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20 Cards in this Set

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How many countries are in Africa
By the late nineteenth century, where had Europeans ventured in Africa
With the exception of Cape Colony, Europeans had restricted themselves to coastal areas.
Despite strong resistance by African Kingdoms, why were Europeans able to conquer much of Africa?
Africa suffered from internal divisions and the Europeans possessed superior technology and modern weapons
Some European powers granted private countries large areas of territory in Africa. This was done in order to:
Occupy and exploit vast regions with minimal government financing and personnel
What rose in the Arabian Peninsula during the 7th century; over the next 100 years, and moved into North Africa. Arab traders introduced it to West and East Africa
Who conquered Persia and Egypt and founded the city of Alexandria, a renowned center of learning, the arts, and trade?
Alexander the Great
What empire controlled North Africa until the 5th century AD.?
Roman Empire
Some African leaders, such as Egyptian President Gamel Nasser, thought Pan-Arabism would help put colonialism behind them because
United Arab countries would develop faster and withstand foreign intervention better
Besides the physical brutality of Slavery, the slave trade also affected Africa's economy by
Depopulating many coastal areas and undermining traditional sub-Saharan African economies.
During the colonial period, economic policies in Africa were mainly designed to expand the economies of Europe. As a result
Trade and production patterns were severely disrupted.
Colonial administrators were not interested in creating manufacturing sectors, but instead
Developed economies based on one or two primary products for export
What was the effect of developing small scale enterprises and investments in infrastructure projects after World War II
They provided some help, but did not set the ground work for sustainable economic development.
After independence, many Africa states maintained close economic ties with their former colonial rulers. They did this because
They believed these ties would foster economic growth
Africa's traditional religions can be characterized as
Local or regional om scope, and based on worshiping ancestors, spirits, gods, animals, the land, inanimate objects, or natural phenomena
How do the believers in traditional religions interact with ancesotrs and spirits to affect the lives of the living?
They make offerings to their ancestors and access spirits through prayer and sacrifice
How was Christianity first established in Africa?
It was brought to North Africa during the Roman Empire, and then flourished in Ethiopia
Describe Islam's influence in Africa
Islam is the dominant religion in North Africa and is widely practiced in other parts of Africa
Which diseases kill more Africans than any other diseases
Of the 300,000 children under the age of 18 involved in armed conflict worldwide, what percentage come from Africa?
1/3 33.33%
Which of the following is NOT true about the land mines in Africa
Things TRUE about the land mines in Africa (:
- used as a defensive weapon and instrument of terror
-represent a threat to civilians
-40 mil land mines are estimated to be found in Africa
-Don't know where they are buried
-Make agriculture dangerous and playing in fields unsafe
-More then 30 Africans a day are wounded or killed by land mines.