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58 Cards in this Set

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What were the two states where African-Americans outnumbered Whites in antebellum years?
Mississippi and South Carolina
What was the last northern state to initiate abolition?
New Jersey
Anti-Black sentiment was most common in what northern territory?
The Old Northwest
In what 1803 purchase did the U.S. buy territory from France
The Louisiana Purchase
Who led a famous rebellion in South Haven County Va. in 1831
Nat Turner
In size, Africa ranks where among the continents?
2nd largest behind Asia
Herodotus said Egypt was:
The gift of the Nile
Who made a pilgrimage to Mecca from Mali in 1324?
Monsa Moussa
Who wrote Amazing Grace after repenting for his sins as a slaver?
John Newton
Main crop of the Colonial Chesapeake area?
First permanent colony, founded by the British in 1607
Who was behind tobacco in Va, proving that it could grow and be cultivated?
John Roth
Who was the foremost example of an African-American landowner that began as an indentured servant in the 1600s?
Anthony Johnson
In 1640 3 Va. servants ran away from their master, but were caught. The two White servants had time added to their servitude, while the Black man became a slave indefinitely. Who was this man?
John Punch
Who was the African-American that was killed in the Boston Massacre?
Chrispus Attucks
Phyllis Wheatley lived in what colony/state?
Benjamin Banniker helped survey:
Washington D.C.
The turning point in the American Revolution was:
the Battle of Saratoga in the Hudson River Valley, NY
The British royal governor that started recruitment of African-Americans in the British loyalist cause was:
Lord Dunmore
The African-American woman that fought on the battlefield as a Patriot Soldier was:
Debrah Sampson
U.S. President that instigated war with Mexico:
James K. Polk
Term used to excuse expansion across the nation and world:
Manifest Destiny
Toni Morrison's novel tells the story of this slave in the 1850s. She was from Kentucky and killed her child to prevent enslavement.
Margaret Garner
Hundreds of thousands of Europeans arrived in the U.S. during the 1840s from:
Germany and Ireland
Joseph Cinque led a rebellion on:
La Amistad
Armed men of Missouri were often referred to as what, due to their violent boarder-crossing into Kansas to support the pro-slavery movement?
Boarder Ruffians
Who was the leading opponent of the 1830-1840 gag role?
John Quincy Adams as a congressman after leaving the White House
What state was hemp most associated with?
The French aristocrat that wrote the North was more antagonistic towards Blacks than were Southerners was:
Alexis de Tocqueville
Which state's supreme court first struck down slavery as unconstitutional?
The most prominent Black advocate for immigration to Africa in the 18-teens was:
Paul Cuffie
The most prominent Black advocate for immigration to Africa in the 18-teens was:
Paul Cuffie
Deslondes is noted for the 1811 slave rebellion in which state?
In 1815, Andrew Jackson and 600 free Blacks win a big battle over Britain, despite already having reached a treaty. What battle was this
The Battle of New Orleans
Who was the 14 year old girl that was executed for killing her master, despite being raped many times by this man?
Black loyalists were most common in what two states?
Georgia and South Carolina
The first political party to advocate for an immediate end to slavery was:
The Liberty Party
Gabriel's rebellion was set to take place in:
What state was Benjamin Banniker from?
Was jumping the broom an African or European tradition?
A European tradition
What mosque, located in Timbuktu, became a center for theology, law, medicine, and science?
the Sankore Mosque
There was only one country that had a net natural increase of its Black population. What country was this?
The United States
African-American novelist William Wells Brown wrote Clatel, also known as The President's Daughter about which president and his slave?"
Thomas Jefferson
It is commonly known that Liberia was founded for freed American slaves. What nation was founded for freed British slaves?
T/F David Weaver was White.
Cornish and Rustworm published the first African-American newspaper beginning in 1827. What did they call it?
The Freedom Journal
The two major parties of the 1840s were:
The Whigs and the democrats
Who led the rebellion on the Creole?
Madison Washington
Who was the abolitionist newspaper editor that was a chief advocate for the Canada West movement in the 1850s?
Mary Ann Shad
Frederick Douglas published his newspapers in what state?
New York
The two slaves that escaped from Georgia in disguise were:
William and Ellen Craft
What escaped slave required hundreds of men to return him to slavery in the 1850s?
Anthony Burns, people of Boston rally around him
In the Cristiano Riots, Edward Dorsich dies while attempting to reclaim a run-away slave. What state did this occur in?
Maine was created by the Missouri Compromise. What state was it formerly part of?
For how many years after the constitution was ratified did it protect the transatlantic slave trade?
Colonists called what disease the Bloody Flux?
What was the name of the slave that sued for his freedom in a supreme court case?
Dred Scott. Loses.
What act repealed the Missouri Compromise?
The Kansas-Nebraska act for popular sovereignty