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32 Cards in this Set

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What is Vol III of the NAMP?
What is a DD 1348?
Daily Audit Report
What is MDR 2?
Monthly Production Report
What is on a Monthly Production Report (MDR 2)
This report lists all maintenance actions in work center and statistical data pertaining to the work center.
What does a two-star (**) mean on the MDR-2?
A two-star (**) total is printed when there is a change in JCNORG, WC, or ORG.
What does a three-star (***) mean on the MDR-2?
A three-star (***) total for the ORG is printed when there is a change in action ORG.
What does Line (2) show on the MDR-2?
Line (2) shows the failed part contributing to the discrepancy in line (1).
What does Line (7) show on the MDR-2?
Line (7) shows a TD compliance. The PART/TDC column shows the TD number.
What does Line (11) show on the MDR-2?
Line (11) shows the total items processed and man-hours expended by the work center during the reporting period.
What is MDR-3?
Job Control Number (JCN)Consolidation Report
What is on a Job Control Number Consolidation Report (MDR-3)?
This report is a consolidated list, by organization, of all maintenance and TD compliance actions submitted during the month by the parent organization and the supporting activity.
What is MDR-4-1?
Technical Directive Compliance Report
What is on a Technical Directive Compliance Report (MDR-4-1)
This report gives a detailed list, by organization, of TD compliance during the reporting period. It is designed for the Maintenance Control Officer as an aid in scheduling and maintaining a positive control of TD compliance
What is MDR-4-1?
Intermediate Technical Directive Compliance Report
What is on a Intermediate Technical Directive Compliance Report (MDR-4-2)
This report provides a detailed list of TDs complied with during the reporting period. It is designed as an aid in scheduling and maintaining a positive control of TDs.
What is MDR-5 ?
Maintenance Action by Bureau/Serial Number Report (MDR-5)
What is on a Maintenance Action by Bureau/Serial Number Report (MDR-5)
This report consolidates all maintenance actions in BU/SERNO sequence, including SE, TD compliance, and component repair at the I-level.
What is MDR-6 ?
Maintenance Action by System and Component Report (MDR-6)
What is on a Maintenance Action by System and Component Report (MDR-6)
This report (Figure 3-13) consolidates all maintenance actions by component and TD compliance submitted by each action organization during a reporting period. The report is prepared and provided to the MO. It is intended for the use of maintenance managers.
What is MDR-7 ?
Component Repair/Beyond Capability of Maintenance Report (MDR-7)
What is on a Component Repair/Beyond Capability of Maintenance Report (MDR-7)
This report provides a spread of AT codes for maintenance actions taken by the I-level and provides the MO and the MMCO with an overview of the entire production effort of the activity by work center and WUC
What is MDR-8 ?
Failed Parts/Parts Required Report (MDR-8)
What is on a Failed Parts/Parts Required Report (MDR-8)
This report is prepared from data submitted on MAFs with TRCODE 12 or 32 and a MAL code (not 000) entered in the (H-Z) Failed/Required Material block (Figure 3-15). This report is intended for the MO, Material Control Officer, and work center supervisors.
What is MDR-9 ?
Repair Cycle Data Report (MDR-9)
What is on a Repair Cycle Data Report (MDR-9)?
This monthly report is a detailed list, by organization, showing the number of days of TURNAROUND TIME (TAT)and the
elements that compose the TAT for each repairable component processed through the I-level as documented
on the MAF or METER Card
What is MDR-10 ?
Foreign Object Damage Report (MDR-10)
What is on a Foreign Object Damage Report (MDR-10)?
This report is used to measure the maintenance effort attributable to FOD. Components replaced,
repaired, condemned, etc., can be identified by data in the MDR file. Indirectly, the report reflects
housekeeping conditions
What is MDR-11 ?
Corrosion Control/Treatment Report (MDR-11)
What is on a Corrosion Control/Treatment Report (MDR-11)
This report is designed for monitoring the Corrosion Prevention and Control Program
or for investigating the amount of corrective corrosion treatment necessary
What is MDR-12 ?
No Defect Report (MDR-12)
What is MDR-13 ?
When Malfunction Was Discovered Report (MDR-13)
What is on a When Malfunction Was Discovered Report (MDR-13)?
This report shows the action taken by category of each when discovered code. The MDR-13 is prepared from data submitted on the METER card and MAF