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29 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of the lexical-semantic treatment?
to strengthen lexical-senantic and orthographic representations for specific words
What is the goal of the lexical-semantic treatment?
1) to retrain single word written vocabulary for use in connumicative interactions; 2) to establish written "key words" for use in later stages of treatment
What is the approach of the lexical-semantic treatment?
train 24 functional written words using CART (Copy And Recall Treatment) in 4 groups if 6 words
Who is a candidate for the treatment sequence? (Lexical-Semantic tx, then Phonological tx, then Interactive tx, then Lexical Retrieval tx)
Broca's Aphasia, Global Alexia, Global Agraphia
What is the protocol in CART?
listen, repeat word, copy written word
Under what conditions would we start with Lexical Spelling tx?
Spelling fewer than 30% of words correctly, lexical-semantic & phonological impairment, Global or Deep Agraphia
Under what conditions would we use Phonological tx?
between 30-90% of real words spelled correctly, +lexicality effect, predominantly phonological impairment, Phonological Agraphia
Under what conditions would we use Interactive Tx?
between 30-90% of real words spelled correctly, +lexicality effect, predominantly phonological impairment, Phonological Agraphia
Under what conditions would we use Text Reading tx?
Spelling preserved, letter-by-letter reading, Alexia without agraphia
What is the advantage of using the interactive spelling treatment for surface Alexia/Agraphia?
to take advantage of residual orthographid and phonological information in an interactive manner, interactive spelling tx should benefit both spelling and reading
What is the purpose of Interactive Spelling Treatment?
to strengthen the interactive use of orthography and phonology
What is the goal of Interactive Spelling tx?
to improve spelling acccuracy by increasing self-detection and correction of errors
What is the approach of the Interactive Spelling Treatment?
Use residual or re-trained phonology to sound-out plausible spellings, identify and correct errors, use of electronic spell-checkers for correction
What is the protocol in the Interactive Spelling Tx?
1) Listen to the word; 2) Repeat it; 3) Try to spell it; 4) Look at it carefully. Is this spelling as close as you can get? If not, try again; 5) When you get as close as you can, enter it into the spell checker; 6) Look through the list and choose the correct spelling; 7) Remember to press "say" to double check; 8) Copy the correct spelling; 9) Circle the words that you get by using the spell checker.
What is pure Alexia?
Pure Alexia refers to isolated impairment of reading. A disconnection of visual input to cortical regions involved in orthographic processing.
What kind of reading does Pure Alexia often result in?
letter-by-letter readng
What is a characteristic effect of Pure Alexia?
word-length effect (shorter words are read more accurately and faster than long words
Why would we say that Pure Alexia is not always so pure?
May: see surface errors in reading (regularity effect, phonologically plausible errors); be letter identification errors; also demonstrate surface agraphia profile (reliance on phonology for spelling)
How might we assess letter-by-letter reading through reading?
single word level (word length effects, recognition of oral spelling); text level passages (measures of reading rate in words per minute, error rate per 100 words, comprehension questions)
How might we assess letter-by-letter reading through visual orthography?
letter identification; visual lexical decision tasks
What is MOR (Multiple Oral Re-reading) treatment protocol (in brief)?
read and reread text aloud to increase reading rate for practiced text
What is MOR (Multiple Oral Re-reading) treatment meant to achieve?
increased reading rate for new text, improved access to orthography so that reliance on letter-by-letter reading decreases and whole-word recognition improves
Why treat at text-level rather than single words?
Word recognitoin is assisted by: syntactic constraints of sentences, semantic content, memory from repeated reading. Text reading is the ultimate goal.
What is the purpose of MOR?
Use semantic and syntactic context to facilitate whol-word recognition
What is the goal of MOR?
increase reading rate and accuracy for novel text
What is the approach of MOR?
repeated oral reading of the same texts, daily homework
What are attributes of candidates for MOR?
word length effect for single words, slow reading rate for text, relatively preserved visual perception of orthography (single word reading accuracy, letter identification)
What is a way we can consider aphasia rehabilitation as?
as a sequence of treatments that can build upon one another