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33 Cards in this Set

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Transatlantic Slave Trade
Two things made it dif from other slavery
-Racialization, Dehumanization
Middle Passage
-trip form Africa to the New World

How many Slaves die on the ship?
-1/5 20%
Beginning of Slavery in the US
-transatlantic slave trade in us from 1670-1808.
-1865- end of slavery with 13th amendment of constitution
How many slaves in the US?
How many slaves in Brazil?
-100million total slaves in the world
What is "Chattel Slavery"?
-only in the US
-dehuminization, slave codes, no practicing their native religions
-the movement to remove slavery
Events Leading to Civil War
1. Fugitive Slave Act (1850)
2. Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe
3. Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
4. Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
5. Election of 1860- starts civil war in 1861
Missouri Compromise
-divide missouri into a free and slave section
-other states followed
The Great Migration
-Europeans coming to New World
-Europeans go on strike, blacks take jobs
-Worst race riot 1960 St. Louis
Ku Klux Klan
-started in Pulaski, TN as a social frat for confederate vets
-in white for ghosts of confeds
-Birth of a Nation(movie)- by DW Griffith(the KKK helps end reconstruction)
Henry Blair (inventor)
-1834 Seed Planter
-1836 Corn Harvester
Lewis Lattimer (inventor)
-used cotton filament instead of copper
-Thomas Edison's apprentice
Elijah McCoy (inventor)
-1872 Automatic Lubricator for trains
Garret Morgan (inventor)
-1914 Smoke inhalator
-1923 Automatic Traffic Light
Granville T. Woods (inventor)
-1887 Induction Telegraphy System (walkie talkie for trains)
Booker T Washington
-vocation eduction (skills based education)
-economic independence for black community
-dont care about equality
-1895 Atlanta Compromise (speech)
-1881 Tuskeegee Institute
WEB DuBois
-liberal arts education
-talented tenth (1903)
-founded NAACP (1909)
-wants same ed for blacks as whites
Carter G Woodson
-father of Black History Month
-wrote The Miseducation of a Negro (1933)
-Eurocentric education
-intemalized black inferiority
West Africa
-gold and war
-huge standing army
-first African civilization in West Africa
-Mansa Musa 1324 hajj (muslim religious expedition)
-started University of Islam(Univ of Sankore) in Timbuktu(capital)
Henry the Navigator
-Portugal Prince
-goes to West Africa and kidnaps people
-starts transonic slave trade 1444
Moorish (The Moors)
-Tarik conquered Spain and Portugal (711-1492)
-Dark Ages Radical Christianity (500-1000)
-Moors expelled from Spain
-the Spanish Inquisition
-"Africa begins at the Pyrenees"
Black Studies
-started at San Francisco State University in 1960's
-first black student union 1966
-organized strike for 3 months
-Black Studies Dept 1968-9
Black Studies Academic Objectives
1. Teach black experience
2. Create body of knowledge
3. Create intellectuals committed to intellectual and political emancipation
4. to develop a mutually beneficial relationship between
5. to create a legitimate and respected discipline
-when europeans come in contact with other people and they adopt their European standards
-to blend into the standards of a community
Election of 1860
-Abraham Lincoln wins (republican)
14th Amendment
-1868- gives citizenship to black and white confederates
15th Amendment
-1870- gives black males right to vote
Freedman's Bureau
-created to integrate blacks into society
1. Eduction
2. went into medicine- whites thought blacks carried disease
3. gave blacks 4 acres and a mule