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65 Cards in this Set

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A rough television commercial produced by photographing storyboard sketches on a film strip or video with the audio portion synchronized on tape. It is used primarily for testing purposes.
The use of cartoons, puppet characters, or demonstrations of inanimate characters come to life in television commericals; often used for communicating difficult messages or for reaching specialized markets, such as children.
The sound portion of a commercial. Also, the right side of a script for a television commercial, indicating spoken copy, sound effects, and music.
Layout that employs a single, dominant visual that occupies between 60 and 70 percent of an advertisement's total area. Also known as poster-style format and picture-window layout.
Ayer No. 1
Type of headline that makes a direct promise to the reader.
benefit headline
The text of an advertisement that tells the complete story and attempts to close the sale. It is a logical continuation of the headline and subheads and is usually set in a smaller type size than headlines or subheads.
body copy
Heavier type.
A finished ad that is ready for the printer's camera to shoot-to make negatives or plates-according to the publication's specifications.
camera-ready art
A detailed, written description of hte characters' personalities to serve as guides in casting sessions when actors audition for the roles.
casting brief
That part of an advertisement or commercial that asks customers to do something and tells them how to do it-the action step in the ad's copy.
A type of headline that orders the reader to do something.
command headline
A facsimile of a finished ad with copy set in type and pasted into position along with proposed illustrations. This is prepared so the advertiser can gauge the effect of the final ad.
comprehensive layout (comp)
A type of TV commercial in which the product is shown in use.
Visual pattern or composition of artistic elements chosen and structured by the graphic artist.
Advertising copy tha trelies on wordplay, humor, poetry, rhymes, great exaggeration, gags, and other tricks or gimmicks.
device copy
A type of body copy in which the characters illustrated in the advertisement do the selling in their own words either through a quasi-testimonial technique or through a comic strip panel.
dialogue/monologue copy
When writing a jingle, a hole left for spoken copy.
The words in the leading position of an advertisement-the words that will be read first or that are positioned to draw the most attention.
The part of a jingle that sticks in your memory.
A pictorial image that represents an idea or thing.
The artists who paint, sketch, or draw the pictures we see in advertising.
A type of body copy in which the advertiser tries to sell an idea or the merits of the organization or service rather than the sales features of a particular product.
institutional copy
A straight radio announcement, usually delivered by one person, woven into a show or tailored to a given program to avoid any perceptible interruption.
integrated commercial
Text within the body copy of an ad where the credibility and desire steps of the message are presented.
interior paragraphs
A style of printing type with letters that generally slant to the right.
A musical commercial, usually sung with the sales message in the verse.
A subhead that appears above the headline.
An orderly formation of all the parts of an advertisement to print, it refers to the arrangement of the headline, subheads, visuals, copy, picture captions, trademarks, slogans, and signature. In television, it refers to the placement of characters, props, scenery, and product elements, the location and angle of the camera, and the use of lighting.
In print ads, a bridge between the headlines, the subheads, and the sales ideas presented in the text. It transfers reader interest to product interest.
lead-in paragraph
Type of commercial in which the user is presented rather than the product. Typically used by clothing and soft drink advertisers to affiliate their brands with the trendy lifestyles of their customers.
lifestyle technique
Special design of the advertiser's name (or product name) that appears in all advertisements. Also called a signature cut, it is like a trademark because it gives the advertiser individuality and provides quick recognition at the point of purchase.
The set type and illustrations or photographs pasted into the exact position in which they will appear in the final ad. Also called a pasteup, this is then used as the basis for the next step in the reproduction process.
A gimmick used to dramatize the product benefit and make it memorable, such as the Imperial Margarine crown or the Avon doorbell.
mnemonic device
A commercial that uses a jingle.
musical commercial
A jingle that becomes associated with a product or company through constant use.
musical logo
A type of body copy that tells a story. It sets up a problem and then creates a solution using the particular sales features of the product or service as the key to the solution.
narrative copy
A type of headline that includes many of the "how-to" headlines as well as headlines that seek to gain identification for their sponsors by announcing some news or providing some promise of information.
news/information headline
Actually seen by the camera, as an announcer, a spokesperson, or actor playing out a scene.
on camera
The set type and illustrations or photographs pasted into the exact position in which they will appear in the final ad. Also called mechanical, this is then used as the basis for the next step in the reproduction process.
The artists who use cameras to create visuals for advertisements.
A type of body copy in which the story is told through a series of illustrations and captions rather than through the use of a copy block alone.
picture-caption copy
Layout that employs a single, dominant visual that occupies between 60 and 70 percent of an advertisement's total area. Also known as poster-style format or Ayer No. 1.
picture-window layout
Layout that employs a single, dominant visual that occupies between 60 and 70 percent of an advertisement's total area. Also known as picture-window layout and Ayer No. 1.
poster-style format
A commercial format in which one person or character presents the product and sales message.
presenter commercial
A type of headline written to provoke the reader's curiosity so that, to learn more, the reader will read the body copy.
provacative headline
A type of headline that asks the reader a question.
question headline
A disk jockey or talk show host.
radio personality
Format for radio and television copywriting resembling a two-column list showing dialog and/or visuals.
A type of certification mark offered by such organizations as the Good Housekeeping Institute and Underwriters' Laboratories when a product meets standards established by these institutions. They provide an independent, valued endorsement for the advertised product.
Special design of the advertiser's name (or product name) that appears in all advertisements. Also called a logotype, it is like a trademark because it gives the advertiser individuality and provides quick recognition at the point of purchase.
signature cut
A type of commercial consisting of a dramatization of a real-life situation in which the product is tried and becomes the solution to a problem.
slice of life
A standard company statement (also called a tagline or a themeline) for advertisements, salespeople, and company employees. They have two basic purposes: to provide continuity for a campaign and to reduce a key theme or idea to a brief, memorable positioning statment.
A sheet preprinted with a series of 8 to 20 blank frames in the shape of TV screens, which includes text of the commercial, sound effects, and camera views.
A rough layout of a television commercial in storyboard form.
storyboard roughs
The oldest type of radio or television commercial, in which an announcer delivers a sales message directly into the microphone or on-camera or does so off-screen while a slide or film is shown on-screen.
straight announcement
A type of body copy in which the text immediately explains or develops the headline and visual in a straightforward attempt to sell the product.
straight-sell copy
Secondary headline in advertisements that may appear above or below the headline or in the text of the ad. They are usually set in a type size smaller than the headline but larger thanthe body copy or text type size. They may also appear in boldface type or in a different ink color.
A standard company statement (also called a slogan or a themeline) for advertisements, salespeople, and company employees. They have two basic purposes: to provide continuity for a campaign and to reduce a key theme or idea to a brief, memorable positioning statement.
The use of satisfied customers and celebrities to endorse a product in advertising.
The text of an advertisement that tells the complete story and attempts to close the sale. It is a logical continuation of the headline and subheads and is usually set in a smaller type size than healines or subheads.
A standard company statement (also called a slogan or a tagline) for advertisers, salespeople, and company employees. They have two basic purposes: to provide continuity for a campaign and to reduce a key theme or idea to a brief, memorable positioning statement.
A rough, rapidly produced pencil sketch that is used for trying out ideas.
In ad copy, requests for the order that are made before the close in the ad.
trial close
All of the picture elements that are placed inot an advertisement.
In television advertising, the spoken copy or dialogue delivered by an announcer who is not seen but whose voice is heard.