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53 Cards in this Set

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What is a centralized exchange?
A system of trade and marketing through specialized intermediaries rather than direct exchange of goods between buyers and producers
What is hoarding?
First printed outdoor signs - the foreruner of modern outdoor advertising; STARTED IN LONDON
What was referred to as the premarketing era?
Period from prehistoric times to the eighteenth century; Buyers and sellers communicated in very primitive ways
What was the mass communication era?
1700s to early decades of last century when advertisers were able to reach large segments of the population through the mass media (newspapers, national magazines, radio in early 1920s), mass producton, differentiate brands with specific consumer benefits, when most advertising associations were established
T or F: The research era started in the 1980's.
False; Research era was WW1 until the 1980's, Advertisers used several techniques to reach an motivate mass audiences, been able to identify narrowly defined audience segments through sophisticated research methods
What was the interactive era?
1980's to present; Communication controlled by consumers who will determine when and where they can be reached with promotional messages; audience and media fragmentation, consolidation (bigger agencies dominate market), new technology and measurement of success
What is behavioral research?
Market rsearch that attempts to determine the underlying nature of purchase behavior
T or F: A "siquis" was a handwritten poster from 16th and17th century England.
True: It was a forerunner of modern advertising.
What's a penny press?
Forerunner of the mass newspaper in the United States that first appeared in the 1830s.
What is mass production?
A manufacuring technique utilizing specialization and interchangeable parts to achieve production efficiencies
What is AAAA or the 4As?
American Association of Advertising Agencies; national organization of advertising agencies
What is the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)?
Passed in 1906 by legislation, it was one of the earliest attempts by federal government to protect consumers
What was the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (1914)?
The agency of the federal government empowered to prevent unfair competition and to prevent fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive advertising in interstate commerce
What is the ABC?
Audit Bureau of Circulations; organization sponsored by publishers, agencies, and advertisers for securing accurate circulation statements.
What is the Advertising Council?
nonprofit network of agencies, media, and advertisers dedicated to promoting social programs through advertising
What is audience fragmentation?
segmenting of mass media audienes into smaller groups because of diversity of media outlets
T or F: Advertising can be studied in the abstract.
False: Virtually any development in advertising is the result of an advance in technology, research, and/or society as a whole
What is convergence?
The blending of various facets of marketing functions and communication technology to create more efficient and epanded synergies (Technological, Business, Content)
What is Return-On-Investment (ROI)?
Measure of the efficiency of a company is the rate of return (profits) achieved by a certain level of investment on various business functions including advertising
What is a marketing mix?
Combination of marketing functions, including advertising, used to sell a product
What are the four primary communication categories of marketing?
1. Personal Selling 2. Sales Promotion (Combination of personal selling and advertising) 3. Public Relations (Getting the product out in the public) 4. Advertising
What is Integrated Marketing Communication?
Joint planning, execution, and coordination of all areas of marketing communication; point being on the effectiveness of the total arketing communication plan
What is the "distribution channel"?
Various intermediaries, such as retailers
What are brand extensions?
New product introductions under an existing brand to take advantage of existing brand equity
What is conjoint analysis?
Research technique designed to determine what consumers perceive as a product's most important benefits
What is product differentiation?
Unique product attributes that set off one brand from another
What is the value gap of a product?
The perceived difference between the price of a product and the the value ascribed to it by customers
What is yield management?
A product pricing strategy to control supply and demand
True or False: Retail advertising is advertising by a marketer of a trademarked product or service sold through different outlets.
False: National Advertising. Retail Advertising is by a merchant who sells directly to a customer.
What is end-product advertising?
Building consumer demand by promoting ingredients of a product, like a teflon seal or Nutrasweet
True or False: An example of direct-response advertising is a pop up ad for Netflix on the internet.
True: Any type of advertising done in direct marketing
What is trade advertising?
Directed toward wholesale or retail merchants or sale agencies through which the product is sold
What is industrial advertising?
Advertising addressed to manufacturers who buy machinery, equipment, raw materials, and components needed to produce goods they sell.
What is professional advertising
directed at those in professions such as medicine, law, or architecture who are in a position to recommend the use of a particular product or service to their clients
What is institutional advertising>?
Advertising done by an organization speaking ofits work views, and problems as a whole to gain public goodwill and support rather than to sell a specific product, "public-relations advertising" (Law firm advertisements)
What is idea advertising?
Advertising used to promote an idea or cause rather than to sell a product or service
True or False: The Verizon Guy or Geiko Gecko are examples of service advertising.
True: It's advertising that promotes a service, not a product
What is the pioneering stage of the Brand Life-Cycle?
Advertising stage of a product where the need for s uch a product is not recognized and must be established or i which the need has been established but the successof a commodity in filling that need has to be established; to also highlight benefits of product
What is the competitive stage of the Brand Life-Cycle?
Stage a product reaches when its general usefulness is recognized but its superiority over similar brands has to be established in order to gain preference; purpose is to communicate product's position, differentiate, and featur difference in product in the advertisements
What is the retentive stage of the Brand-Life Cycle?
Stage a product reaches when its general usefulness is widely known, its individual qualities are thoroughly appreciated and it is satisfied to retain its patronage merely on the strength of the past reputation; * Brand has a life*;
True or False: The NEW pioneering stage is for introducing new products to brand.
What is the definition of "brand"?
A name, type, sign, design, or a unifying combinationof them, intended to identify and distinguish the product or service from competing products or services.
Brand equity is:
The value of how such people as consumers, distributors, and salespeople think and feel about a brand relative to its competition over a period of time.
What does the Early Age consist of?
Colonial Times to 1917, Space salesmen, space wholesalers, first rate directory, standard commissions, AAAA founded, shift to creative center, agency-client relationship, commission and price difference
What does the No-Rebate Age consist of?
1918-1956, Radio, Television, Electronic Data Processing
What was the Age of Negotiation?
1956-1990, consent decrees stopped no-rebating provisions, 15% commissions remained but total compensation became an issues
What was the re-engineering age?
1990-2000, mergers created giant communication, (Advertising, PR, Package design, web design, etc.)
Media and Digital (2000- ):
Global clients, agency holding companies, media services agencies, interactive agencies
True or False: A full-service agency handles planning, creation, production and placement of advertising for advertising clients.
True or False: Client-Agency relationships currently usually last about 8 years.
False: Went from 7.2 years to 5 since 1984.
What is an in-house agency?
an arrangement whereby the advertiser handles the total agency function by buying individually, on a fee basis, the needed services (for example, creative, media services, and placement) under th direction of an assigned advertising director.
What is an a la carte agency?
Offer a fee for just the part of their services that advertisers want.
True or False: An example of bartering is exchanging commercial time from television and broadcast stations to advertise a city's accommodations, restaurants, and attractions FOR hotel rooms, tickets to local attractions, and meals in the area. No fee/ cash is involved.