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15 Cards in this Set

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US social and political figure; leader of American Revolution; leader of Sons of Liberty
Samuel Adams
Spanish army captain who explored South America's west coast; he found the Inca Empire in Peru; eventually took over the Incas
Francisco Pizzaro
Spanish conquistador that battled the Aztecs and took it over in 1521
Hernan Cortes
Spanish explorers
Trade between the Americas, Europe, and Africa (exchange of products from the Old World to New World)
Columbian Exchange
Originally from Italy, but was a representative of Spain because Italy would not pay for his voyage; was NOT 1st European to explore the New World, but was the most influential
Christopher Columbus
a change to the Constitution
someone's loyalty or devotion to his or her country
a protest against the Catholic Church led by Martin Luther; eventually a new religion started called Protestantism
German monk that started the Protestant Reformation with his attack on the Catholic Church; ideas spread rapidly through Western Europe even though he was expelled from the church
Martin Luther
an active effort to improve employment or educational opportunities for minorities
affirmative action
act of calling public attention to a service
a person who supported the immediate ending of slavery
a period in Europe from from 1350 to 1600 during which a rebirth of the culture of the ancient Greek and Romans; emphasis in art and literature
a series of religion wars among the Christians, Muslims, and Jews over the city of Jerusalem (Holy Land)