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62 Cards in this Set

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Corresponding objects

Corresponding objects are those that appear in the same place in two similar figures.

Congruency statement:


*order matters, write the statement so that corresponding angles are in the same position (for each statement)*

Corresponding sides

Ex: when ABC is congruent to DEF, then the corresponding sides are:

side AC = side DF

side AB = side DE

side BC = side EF

*you can use the congruency statement ( ABC = DEF) to find this answer- this is why order matters*

*you can also use a diagram*

Corresponding angles

Example: ABC = DEF

angle A = angle D

angle B = angle E

angle C = angle F

*you can use the congruency statement ( ABC = DEF) to find this answer- this is why order matters*

*you can also use a diagram*

Congruent figures

Figures are congruent if they have exactly the same size and shape. Their corresponding sides and their corresponding angles must be congruent.

Third angles theorem

If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the third angles are congruent.

Example: 123 = 456

If angle 1 and angle 4 are congruent, angle 2 and angle 5 are congruent, then angle 3 and angle 6 must be congruent.

How to use the congruency statement to find an angle measure


You know the measure of angle A is 70 degrees.

Angle D must also be a 70 degree angle, because they are congruent angles.

How to use a congruency statement to solve for x


You are given two diagrams. From the first diagram, you learn that angle A measures 60 degrees. Angle D is labeled 3x.

Because angle A = angle D, you know that 60 = 3x.

60/ 3 = 20. X = 20

Transformations (four types)




Dilation (Similar figures)


A translation is the same as sliding an object (up, down, left, right- on a coordinate plane). The shape that is translated is still exactly the same shape and size, but is in a different place on the coordinate plane.

Translation equation

Example: Translate the point (1,3) two units right, and one unit down.

A (1,3)

Two units right = +2 (x- coordinate)

One unit down = -1 (y- coordinate)

A’ (x+2, y-1)

A’ (1+2, 3-1) A’ (3, 2)


A reflection is basically a flip of a shape over the line of reflection. The image is congruent to the original shape.

Reflection equation

Reflection over the x- axis: (x, y) ➡️ (x, -y)

Reflection over the y- axis: (x,y) ➡️ (-x, y)

Example: Reflect the point (1,2) over the x- axis.

(x, y) ➡️ (x, -y)

A (1,2) ➡️ (1, -2)


A rotation turns a figure 90 degrees or 180 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise. The orientation of the figure is different, but it is still congruent to the original figure.

Rules for rotating about the origin

90 degrees clockwise: (y, -x)

90 degrees counterclockwise: (-y, x)

Rotated 180 degrees: (-x, -y)

A 270 degree clockwise rotation is the same as a 90 degree counterclockwise rotation. A 270 degree counterclockwise rotation is the same as a clockwise 90 degree rotation.

Example: Rotate points A(1,2), B(5,2), C(6,6), and D(2,6) 90 degrees counterclockwise. (-y,x)

A(1,2) ➡️ A’(-2,1)

B(5,2) ➡️ B’(-2, 5)

C(6,6) ➡️ C’(-6,6)

D(2,6) ➡️ D’(-6,2)

Similar figures

Similar figures are the same shape, but are a different size. Corresponding sides are PROPORTIONAL, which corresponding angles are CONGRUENT.

Vertical Angles

* Opposite sides of two intersecting lines

* Congruent

* Look for an “X” shape

Linear Pair Angles

* Adjacent angles that form a line

* Supplementary (add up to 180 degrees)

Interior angles of polygons

The angles inside a polygon

Exterior angles of polygons

The angles outside a polygon

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle

180 degrees

Remote Interior Angles

The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two nonadjacent (interior) angles of the triangle.

Similar figure equation

There are two ways to solve this problem: Is triangle ABC congruent to triangle DEF?

Side AB of triangle ABC is 6 feet, while side DE of triangle DEF is 3 feet. Side AC is 10 feet, and side DF is 5 feet.

Way 1:

Is this true? AB/AC = DE/DF

Is this true? 6/10 = 3/5 (reduce) 3/5 = 3/5

Triangle ABC ~ triangle DEF

Way 2:

*cross product

AB/DE = AC/ DF ➡️ 6/3 = 10/5

6•5= 30 and 3•10= 30 30=30☑️

Triangle ABC ~ triangle DEF

Rotation about a specific point


Example: Rotate triangle ABC 90 degrees clockwise (y, -x) about point C.

A(5,6) ➡️

B(8,1) ➡️

C(2,2) ➡️ C’(2,2)

*the point that you’re rotating about stays the same*

How to solve for x using similar figures

Example: triangle ABC ~ triangle DEF

Side AB= 6 feet Side AC= 10 feet

Side DE= x Side DF= 5 feet

(Write a proportion)


6/10 = x/5

10/2 = 5 So 6/2= x

X = 3


A dilation changes the size of the image, but the image is the same shape. To make an image larger or smaller, multiply by the scale factor. Dilated figures are similar figures (not congruent).

Dilation equation

Multiple each coordinate by the scale factor (k) to get the coordinates of the dilated image.

(x,y) ➡️ (kx, ky)

If k is greater than one, the image gets larger. *enlargement*

If k is greater than zero, but less than one, the image gets smaller. *reduction*

Corresponding Angles

* Same position

* Congruent

Alternate Interior Angles

* Opposite sides of the transversal

* Inside the parallel lines

* Congruent

* Look for a “Z”

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle

180 degrees

Remote Interior Angles

The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two nonadjacent (interior) angles of the triangle.


A closed figure made up of three or more line segments that intersect only at their endpoints.

Regular polygon

A polygon in which ALL sides are congruent and ALL interior angles are congruent.

Equation: Interior Angle Measures of a Polygon

The sum S of the interior angle measures of a polygon with n sides is:

S = (n-2) • 180

Exterior Angle Measures of a Polygon (Sum)

The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a convex polygon is 360 degrees.

Solving Multi- Step Equations

1) Distribute to clear grouping symbols

2) Combine like terms (on the same side of the equation)

3) Undo addition/ subtraction

4) Undo multiplication/ division


Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides

1. Combine like terms

2. Get all variables on one side (pick on the little guy)

3. Get all constants together on the other side

4. Do inverse operations to get variable alone (division/multiplication)

One solution

Only one variable works


4x = 2x + 6

-2x -2x

2x = 6

6/2 = 3

x = 3

No solution

No value works


x + 3 = x + 5

-x -x

3 = 5

This statement is not true, so there is no solution.

Infinite Solutions

There are many solutions.


x + 4 = x + 4

-x -x

4 = 4

This statement is true, so there is an infinite number of solutions.

Absolute Value

The distance a number is from zero on a number line

Looks like: |x|

Solving Absolute Value Equations

Absolute value equations can be solved just like normal equations, but they have two cases (positive and negative), where there may be one, two, or no possible answers.

1) Isolate the absolute value (simplify)

|x + 3|-1 = 5 ➡️ |x + 3| = 6

2) Solve the equation using the positive case

|x+3|= 6

x = 3

3) Solve the equation using the negative case. X

|x+3|= -6

X = -9

Rewriting Equations and Formulas

Use the inverse operations of an equation to simplify the equation. Then, solve for whatever variable the directions tell you to solve for using this same method (inverse operations).

(Addition ➡️ Subtraction)

(Multiplication ➡️ Division)

Linear equations

An equation whose graph is a straight line. The points that make up the line are solution points.

Steps for graphing with a table

1) Solve for y

2) choose three x- values (-1, 0, and 1 are usually good to pick)

3) Plug in each x- value to find it’s corresponding y- value

4) Plot the ordered pair on the graph and draw the line


H: horizontal

O: zero

Y: y- intercept


V: Vertical

U: Undefined

X: x- intercept


Slope: zero


Slope: Undefined

“If the zero is under, the slope undefined.”

Parallel lines

* Parallel lines have the same slope

* All vertical lines are parallel (VUX)

* All horizontal lines are parallel (HOY)

* To determine if a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, check to see if the opposite sides have the same slope

Perpendicular lines

* Perpendicular lines always have slopes that (when multiplied) have a product of -1

* Slopes are opposite reciprocals of each other (flip one of them and change the sign)

* Vertical lines (VUX) are always perpendicular to horizontal lines (HOY)

* To determine if a quadrilateral is a rectangle, check to see if the slopes of adjacent sides have a product of -1

Slope- intercept form

y = mx + b

Slope: change in y/ change in x

B: y- intercept

~ this is your starting point (begin with the “b”) It’s where the line crosses the y- axis


1) Solve the equation for y if necessary

2) Identify the slope (m) and the y- intercept (b)

3) Plot the y- intercept (0,b); always on the y- axis

4) From (0,b) rise and run with the slope to find a few more points on the line

5) Connect the points to draw the solution line. (Don’t forget the arrows)

Graphing linear equations in Standard Form (Method 1)

Ax+ By = C

Convert to Slope- Intercept Form

1) Solve for y

2) Identify the slope (m) and y- intercept (b)

Graphing equations in Standard Form (Method 2)

Find x and y intercepts

1) Find the x- intercept

~ make the y= zero in the equation and solve for x

2) Find the y- intercept

~ make the x= zero in the equation and solve for y

3) Graph the intercepts and solve the line

Graphing Equations in Standard Form


Ax + By = C

M (slope)= -A/B

Y- intercept= C/B

X- intercept= C/A

I can write equations in Slope- Intercept Form When given a graph.

1) Find the slope of the line (m)

2) Identify the y- intercept (b)

3) Plug them into y= mx + b to write the equation for the graph

I can write equations in Slope- Intercept Form when given a point and slope.

1) Identify and label an x- value, y- value, and a slope (m).

2) Plug these values into y= mx + b

~ b should be the only variable left in the equation

3) Solve for b

4) Once you find b, go back and plug in the m and b values to write the equation for the graph

I can’t write equations in Slope- Intercept Form when given two points.

1) Find the slope (change in y over change in x)

2) Choose ONE of the given ordered pairs

3) Identify and label values for x, y, and m

~ b should be the only variable left in the equation

4) Solve for b

5) Go back and plug in the m and b values into y= mx + b to write the equation for the graph

I can write equations in Point- Slope when given the slope and a point.

1) Identify x1, y1, and slope (m)

2) Substitute these values into the point- slope equation:

Y- y1= m(x- x1)

3) Simplify

I can write Point- Slope Form equations when given two points

1) Find the slope

2) Choose one point. Identify values to substitute for (x1, y1)

3) Plug in the values for m, y1, and x1 into the point- slope equation:

y- y1= m(x- x1)

4) Simplify

The slope of a line

The slope of a line measures the line’s “steepness”.

The change in y over the change in x

Writing equations of parallel lines

Parallel lines have slopes that are the same

1) Identify (slopes) m1 and m2

2) Use Point- slope formula (plug in values)

3) Simplify

4) Graph

5) Check work

Writing equations of perpendicular lines

Perpendicular lines have slopes that are opposite reciprocals

1) Identify (slopes) m1 and m2

2) Use Point- slope formula (plug in values)

3) Simplify

4) Graph

5) Check work