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67 Cards in this Set

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When is P liable for A's torts?
a- Assent, Benefit, Control + Scope; b- No Vicarious liab for independent K's torts; c- Intentional tort gen outside scope
When is P liable for A's contracts?
When agent had express, implied or apparent authority, or ratification.
Are authorized agents liable for contracts?
No, unless there is an undisclosed P
What is ratification?
Knowledge plus Acceptance of Benefits
What duties do an A owe a P?
care, obedience, and loyalty
What is the remedy for a breach of an A's duty to P?
Actual, unless Loyalty then also disgorge profits
What is a partnership?
an association of 2 or more persons carrying on a business for profit; no formalities required
two part test for P liability?
1- must be a P-A relationship; and 2- tort committed by A w/in scope of that relationship
When is there a P-A relationship?
Assent, Benefit, and Control
they be being called
What is the significant of Benefit in determining an agency relationship?
Agents conduct must be for P's benefit.
What does control mean, when determining an agency relationship?
P must have the right to control the A by having the POWER TO SUPERVISE manor of A's performance
Is P vicariously liable for the actions of a Sub-Agent?
No, unless A,B, C
Is P vicariously liable for actions of a Borrowed Agent?
No, unless A,B,C
what is the key distinction between Agents and Independent Contractors?
No right to control Independent K, bc there is no power to supervise the manor of his performance.
when is the P liable for Independent K torts?
No vicarious liab for indep. K, unless Ultra hazardous activity or Estoppel
State the Ultra Hazardous exception to indep K torts?
if Indep K committs a tort while engaged in ultra hazardous activities then P is liable
State the Estoppel exception to indep K liability for torts
if you hold out Idep K w/ appearance of agency then you are prevented from denying vic liab
Scope of P-A relationship factors
1- conduct of the kind agent hired to perform, 2- did it occur on the job (frolic vs. detour); 3- did agent intent to benefit P
Frolic and Detour
f- new and independent journey = not w/in scope
D- mere departure from assigned task = w/in scope
What is the significant of Benefit in determining an agency relationship?
Agents conduct must be for P's benefit.
What does control mean, when determining an agency relationship?
P must have the right to control the A by having the POWER TO SUPERVISE manor of A's performance
Is P vicariously liable for the actions of a Sub-Agent?
No, unless A,B, C
Is P vicariously liable for actions of a Borrowed Agent?
No, unless A,B,C
what is the key distinction between Agents and Independent Contractors?
No right to control Independent K, bc there is no power to supervise the manor of his performance.
when is the P liable for Independent K torts?
No vicarious liab for indep. K, unless Ultra hazardous activity or Estoppel
State the Ultra Hazardous exception to indep K torts?
if Indep K committs a tort while engaged in ultra hazardous activities then P is liable
State the Estoppel exception to indep K liability for torts
if you hold out Idep K w/ appearance of agency then you are prevented from denying vic liab
Scope of P-A relationship factors
1- conduct of the kind agent hired to perform, 2- did it occur on the job (frolic vs. detour); 3- did agent intent to benefit P
Frolic and Detour
f- new and independent journey = not w/in scope
D- mere departure from assigned task = w/in scope
are P's liable for A's intentional torts?
Generally no (outside scope)
Exceptions to No P liability for A intentional torts
1- authorized by P; 2- natural from nature of employment; OR 3- motivated by a desire to serve P
Test for P liab for A's contracts
P is liable for K entered into by its agent if the P authorizes the agent to enter the K
4 types of authority to bind P in K?
Actual Express, Actual Implied, Apparent, Ratification
Oral express authority
express authority can be oral and private, but it is narrowly contrued, except if K itself must be in writing (land)
how is express authority revoked?
unilateral act of either P or A or death or incapacity of P
durable power of attorney
express authority revoked on death except with durable power of attorney. conspicuous big bold letters of survival.
Actual Implied Authority
authority A RSB believes P has given bc of Necessity, custom, or prior dealings
when is there implied authority to bind due to Necessity
to do all tasks which are necessary to accomlish the expressly authorized task
when is there implied authority to bind due to custom?
to do all tasks which are customarily performed by persons w/ agents title or position
when is there implied authority to bind due to prior dealings?
to do all tasks which A believes to be authorized to do from prior acquiescence by the P
When is there apparent authority?
when the P "cloaked" A with the appearance of authority and 3rd party RSB relies on appearance of authority
When an A has lingering authority...
P can be liable for A contracts
when is A's K ratified?
after K entered into if; P has knowledge of all materail facts regarding K, and P accepts its benefits
what is the exception to ratification?
in ks it cannot alter the terms of the K
Are authorized agents liable for K's of P?
No, except for undisclosed P
Agency principals of PTSHP?
partners are agents of PTSHP for carrying on usual business; PTSHP is bound by torts and contracts of pts.
Are general partners personally liable for debts of partnership?
Are incoming partners liable for pre-existing debts?
generally not but any money paid into partnership can be used to satisfy the debt
Are Dissociating partners liable for subsequent debts?
generally yes until actual notice to creditors OR 90 after filing notice of dissolution w/ state
what is a general partnerhip liability by estoppel
one who represents to 3rd party that gen ptshp exist = liable as if it does
limited partnership
at least 1 general partner adn 1 limited partner, must file limited ptshp certificate including names of all gen parthers
liability of limited partnership's general partner?
general partners are liable for all Limited ptnshp obligations but also have right to manage/control
Liability of limited partners
not liab for limited ptnshp's obligations, and may not control business w/o forfeiting status
Registered Limited Liab prtnshp?
must register w state statement of qualification plus annual reports; no partners are liable
what are duties of general partners
not engage in self dealing, usurp ptnshp opportunities, make secret undisclosed profits
remedies for breach of gen partners duties
recover losses caused by breach AND disgorge profits made by disloyal Pt.
rights of partners to parnership property
only liquid property is share of profits
default rule of management?
absent agreement partners are equally entitled to control
default rule of salary?
no salary for partners
default rule for partner's share of profits?
profits shared equally, and losses shared like profits
when does dissolution occur?
absnet agreement upon notice of express will of 1 gen partner to dissosociate
winding up
period between dissolution and termination (real end)
compensation and liability for winding up rule?
exception to no salary rule, a pt gets compensated for this
partnership;'s liab for winding
old business- all transactinos w existing creditors; new- retain liab until actual notice or 90 after file statement of dissolution w/ state
Priority rules of distribution
1- creditors (inside/outside); 2- pt's capital contributions; 3- profits/surplus equally to pt's
do partners share in losses?
yes, each pt must be repaid his loans and cap contributions, plus pts share of profits or minus losses