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32 Cards in this Set

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How does ELISA work in infants? How can you detect AIDS in infants
IT DOESN'T because you will detect maternal Ab.

PCR to detect nucleic acids
Can you get AIDS from swallowing semen
Prevent AIDS
condoms, don't share needles, DON'T recap needles, treat HIV pregnant mom during pregnanacy and after child birth, circumcision
AIDS and sex
sex-->microtears-->AIDS taken up through tear or dendritic cell periscope-->infect CD4 cells using gp120 and gp41
How can dendritic cells lead to AIDS?
dendritic cells take up virus and carry to lymph node to expose CD4 cells
Primary HIV symptoms. When do they show?
flulike: fever, lymphadenopathy, sore throat, pharyngitis, rash, mucocutaneous ulcers, myalgias, GI symptoms
2-4 weeks after exposure; last 2 weeks
viral load high and very contagious
What happens after primary HIV?
Immune system ramps up and neutralizes it for long period
cytotoxic CD8 cells kill infected CD4 T cells rapidly
after 6 weeks HIV Ab start showing up
How can HIV escape Immune
Huge diversity of gp120 cells that easily mutate

gp120 hides gp41 until it binds cell initially

subtypes are geographically dispersed
Why can't we use Ab against gp41
until gp120 binds CD4 it shields gp41 and gp41 only exposed short time until it binds CCR5
How does HIV hide?
viral cDNA from reverse transcriptase integrates into T cell host DNA
what causes HIV to reactivate?
T cell activation-->transcription of integrated virus genes-->RNA transcripts cleaved allowing translation of early genes(tat and rev)-->late proteins produced(gag, pol, env)
What do early HIV genes tat and rev do?
tat=amplifies transcription of viral RNA

rev=increased transport of viral RNA to cytoplasm
What are the late proteins?
Gag, Pol, Env
Why can't we make vaccine to HIV
forms latent proviral DNA, HIV highly variable, gp120 and gp41 highly camouflaged by glycosylation
HIV Progression
Acute retroviral syndrome, seroconversion(Ab's formed), Latent phase, AIDS

eventually virus overpowers immune system
HIV and folicular dendritic cells
hides in lymph nodes and binds follicular DC for long time to hide out
Why does T cell count drop?
direct viral killing, infected cells susceptible to apoptosis, CD8 cytoxic T cells kill them, eventually can't make more CD4 T cells(immune exhaustion), fibrosis and loss of lymph architecture
What paraasites kill AIDS patients?
Toxoplasma, crytosporidium, Leishmania, Microsporidium
What intracellular bacteria kill AIDS patients
TB, Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, salmonella
What fungi kill AIDS patients
pneumocystis carinii, cryptococcus neoformans, candida, histoplasma capsulatum, coccidioides immitus
What viruses kill AIDS patients?
herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster
What is the magic number when a patient needs antiretrovirals
<200 T cell count
AIDS associated cancers
Kaposi's Sarcoma(HHV8)
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma(EBV, Burkitt's Lymphoma, Primary Lymphoma of brain
How does AIDS cause cancer?
disregulates immune so uncontrolled cell proliferation, oncogenic viruses no longer stopped, cancer unchecked by immune system
Common AIDS presentations
Thrush, weight loss, Kaposi's Sarcoma skin leasions, Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia, fever
Lab test for AIDS
CD4 cell count
Late stage clues
total lymphos <1000
How long do you have to take retrovirals to clear HIV
YOU NEVER CLEAR HIV and HIV can become resistant to drugs so then have to change to different drugs
3 or more drugs from 2 different classes at a time works best
Main goals of antiretroviral treatment?
decrease viral load and increase CD4 count by 100/uL per year
3 factors that predict outcome of AIDS patient
CD4 cell count, patient adherence, provider experience
What is HIV commonly comorbid with in Africa
How effective are drugs?
remeber the picture of the African man in a span of a few months drastic improvement.