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38 Cards in this Set

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Who was a pioneer in the development of event driven AIS?
What are the 2 basic levels AIS systems can be divided into?
View driven systems
Event driven systems
What are view driven information systems?
View driven systems are traditional accounting systems. They deal with the general purpose of financial statements.
What are the 5 key problems with view driven accounting information systems?
1. They focus on a very small, well-defined group of important business events--those that are recordable in the AIS with debits and credits.
2. They often process data in batches, frequently at the end of the month. Thus the data in a view driven system is often outdated.
3. For the transactions that are captured, a very limited set of data is captured--dates, accounts, amounts. Other transaction details such as product characteristics, are ommitted.
4. Data in a view driven system are highly aggregated and stored in multiple places.
5. In a view driven system the internal control process is often protective and expensive. Controls such as separation of duties are focused on preventing collusion in an effort to safegurad assets.
While the info in event driven systems is useful in the production of financial statements questions such as _________ go unanswered.
Was the merchandise delivered on time?
Was the quality acceptable to the customer?
Has this customer ordered similar merchandise before? How close is the customer to reaching their credit limit?
What do view driven systems do?
They capture, organize, and summarize data by business function
What do event driven systems do?
Event driven systems focus on business processes which is more comprehensive.
Definition of event driven system
The event driven approach assumes that the purpose of accounting and other info systems is to provide information about economic events that is useful in a variety of decision contexts. Events proponents say "Let's collect ray business data that can be sed by a variety of information customers, each with its own sets of values and weights to assign to the data". It is the events view that provides an avenue to the next generation of business information systems.
What do event systems caputre?
1. Capture more data about individual transactions.
2. Organize the data so that they can be accessed and understood by people from a variety of organizational functions.
3. Are equipped to answer questions like those posed above regarding the inventory transaction.
What does real modeling do?
A documentation technique that facilitates the design and implementation of event driven accounting systems
REAL stands for
Operating events
Focus on activities involved with providing goods and services to customers. Examples include purchasing and selling inventory, selling, paying employees, ad converting raw material into finished goods.
Information events
Deal with recording and maintaining data, as well as reporting information. Think of information events as preparing financial statements or updating account records.
Decision/management events
Are concerned with human decision making. They can range from simple things such as which software and hardware to buy, to complex decisions such as changing compensation packages.
REAL models do what?
Capture data on strategically significant operating events. They do not incoroporate information events or decision/management events. Once the events have been identified the rest of the details (resources, agents, locations) can be filled in around them.
Agents are the people involved in the information system. Internal agents include employees in all departments; external agents refor to customers, vendors, and other stakeholders "outside" the business.
The things the agents need to complete the events; cash, inventory, equipment, supplies, and other assets.
not strictly required in every REAL model However, if an event occurs at a particular geographic location, it should be noted in the REAL model. For example, if a company maintains an operating bank account in one bank and a payroll account in another bank, the event "cash disbursement" would require a location.
What are the 3 types of events?
Operating events
Information events
Decision/management events
How are REAL models organized?
Events appear in the middle
Resources are on the left
Agents are on the right
Locations are included wherever they fit most logically.
6 steps to develop REAL models
1. Understand the organization's environment and objectives.
2. REview the business process and identify the strategically significant operating events.
3. Analyze each strategically significant operating event to identify the event resources, agents, and locations.
4. Identify the relevant behaviors, characteristics, and attributes of the REAL model elements.
5. Identify and document the direct relationships among elements of the REAL model.
6. Validate the REAL model with businesspeople.
1. understand the organization's environment and objectives
Accounting professionals need to have a thorough grasp of what the organizaton does. You'll have to observe the operations, read manuals and argicles from the literature, and talk with managers and workers before developing a REAL model.
2. Review the business process and identify the stragetically significant events.
REAL modeling focuses on business process==the everyday activities employees undertake to create value for their customers and their stakeholders. The focus in REAL modeling is on the strategically significant operating event. AS I write this chapter I sit in the airport and wait for my flight home. The strategially significant events associated with the flight process would be checking baggage, checking in passangers, and boarding the airplane. Identifying these events is both subjective because 2 different designers might come up with slightly different sets of events/process names, and iterative because you'll normally need several tries to capture all the events.
3. Analyze each strategically significant operating events.
For example, checking in passengers would include 2 agents (passanger and ariline employee) and 2 resources (a computer and a boarding pass). The location would be the city.
4. Identify the relevant behaviors, characteristics, and attributes of the REAL model elements.
This step helps design database tables. For example, what data would you want/need to capture about an airline employee for your database? First name, last name, SSN, phone number, address, job positon, emergency contact info. For the passanger they'd have a database containing: passenger's name, seat assignment, departure and destination cities, gate assignment, and departure time.
5. Identify and document direct relationships among various elemtents of the REAL model.
The lines show which elements are related to one another, the symbols are called cardinalities. Cardinalities help systems designers and audiros understand how a relational database should be condstructed.
6. Validate the REAL model with businesspeople.
Once the REAL model is constructed, it sould be discussed with ppl form the organization. Discussing it should help the accounting professional develop a deeper understanding of the organization and its business processes. This will often result in changes of the REAL model.
Tell an accounting professional about the relationships between elements of a REAL model.
Ask yourself 4 questions when establishing cardinalities for a REAL model:
1. For each x, what is the minimum number of y involved?
2. For each x what is the maximum number of y involved?
3. For each y what is the minimum number of x involved?
4. For each y what is the maximum number of x involved?
What should the database tables look like when they are finished in a REAL model?
They should be in third normal form. They should contain neither repeating groups (1NF) nor redundant data (2NF). In addition, every field in the table should provide additional information about its primary key (3NF).
Rules of noramlization
1. Focus each database on a single "thing", such as customer data or inventory data. Each table must have a primary key that identifies the record.
2. Eliminate redundant data in each table. If a table has a compound primary key, each data element in the table must depend on both parts of the primary key. If a data element depends on only one part it should go into another table.
3. Ensure that all fields in a database contain data that describe the table's primary key. If a field is not dependent on a primary key, it should be removed.
Rules of creating database tables from a REAL model:
1. When the maximum cardinalities between 2 elements of a REAL model are one and many, include the primary key from the "one side" in the table on the "many side".
2. When the maximum cardinalities between 2 elements of a REAL model are many and many, create a separate junction table to reflect the combined relationship.
Junction table
Don't normally contain more than a few fields. Many of them will simply comprise the primary keys from other tables.
In creating a database...
You would enforce referential integrity between the tables. Enforcing referential integrity tells the database to update the junction table whenever the separate tables are updated. Junction tables are necessary to make databases more efficient.
How do we know how many tables are required for the REAL model?
In general, you're going to need at least one table for each "box" in the REAL model.
How are primary keys signified in the database?
Primary keys are signified by an underline.
What happens when the maximum cardinalities between 2 elements of a REAL model are 1 and many?
Include the primary key from the "one side" in the table on the "many side".
When the maximum cardinalities between 2 elements of a REAL model are many and many
create a separate junction table to reflect the combined relationship.