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65 Cards in this Set

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Princess Tam Tam
Director: Edmund T. Greville
Year: 1935
Country: France
Camp de Thiaroye
Directors: Ousmane Sembene and Thierno Faty Sow
Year: 1987
Country: Senegal
Borrom Sarret
Director: Ousmane Sembene
Year: 1966
Country: Senegal
Black Girl (La noire de)
Director: Ousmane Sembene
Year: 1966
Country: Senegal
La Haine
Director: Mathieu Kassovitz
Year: 1995
Country: France
Director: Raoul Peck
Year: 2000
Country: Belgium
Black Orpheus
Director: Marcel Camus
Year: 1959
Country: Brazil/France
Director: Carlos Diegues
Year: 1984
Country: Brazil
Director: Haile Gerima
Year: 1993
Country: United States
Daughters of the Dust
Director: Julie Dash
Year: 1991
Country: United States
Life and Debt
Director: Stephanie Black
Year: 2001
Country: United States
What shapes diaspora in the mind?
1. dispersal from homeland often by violent force to at least two peripheral places
2. myth and maintenance of a myth about homeland
3. marginalization in new location
4. ancestral home seen as eventual return place
5. commitment to maintenance and restoration of homeland
6. continuing relationship to and identity with the homeland that shapes consciousness and solidarity of the group
notion that Africa represents a promise and a paradise
Kuleshev effect
juxtaposing images so that our mind will make an association between them
Lumiere brothers
record every day aspects of life
lots of actualities about various countries around the world; colonial encounter
Tirailleus Senegalais
WWI African soldiers
gap, discrepancy, time lag, interval, jet-lag
Bantu educational cinema experiment (1935-1939)
Goal was to guard against dissemination of wrong ideas. Noccut films served to conserve good African traditions and adapt new ones. Ideological indoctrinations. 35 films produced
Pauline Vierra
made the first African film entitled Afrique Sur Scene
Jean-Rere Debrix
took over film unit of colonial ministry in the 1950's.
guestworker program
people work for two years and then they go back - in place for former colonies
parallel society
integration failed because immigrants are building their own nation alongside ours
the ghettos of Paris, France; in the suburbs of the city and built in the 1950s to provide housing for middle class professionals
Joseph Mobutu Sese Seko
President of Zaire from 1965 to 1967
Petrice Lumumba
37 year old Prime Minister of the Congo
New world slavery differences from old type of slavery
1. slaves were property not people
2. meant to be slaves forever
3. race is unique, central defining feature of new world slavery
slavery differences btw US and Brazil
Brazil: went on much longer, more people of Africa descent free in Brazil than were slaves, manumission easier to get in Brazil, most slaves still being imported in to Brazil, catholics
Nelson Poreira dos Santos
Most well known film: barren Lives, 1963
Glaubar Rocha
Wrote the "Aesthetics of Hunger" , Land in Anguish - 1967 film
Carlos Diegues
Made a new version of Black Orpheus, first film was Palmares, also did Quilombo, 1984
angolan word for community
Oscar Michaeux and Johnson Brothers
starters of African American independent film
Definition of african-american independent film
any black film produced outside constraints of major studios displaying on screen black lives/concerns derived from complexity of black communities and providing alternative ways of knowing black people
Lady Saw
Dancehall queen - extremely sexualized and raunchy
Parisian neighborhood called a transatlantic Harlem - fascination with blackness in interwar Paris
league against imperialism
formed as a direct attack on the league of nation's preservation of imperialism in its mandate system. Congress in Brussels called for the rights of the darker nations to rule themselves
First conference of African State
Accra hosted this after Ghana won its independence in 1957. Later became the home to the All-African people's conference. In this conference, what brought Africans together was a common interest in the independence of Africa
Die Schwarze Schande
The black shame; refers to the German press campaign objecting to the use of nonwhite colonial troops as occupation forces in the Rhineland following the armistice of 1918
historical process; the meeting of two force opposed to each other by their very nature, which in fact owe their originality to that sort of substantification which results from and is nourished by the situation in the colonies
third cinema
the cinema that recognized in that struggle (anti-imperialist struggle), the most gigantic cultural, scientific, and artistic manifestation of our time, te great possibility of constructing a liberated personality with each people as the starting point - in a word, the decolonization of culture
Walter Rodney
Born in Guyana
Interest in the slave, slavery, nd the Atlantic slave traide
Reconstructed picture of the society between European invasion.
Rodney perceived the Rastafari movement as a major force in the effort towards freeing and mobilising black minds
Major work: how Europe underdeveloped Africa
Bob Marley
Full name: Robert Nesta Marley
Career: singer and writer - spanned 20 years
Spoke out for the oppressed which appeared in his reggae songs and songs of resistance such as I shot the Sheriff,
Michael Manley
Former prime minister of Jamaica
Ran a ferocious and successful political campaign against the global economic system that stacked the decks against countries like Jamaica, but his regime did not try to dissociate itself from the world capitalist system or even the overwhelming fdominance of financiers of the commerical or IMF variety
International Monetary Fund - rigorous plan to fit all ailments. Elements include tighter money supply, a de-valued currency, high interest rates, reduce governmental expenditure, lower wages, and an assault on tariffs and subsidies
Marcus Garvey
Jamaican activist - Africa for the Africans. Born in 1889. Goal was to reclaim Africa for the Africans and establsih a black empire - UNIA (Universal Negro Improvment association) Also started the Black Star Line
Josephine Baker
Born in 1906 and raised in St. Louis. Earliest memories were the 1917 race riots. Became overnight sensation in France - most famous for performance in a banana skirt.
Berlin conference
scramble for Africa (1884-1885); Regulated European trade, established fair trade agreements, prohibited slave trade, Africa divided up between main powers of Europe
Lumiere Borthers
record every day aspects of life; lots of actualities aobu various countries around the world
third cinema
emerges out of the belief that film can help build a new world
Characteristics: marked bu politics, de-emphasized technical perfection in order to carr on story, used unprofessional actors, political message emphasized most
Ousmane Sembene
Born n province of Casamas into a fshing family
one of the first waves of African filmmakers who were trained in European film schools
historical materialism
economic modes shape cultural and social norms
culture of poverty
stereotype of inter-city ghetto residents who fundamentally don't know how to engage in work ethic
parallel society
means integration has failed because immigrants are building own nation alongside our nation
the ghettos of Paris, France, not in the inter-city but the suburbs
contanga region
contains 60% of the worlds colbalt mine
Joseph Mobutu Sese Seko
President of Zaire from 1965-1997
Raoul Peck
Born in 1953 in Haiti. At age of 8 left to the Democratic Republic of the Cong, 1961. Live in DRC for 24 years
hip hop
emerged in South Bronx in the early to mid 1970s. Highway through working class communities. Not jsut about rapping but DJs, graffiti, break dancing
Carmen Miranda
Light-hearted representation of Brazil. Born out of slums in Rio. Floor entertainment for cabaret scenes
Italian neo-realism
film movement in Italy marked by documentary style, non-professional actors, shooting on location, about every day struggles
Nelson poreria dos santos
1963 Barren Lives
looking to one's past to move forwards
Push/Pull factors - jim Crow era
Push: jim crow south, wage slavery, convict leasing, growth of prison system, lynching
pull: better opportunities in North for jobs/education, etc.
myrtle bank hotel
symbol of society built by United Fruit Company. racially segregated, elite hotel.
what marks period of globalization?
1. iconization of products
2. deterritorialization of cutlure
3. drive of industry, commercialization
4. de-territorialization of money
5. flow from US to the rest of the world
6. creation of new markets - key feature of globalization