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100 Cards in this Set

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What is the most important river in north Africa?
the Nile
What is the name of the second largest city in Egypt?
Where were most of the Egyptian mummies (like King Tut) found?
the Valley of the Kings
What is the name of the largest pyramid in Egypt?
the Great Pyramid of Giza
What is the capital of Egypt?
Who was the first modern president of Egypt?
Gamal Abdel Nasser (1956-1970)
What did President Nasser of Egypt build that gave European shipping access to Asia through Egypt?
the Suez Canal
What does the Aswan High Dam do?
Controls the Nile River & produces hydroelectric power.
Who built the Aswan High Dam?
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Which president of Egypt attacked Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973?
Anwar al Sadat
Which US president got the president of Egypt (Sadat) and the president of Israel to sign the Camp David Peace Accords in 1978)?
Jimmy Carter
Who was president of Egypt from 1981 until 2011?
Hosni Mubarak
What is the capital of Sudan?
Which modern nation was known as Nubia & Kush in ancient times?
Which three things divide Sudan into distinct and dangerous regions?
the Nile, religion, & race
Where is Darfur, the area that has been in a state of warfare and emergency since 2003?
Which nation was once called Tripoli?
What is the name of the wacky president of Libya that has overstayed his welcome with his own people?
Muammar al-Ghadaffi
Which US president attacked Muammar al-Ghadaffi after a terrorist attack?
Ronald Reagan
Where was the first Middle Eastern revolution of 2010?
Other than Arabic, which language is most commonly spoken in North Africa?
What is the capital of Libya?
What is the capital of Tunisia?
Where would you find the ruins of the ancient city of Carthage?
What was the name of the famous Carthaginian general that led his army over the Alps to fight the Romans?
What is the capital of Algeria?
What is the largest nation on the Mediterranean?
What is the largest nation in Africa?
Which is the most populated nation in Africa?
What is the largest city in Africa?
What was the FLN?
the "National Liberation Front": an Algerian terrorist organization that kicked the French out of Algeria
Who was the president of France that finally gave Algeria its independence?
Charles de Gaulle
What is the name of the largest desert in Africa and in all of the world?
the Sahara
Africa is the __(#) largest continent and the ___(#) most populated.
2nd / 2nd
What is the name of the mountains of North Africa?
the Atlas Mountains
Where are the cities of Casablanca, Fez, and Rabat located?
This nation is called the "Dead heart of Africa" because it is so poor.
African village life focuses on the _____________ family more than the nuclear family.
The city of Timbuktu was the capital of the once great _____ Empire.
The Mali Empire became wealthy by trading ____ & ____ across the Sahara Desert.
Salt / Gold
What is the most important river in West Africa?
the Niger River
Which west African nation is inhabited by freed slaves and mines diamonds?
Sierra Leone
This African nation was actually created by an American organization as a place to send freed slaves from the US.
What is the capital of Liberia? Who is it named for?
Monrovia (US Presdent James Monroe)
What four problems are common in most African nations?
Civil wars, Disease (AIDS), Famine, and Poverty
What does Cote d'Ivoire mean?
Ivory Coast
Which part of Africa was once called the "Slave Coast" and the "Gold Coast"?
West Africa
What is the capital of Nigeria?
Which African nation is most wealthy from oil exports?
Where was the historic Kingdom of Benin once located?
What is the capital of Ethiopia?
Addis Ababa
From whom do Ethiopian kings, like Haile Selaisse, claim to be descendant?
the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon
Which country produces most of Africa's livestock, coffee, and honey?
Which two religions are most practiced in East Africa?
Islam & Christianity
Which nations form the "Horn of Africa"?
Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, & Eritrea
What is the capital of Somalia?
Which American president failed to capture the president of Somalia, Aidid, during an attack in 1993 in Mogadishu?
Bill Clinton
Where did the embarrassing "Black Hawk Down" incident occur?
Mogadishu, Somalia
Which country is known for harboring ruthless pirates?
What is the capital of Kenya?
What is the name of the Kenya's largest port city?
What is the name of the East African grassland that supports large African animals like elephants, giraffes, and rhinoceroses?
the Serengeti
What is the source of the Nile?
Lake Victoria
Where is Mount Kilimanjaro?
What is the traditional language of Kenyans?
Where do the Masai live?
Kenya and Tanzania
What is the name of the east African people group that is known for the nomadic, cattle-raising lifestyle?
the Masai
Why is English the first language in countries like South Africa, Kenya, and Ghana?
They were British colonies
What was the 1st African nation to become independent from colonial rule?
What is the capital of Uganda?
What was the name of the bizarre and repressive dictator of Uganda who claimed to be the "King of Scotland"?
Idi Amin (1971-1979)
Which large primate lives in the rainforest of the DRC, Rwanda, & Burundi?
Mountain gorillas
What happened in Rwanda in 1994?
the Rwandan Genocide (Hutus murdered 800,000 Tutsis)
What are the names of the two ethnic groups that jostle for control of African nations like Rwanda?
Hutus & Tutsis
Most sub-Saharan Africans are considered ________ ethnically.
What is the name of the largest rainforest in Africa?
the Congo Rainforest
What is the most populous French-speaking nation in the world?
the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Which European nation controlled Zaire (the DRC) until 1960?
Which wealthy part of Zaire tried to break away and become its own country in 1960?
Who was the leader of Katanga's independence movement in 1960?
Moise Tshombe (Mwaz Shawm-bay)
Who was the communist-supported president of Zaire that fought against Katangan independence until his death in 1960?
Patrice Lumumba (Pah-treese)
What is the capital of Zambia?
Where is Victoria Falls?
Which nation was once called Rhodesia?
Who is the meddling president of Zimbabwe that has caused famine and unrest?
Robert Mugabe (Moo-gah-bay)
What two cities are considered capital cities of South Africa?
Cape Town & Pretoria
What is the largest city in South Africa?
Who were the original inhabitants of South Africa?
the Zulu
Who were the Boers?
Dutch farmers (Settlers from Holland)
Who was the British imperialist that founded the DeBeers Diamond Company and created the nation of Zimbabwe?
Cecil Rhodes
Who won the Boer War?
the British
Why did the British want to kick the Boers out of South Africa?
What was the name of the system of racial segregation that existed in South Africa until 1994?
Apartheid (apar-tide)
Who was the first president of South Africa?
Nelson Mandela
What did Nelson Mandela do that caused his imprisonment?
He was an anti-apartheid activist and leader of an communist political party.
What is the largest island in Africa?
In which ocean is Madagascar located?
the Indian Ocean
Which two small nations exist within the borders of South Africa?
Lesotho & Swaziland
What is the nickname of South Africa?
the "Rainbow Nation"
Which African nation has the strongest economy?
South Africa