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39 Cards in this Set

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The kingdom of West African History

Did Ghana gain control of valuable routes?


The Kingdom of West African History

Who's son died during the fall of Mali?

Mansa Musa

The Kingdom of West African History

What religion did the Songhai leader practice?


The Kingdom of West African History

What did Morocco want to gain control of from Songhai?

Songhai's salt mines

The Kingdom of West African History

Where did Mansa Musa live?


The Kingdom of West African History

Who was the greatest Ruler of West Africa?

Mansa Musa

The Kingdom of West African History

What is Animism?

Animism si the belief that trees, animals, bodies of water and all natural objects has a spirit.

The Kingdom of West Africa History

What are extended families?

Extended families has a father, a mother, children, and close family under one roof.

The Kingdom of West African History

What are the two most common religions in west Africa that came from outside the region?

Islam and Christianity

North Africa

Is this statement true or is it false? Most of North Africa is covered by mountains and enormous deserts.


North Africa

Can occasional floodings occur in North Africa, even though its very dry.


North Africa

What year did the European countries start taking over the region?

The 1800s.

North Africa

What do most people speak in North Africa?


North Africa

What is the common religion is North Africa?


North Africa

How many times a day do Muslims stop to pray a day?

Five times a day

North Africa

What is Colonial Legacy?

This is a political organization that an external nation take over a territory completely in another part of the world.

North Africa

What is the capital of Libya?


West Africa

What landscapes covers most of set Africa?

Planes and flat areas of land.

West Africa

What is the main river that flows threw West Africa?

Nile River

West Africa

About how many ethnic groups are in West Africa?

Over 250 ethnic groups

West Africa

What are the three main languages in West Africa?

French, English, and Portuguese help communicate in different groups, and Fula and Huasa help communicate in the region.

West Africa

What are the three main influences culture reflects on?

Traditional African cultures, European, and Islam are the three main cultures.

West Africa

What is the capital of Nigeria?


East Africa

Whats a Rift Valley?

When the Earths crust stretches till it braces and everything falls into the hole that was there.

East Africa

How did Christianity come to East Africa?

Christian Missionaries from Egypt

East Africa

Is true that Lalibela is known for the ten rock Churches he built?

Hint: Lalubela is a person

False (eleven)

East Africa

Do East Africans speak Swahili?

Yea it actually a very common language in East Africa.

East Africa

Do all East Africans believe in animism?

No, not all but some.

East Africa

What is Geothermic energy?

Geothermic energy is energy produced by the heat of the earths interior.

East Africa

Is it true that Kenya's economy relies on agriculture?


East Africa

That is the capital of Kenya?


Central Africa

What is the capital of Cameroon?


Central Africa

What are the two main rivers in Central Africa?

The Congo River and the Zambezi River

Central Africa

What is the periodic market?

The Periodic Market is an outside trading market that you can go to twice a week.

Central Africa

What is dialects?

Regional Varieties of a language.

Central Africa

Malaria is a disease tarts spread mosquitoes that causes what?

Fever and pain

Is it true that Malaria is the the most common cause of death? if so how is this effecting the population?

Yes, it is true. This effects the population because ever forty-five seconds a child dies from this disease. So that means that adults must be dying jet as quickly, so this is decreasing the amount of people in Central Africa.

Other than Malaria what is another common disease in Central Africa?

Hint: This disease can come from Malaria.


The Nile River and Ancient Egypyt

What are some of the gods names in ancient Egypt?

Re, Osiris, Horus, Anubis, ect.