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61 Cards in this Set

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Muscles of Facial Expression
-Part of the panniculus carnosus muscle layer
-Common embryological origin; 2nd Pharyngeal Arch
-Common innervation; Facial Nerve (VII)
-Have one attachment to bone and one to skin
Functions of Muscles of Facial Expression
-Organised around orifices of face as sphincters/dilators
-Speech (opening mouth and raising eyebrows)
Importance of Buccinator
-Keeps cheeks taut during mastication
-Anterior attachment important in denture fitting
-Pterygomandibular Raphé landmark for IAN block
Attachments of Buccinator
-From 1st maxillary molar to palatine bone and lateral pterygoid plate
-Short ligaments from palatine bone to tip of hamulus
-Pterygomandibular Raphé from tip of hamulus to retromolar fossa
-Retromolar fossa, along oblique line then alveolar process to 1st mandibular molar
Roles of Lip Muscle in Speech; Longitudinal
Lengthens vocal tract via:
-Lip protrusion
-Labiodentalization (sound articulated by lower lip and upper teeth)
Roles of Lip Muscles in Speech; Latitudinal
Widen lips via:
-Horizontal or vertical expansion
-Horizontal or vertical constriction
Facial Nerve (VII)
-Emerges from stylomastoid foramen
-Enters parotid gland
-Provides motor innervation to facial muscles
-Branch to posterior digastric & stylohyoid
SCALP (S outermost layer//P Innermost layer)
-Skin with hair follicles
-Connective tissue with blood vessels
-Aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis (layers of flat tendons that join muscles to the bones)
-Loose sub-aponeurotic connective tissue (fatty tissue)
-Pericranium (layer of connective tissue surrounding the cranium)
Venous Sinuses
-Present in skulls
-Veins in scalp communicate through foramina in skull with venous channels
-No veins as no muscles in walls
Sensory Innervation of the Face
-Trigeminal Nerve (V)
-Has 3 divisions
-Each exit at different foramen
Divisions of Trigeminal Nerve; Ophthalmic (V1)
-Exits through supraorbital foramen
-Supplies eye (cornea, iris, ciliary body, lacrimal gland, conjunctiva)
-Supplies skin of eyelid, eyebrows, forehead and nose
-Supplies part of mucous membrane of nasal cavity
Divisions of Trigeminal Nerve; Maxillary (V2)
-Exits through infraorbital foramen
-Supplies some teeth (maxillary)
-Supplies the skin of the midface
-Supplies the nasal cavity
-Supplies the sinuses
-Supplies the palate
Divisions of Trigeminal Nerve; Mandibular (V3)
-Exits through foramen ovale
-Supplies the muscles of mastication
-Supplies the mandibular teeth
-Supplies the lower lip and chin
-Supplies mylohyoid, anterior digastric, anterior 2/3rd of tongue, inside of cheek (buccal mucosa)
-Supplies skin of temporal region and auricula
Muscles of Mastication
-Muscles that raise the mandible
-Common embryological origin; 1st Pharyngeal Arch
-Innervated by V2
Masseter Muscle
-Arises from zygomatic arch
-Multipennate (central tendon branches into 2 or more tendons)
-Powerful elevator of mandible as sloped fibres perpendicular to molar teeth
-Attach to outer surface of mandible
Temporalis Muscle
-Covered by temporalis fascia
-Attached to temporal fossa from temporal line to temporal crest and to temporal fascia
-Attached inferiorly to coronoid process & anterior ramus down to retromolar fossa
-Muscle elevates and retracts mandible
Parotid Gland
-Largest of salivary gland
-Mainly serous
-Duct opens near 2nd maxillary molar
-Lies between ramus of mandible and sternocleidomastoid
-Enclosed within deep cervical fascia;parotid capsule
5 Branches of Facial Nerve (VII)
The Zante Bad Males Chunder
Branches of Facial Nerve; Temporalis
Innervates the Frontalis
Branches of Facial Nerve; Zygomatic
Innervates muscle of the eye
Branches of Facial Nerve; Buccal
Innervates Buccinator and lower lip
Branches of Facial Nerve; Mandibular
Innervates lower lip
Branches of Facial Nerve; Cervical
Innervates platysma of neck
Blood Supply to Face; Facial Artery
Gives off the following branches:
-Submental artery
-Inferior Labial artery
-Superior Labial artery
-External Nasal artery
-Angular artery
Blood Supply to Face; Transverse Facial Artery
-Branches from the superficial temporal artery
-Runs across face
-Supplies parotid gland, parotid duct & masseter
Blood Supply to Face; External Carotid Artery
-Superior Thyroid Artery
-Ascending Pharyngeal Artery
-Lingual Artery
-Facial Artery
-Occipital Artery
-Posterior Auricular Artery
-Maxilary Artery
-Superficial Temporal Artery
Some Anatomists Like Fenwicks Others Prefer Marks & Spencers
Branches of External Carotid Artery; Superior Thyroid Artery
Supplies the Larynx and Thyroid Gland
Branches of External Carotid Artery; Ascending Pharyngeal Artery
-Supplies the base of the skull
Branches of External Carotid Artery; Lingual Artery
Supplies Oral Floor and Tongue
Branches of External Carotid Artery; Facial Artery
Several branches which supply the face
Branches of External Carotid Artery; Occipital Artery
Several branches which supply sternocleidomastoid, mastoid...
Branches of External Carotid Artery; Posterior Auricular Artery
Supplies the auricle and scalp
Branches of External Carotid Artery; Maxillary Artery
Supplies the deep structures of the face
Branches of External Carotid Artery; Superficial Temporal Artery
Supplies part of the face and scalp
Venous Drainage of Face
-Facial Vein
-Retromandibular vein anterior division
-Internal Jugular Vein
Venous Drainage of Face; Facial Vein
Formed by confluence of:
-Supratrochlear/Frontal vein
-Supraorbital vein
-Angular Vein
-Superior Labial Vein
-Inferior Labial Vein
-Deep Facial Vein
Venous Drainage of Face; Retromandibular Vein Anterior Division
Formed by confluence of:
-Maxillary Vein
-Superficial Temporal Vein

Joins facial vein to form common facial vein
Venous Drainage of Face; Retromandibular Vein Posterior Division
-Travels underneath internal jugular vein
-Joins posterior auricular vein to form external jugular vein
Venous Drainage of Face; Internal Jugular Vein
Drains blood from:
-The brain
-The face (Common facial vein)
-The neck (pharyngeal, superior thyroid, middle thyroid)
Relationships of Parotid Gland; Within
-Facial nerve (stylomastoid fo.)
-External Carotid Artery
-Retromandibular Vein
Relationships of Parotid Gland; Deep
-Postero-medial: Sternocleidomastoid & posterior digastric
-Antero-medial: Mandible, masseter, posterior digastric & stylohyoid
-Intermediate: Styloid apparatus, int. carotid artery, int. jugular vein, IX, X, XI & XII
Relationships of Parotid Gland; Superficial
Muscles of The Eye; Orbicularis Oculi
3 portions:
-Palpebral (the Lower eyelid)
-Orbital (the Upper eyelid)
-Lacrimal (the Middle of eyelid)
Orbicularis Oculi;Palpebral Portion
Involved in light blinking/during sleep
Orbicularis Oculi; Orbital Portion
Involved in heavy blinking at high light intensities
Orbicularis Oculi: Lacrimal Portion
Involved in holding lid against eyeball for even distribution & removal of tears
Muscles of The Nose; Nasalis
2 Main Portions:
-Transverse/Compressor Naris
-Alar/Dilator Naris
Nasalis; Compressor Naris Portion
-Arises from upper portion of canine ridge of maxilla
-Functions to compress the nostrils
Nasalis; Dilator Naris Portion
-Arises from the nasal region of the maxilla inserting into skin of nostril
-Function to flare/dilate the nostril
Muscles of The Nose;Procerus
-Located around the nasal bone/lateral nasal cartilage (just above nose)
-Function to produce wrinkles at bridge of nose
Muscles of The Nose;Levator Labii Superioris (angular head)
-Also functions to flares the nostril
Muscles of The Mouth; Orbicularis Oris
-Present within the upper and lower lips
-Fibres originate from parts of other facial muscles that converge on mouth
Orbicularis Oris Function
-Compress lips against anterior teeth
-Closing the mouth
-Protruding the lips
Muscles of The Mouth; Zygomatic Minor Muscle
-Elevates the portion of the lip it is inserted
-Drags the external angles of the lips with it slightly
Muscles of The Mouth; Zygomatic Major Muscle
-Lifts upward and laterally the corners of the mouth
Muscles of The Mouth; Levator Angular Oris
-Located in canine fossa of maxilla
-Functions in elevating angle of mouth
Muscles of The Mouth; Levator Labii Superioris
-Elevates the upper lip
Muscles of The Mouth; Depressor Angular Oris
-Found on oblique line of mandible
-Depresses the angles of the mouth
Muscles of The Mouth; Depressor Labii Inferioris
-Also found on oblique line of mandible
-Depresses the lower lip
Muscles of The Mouth; Mentalis
-Located at incisive fossa of the mandible
-Protrudes the lower lip
Muscles of The Cheek; Buccinator
-Presses the cheek against the vestibular surfaces of the molar teeth aiding mastication
-Prevents cheeks from expanding when expelling air