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154 Cards in this Set

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Postsynaptic potentials at the NMJ are measured by

attaching 1 measuring electrode to measure voltage connected to amplifier that calculates difference between it and control electrode.

Volt is a measure of
potential difference
Ampere is a measure of
Deactivation of post-synaptic receptors occurs when
agonist is removed.
Desensitization of post-synaptic receptors occurs when
agonist still binding to receptor, but signal goes away.
Deactivation of post-synaptic receptors causes
loss in synaptic transmission.
Capacitance of post-synaptic membranes causes
delay in current change.
Single channel recording can be accomplished using
patch clamp.
The time course of current in single channel patch clamp does not mimic
time course of synaptic current b/c all or none phenomenon.
The maximum size of the synaptic current (change of synaptic potential) at the NMJ is
closest to end plate
Synaptic current signal decreases further away from NMJ because
leakage of current by ion channels like potassium.
Type I synapses are
Type I/excitative synapse characteristics are
large postsynaptic density, thick active zone, wide distance of synaptic cleft.
Type II synapses are
Type II/inhibitory synapse characteristics are
smaller active zone and narrow synaptic cleft.
The two types of glutamate receptors are
ionotropic and metabotropic.
Ionotropic glutamate receptors are activated when
agonist (glutamate) binds.
Metabotropic glutamate receptors are activated when
G-protein signaling occurs.
The types of ionotropic glutamate receptors are
The role of APV is
blocks NMDA receptors.
APV is used to determine
what percent of current was mediated by NMDA or AMPA receptors.
APV determines what percent of current was mediated by NMDA or AMPA receptors by
record current without APV, then with APV. APV(without) – APV(with) = amount of current by NMDA receptors. APV(without) = amount of current by AMPA receptors.
The obligate subunit of glutamate receptor structure required for function is
Glutamate binds to the glutamate receptors are
N-terminal and Loop.
The AMPAR subunits that prevents passage of calcium is
Density of sodium channels in a neuron is highest at
axon hillock.
Temporal summation of synaptic potentials is
when they occur rapidly after each other
Spatial summation of synaptic potentials is
when multiple synapses fire on the same axon simultaneously.
Retrograde/back propagating action potentials activate
NMDA receptors.
The major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors are
The activation type of GABA(A) receptors is
ionotropic and ligand-gated.
The ligand for GABA(A) receptors is
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
The major inhibitory NT of the CNS is
When activated, the GABA(A) receptor conducts
The result of GABA(A) activation is
Action potential generation depends on
excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP) and inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP) summation.
Direct gating of NT is
transmitter is ligand for channel
Indirect gating of NT is
1. transmitter is ligand for GPCR that uses second-messenger cascade to open channel, 2. Transmitter is ligand for Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that uses second-messenger cascade to open channel.
Presynaptic modulation by indirect action causes
increased post-synaptic potential
Postsynaptic modulation by indirect action causes
increased post-synaptic potential
Modulation in cell body by indirection action causes
increased duration of depolarization.
Retrograde transmission is
when synapse causes membrane-permeable modulators in post-synaptic cell to leave the cell and signal at receptors in pre-synaptic cell.
Synaptic plasticity changes
the strength of synaptic transmission
Short-term synaptic plasticity (STSP) lasts on the order of
seconds to minutes
Long-term synaptic plasticity lasts on the order of
hours to years.
Most forms of short-term synaptic plasticity (STSP) are expressed
Most forms of long-term synaptic plasticity are expressed
generally postsynaptically.
A2/A1 is
paired pulse ratio.
For (A2/A1), greater than 1 means
the second pulse is bigger than the first
For (A2/A1), less than 1 means
the second pulse is smaller than the first.
Paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) occurs when
the second excitatory post-synaptic current (EPSC) is bigger than the first
In Paired-pulse facilitation (PPF), the (A2/A1) is
greater than 1 for the second pulse.
In Paired-pulse facilitation (PPF), the closer the AP are to each other
the higher the A2/A1 ratio.
In Paired-pulse facilitation (PPF), the second AP releases _____ NT.
Paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) is most likely caused by
residual calcium.
Paired-pulse depression (PPD) occurs when
the second excitatory post-synaptic current (EPSC) is smaller than the first.
In Paired-pulse depression (PPD), the (A2/A1) is
less than 1 for the second pulse.
In Paired-pulse depression (PPD), the closer the AP are to each other
the lowerr the A2/A1 ratio.
In Paired-pulse depression (PPD), the second AP releases _____ NT.
Paired-pulse depression (PPD) is caused by
buildup of calcium but depletion of NT
A tetanus is
repeated stimulation
In Post-tetanic potentiation (PTP), the synapse is
Post-tetanic potentiation is just like
a longer term paired-pulse facilitation.
In PTP, the A2/A1 is
higher for the second.
Three properties of LTP are
cooperativity, associativity, synapse specificity
For LTP, cooperativity is
when more than 1 fiber in synapses gets activated
For LTP, associativity is
when weak stimulation in one synapse is combined with strong stimulation at a nearby synapse.
For LTP, synapse specific is
when LTP occurs with strong active input in only one synapse.
The three stages of LTP are
induction, expression, maintenance.
______ starts the process of LTP.
The classical pathway of LTP induction is
Calcium Calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII).
When CaMKII is activated, it
autophosphorylates to activate itself and allow phosphorylation of substrates.
The primary mechanism underlying expression of LTP is
increase in the number of AMPA receptors (AMPAR).
The Receptor insertion mechanism of LTP is when
AMPAR present in endosomes then fuse to post-synaptic membrane in response to LTP to increase number.
The receptor-centric capture mechanism of LTP is when
receptors come from perisynaptic membranes (side of synapse) by diffusing in.
The PSD-centric capture mechanism of LTP is when
something happens to scaffolding proteins in membrane to allow them to better capture AMPAR.
A silent synapse is one that
has NMDAR but not AMPAR.
AMPAR regulate
base line synaptic transmission.
______ can convert silent synapses into non-silent synapses
Maintenance of LTP occurs through
structural remodeling and protein synthesis
Structural remodeling for maintenance of LTP includes
Synapses grows or more synapses, dendritic spine grows, presynaptic terminal increases in size, more NT released.
A mechanism of protein synthesis for maintenance of LTP is
synaptic tagging, where the synapse can capture more proteins coming in.
Protein synthesis _______ for maintenance of LTP.
The three stages of long-term depression (LTD) are
induction, expression and maintenance.
________ determines whether LTP or LTD is induced
level of calcium.
_______ calcium levels gives LTP.
________ calcium levels gives LTD.
The primary mechanism underlying expression of LTD is
decrease in the number of AMPAR.
A decrease in the number of AMPAR in LTD expression is caused by
endocytosis of AMPAR, diffusal of AMPAR away from synapse.
The time course of LTD is determined by
AMPAR recycling in endosomes after endocytosis.
Another form of LTP is
Other forms of LTD are
mGluR-dependent LTD and eCB-LTD
In mGluR-dependent LTD, the mechanism is
metabotropic glutamate receptor activated and causes endocytosis of AMPAR
In eCB-LTD, the mechanism is
presynaptic (decreased NT release) caused by post-synaptic signaling.
Elecrophysiology is
detection of electric currents and potentials
Extracellular electrophysiology is
recording electrode outside of cell
Intracellular electrophysiology is
recording electrode inside of cell
Patch-clamp electrophysiology is
recording electrode attached to membrane.
In electrophysiology, the reference electrode is in
bath solution.
In electrophysiology, the amplifier measures
potential difference between recording and reference electrode.
Deflection of synaptic potential close to synapse when measured by extracellular electrode is
negative deflection.
In the hippocampus, the cell bodies all lie in
For neurons, the current sink is
For neurons, the current source is
cell body.
If you stimulate synaptic transmission at the level of the current sink (synapses), and have the extracellular electrode at the synapse it
activates synaptic transmission and causes negative deflection.
If you stimulate synaptic transmission at the level of the current sink (synapses), and have the extracellular electrode at the cell body it
causes positive deflection.
Field potential recordings are
in-vivo extracellular recordings mainly contributed by synaptic currents.
Local field potential (LFP) recording is
Field potential in-vivo extracellular recording where electrode is in brain.
EEG recording is
Field potential in-vivo extracellular recording where electrode is on scalp
ECoG recording is
Field potential in-vivo extracellular recording where electrode is placed on brain surface
In Depth (LFP), all deflections are
synaptic transmission
The size of the synaptic signal is reduced
further away from the synapse.
For field potential recordings, ______ has the highest signal, while _______ has the lowest.
Single-unit in-vivo extracellular recording is
recording of action potentials from individual neurons
Multi-unit in-vivo extracellular recording is
recording of action potentials from multiple neurons with more than 1 electrode.
Voltage clamp allows you to
clamp voltage at a value and measure current.
In 2 electrode voltage clamps, the electrodes are
1. In cell and measures voltage, 2. Outside cell for control.
For voltage clamp, the differential amplifier measures
potential different between electrode in cell and reference electrode.
For voltage clamp, the feedback amplifier measures
Difference in measured voltage to clamped/command voltage and injects or withdraws current to compensate.
For voltage clamp, the feedback amplifier current is
exactly equal in opposite direction to current flowing into cell.
Biological membranes with ion channels behave electrically as
capacitors in parallel with resistors.
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, ion channels act as
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, cell membranes act as
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, the resistor and capacitor are wired parallel because
ion channels are gaps through membrane.
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, the current generator is
resting membrane potential that maintains a charge on either side
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, the current generator is produced by
ion pumps.
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, the switch is
voltage sensor or motif that binds ligand of ion channel
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, the switch is off when
AMPAR closed (current/ions don’t flow).
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, the switch is on when
AMPAR open (current/ions flow).
For the circuit diagram of biological membranes, when the ion channel opens, current flows, but doesn’t normally
go through resistance first.
Outside-out patch clamp is
outside of membrane is outside of clamp.
The patch-clamp electrode is attached to the membrane with
High resistance seal.
Because the resistance of the patch-clamp electrode seal is high,
very little current flows in and out of seal, so measured current comes from channel.
Patch clamp is now used over intracellular electrodes because
less resistance for patch clamp.
For patch clamp, there is low resistance access between
patch pipette and interior of the cell.
The one key difference between voltage clamp and patch clamp circuitry is
patch clamp uses the bath electrode to set the zero current (ground) level.
The electron flow in the electrode of the patch-clamp is generated by
silver/silver chloride reaction taking lace in patch pipette.
The uses of whole-cell patch-clamp are
1. Voltage-clamp recordings, 2. Current-clamp recordings, 3. Measurement of membrane capacitance, 4. Introduction of dyes, drugs, and peptides into the cell, 5. Collection of mRNA for single cell PCR.
Voltage-clamp recordings measure
Current-clamp recordings measure
The types of calcium imaging are
small molecule dyes, FRET-based GECI, single-fluorophore GECI.
Small molecule dye based calcium imaging works by
1. Calcium binds to bioluminescent proteins and it fluoresces, or 2. Calcium chellator binds to calcium and its fluorophore fluoresces.
genetically encoded calcium indicators
GECI works by
Calcium binding modifies fluorescent proteins so they fluoresce
An advantage of GECI is
the proteins can be encoded under specific promoters to expressed in certain cell types.
FRET-Based GECI works by
calcium binds calmodulin causing conformational shift and ECFP and Venus come together to fluoresce
Single-fluorophore GECI works by
calcium binds calmodulin attached to EGFP and causes it to fluoresce.
Optogenetics measures
post-synaptic current.
Optogenetics cannot differentiate
different inputs.
In optogenetics, channelrhodopsin is permeable to
In optogenetics, halorhodopsin is permeable to
In optogenetics, the rhodopsin channels are activated by
light (light-gated)
___ions excited cells.
___ions inhibit cells.
