as requesting actions of other objects


collection of functions covered by objects


description of an objects properties


object that is based on a particular class

formal parameter

terms used within the function

actual parameters

precise meanings assigned to formal parameters when the function is applied

difference between formal and actual parameters

former is the terms used in the function and the latter is the actual meanings given to the formal parameters when the function is applied


means of quantifying

software life cycle

develop, use, modify


"how" the system will be built

requirements analysis

"what" the system is to do


software development phase that involves writing programs

beta testing

turn people into lab rats


points to address where entity is stored


separation of internal implementation from external functionality


general sequential storage structure






"rectangular" block of data whose entries are of the same type


storage structure that may have siblings


"type" whose instances are objects


entity conforming to a type

linked structure

data storage system where items are connected via pointers


"head" of a stack


top node of a tree

null pointer

indicates the end

database model

conceptual organization of data within databases


"road map" of a particular database's design

DataBase Management System (DBMS)

performs operations requested by application software

hash file

storage structure that provides efficient access to randomly chosen items


big problem when manipulating hash files

sequential file

storage structure that associates a specific order with its contents


means of locating a particular record within a file

key field

item used to identify records uniquely

flat file

1D storage system


description of part of a database pertinent to a particular user's needs

distributed database

database scattered through many machines in a network

data independence

ability to change the database without changing the application software

end of file (EOF)

end of a sequential file


special record at eof used to identify the eof

indexed file

way to identify location of the desired logical record quickly by using its index


data storage space that has been divided


technique that allows a record to be located by identifying the location of the record directly from the key

hash function

conversion of key values to bucket numbers

hash table

hashing when applied to a storage structure within main memory

load factor

# of records : total record capacity while <50%

data warehouse

static data collections where data mining is practiced which doesn't require updates

class description

identifying properties that characterize a given group of data items

class distrimination

identifying properties that divide two groups

cluster analysis

form of data mining used to discover classes

association analysis

form of data mining which looks for links between data groups

outlier analysis

form of data mining used to identify data entries that do not comply with the norm

sequential pattern analysis

form of data mining that identifies patterns of behavior over time

data cubes

data viewed from multiple perspectives

image window

region of th eprojection plane containing the image

frame buffer

contains a bitmap of the image

polygonal mesh

represents an object's shape


responsive entity

Turing test

means of measuring a machine's ability to perform like a human

image analysis

task of understanding an image

breadth first

search algorithm that processes all the nodes in a layer, one at a time at ever increasing depths

template matching

to identify by comparing to predefined patterns

production system

"universal" approach to the construction of reasoning systems

semantic analysis

task of language processing that identifies the meaning of words


tool for simulating intuition

breadth first search

result of considering all options equally important

image processing

task of identifying characteristics found within an image

state graph

"picture" of all states and productions

computable function

relationship between imput and output values that can be determined algorithmically

Turing machine

an elementary, yet universal computing device

Church-Turing thesis

conjecture that the Turing-computable functions are the same as the computable functions


solvable by a turing machine