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46 Cards in this Set

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marketing communications
The various efforts and tools companies use to initiate and maintain communication with customers and prospects, including solicitation letters, newspaper ads, event sponsorships, publicity, telemarketing, statement stuffers, and coupons, to mention just a few.
Advertising (book)
The structured and composed nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods and services) or ideas by identified sponsors through various media.
Advertising (Lecture)
A paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action, now or in the future.
People who buy products and services for their own, or someone else's, personal use.
a) Goods

b) Services
a)Tangible products such as suits, soap, and soft drinks.

b)A bundle of benefits that may or may not be physical, that are temporary in nature, and that come from the completion of a task.
c) Ideas
c)Economic, political, religious, or social viewpoints that advertising may attempt to sell.
The particular good, idea, or service a company sells.
An instrument or communications vehicle that carries or helps transfer a message from the sender to the receiver. Plural is media.
Mass Media
Print or broadcast media that reach very large audiences. Mass media include radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and billboards.
Other types of media
addressable media(direct mail)
interactive media(Internet)
nontraditional media(shopping carts, blimps, etc)
Source dimensions:

A)The company or organization ultimately responsible for the message and distribution of an advertisement. Although the sponsor is often not the author, the sponsor typically pays for the creation of the ad and its distribution.
A)In Stern's communication model, a copywriter, an art director, or a creative group at the agency that is commissioned by the sponsor to create advertising messages.
c)A real or imaginary spokesperson who lends some voice or tone to an advertisement or commercial.
Message Dimensions:

A)Autobiographical Message
A style of advertising that utilizes the first person "I" to tell a story to the audience, "You." -Imaginary audience eavesdropping on my private personal experience
b)Narrative Message

C)Drama Message
b)Advertising in which a third person tells a story about others to an imagined audience.

c)One of the three literary forms of advertising messages in which the characters act out events directly in front of an imagined empathetic audience.
Receiver Dimensions:

A) Implied Consumers
A) The consumers who are addressed by the ad's persona. They are not real, but rather imagined by the ad's creators to be ideal consumers—acquiescing in whatever beliefs the text requires. They are, in effect, part of the drama of the ad.
b)Sponsorial Consumers
B)A group of decision makers at the sponsor's company or organization who decide if an ad will run or not, typically composed of executives and managers who have the responsibility for approving and funding a campaign.
c) Actual Consumers
The people in the real world who comprise an ad's target audience. They are the people to whom the sponsor's message is ultimately directed. Don't think or act the same as implied consumers.
The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy the perceived needs, wants, and objectives of individuals and organizations.
A planned series of actions or methods that take place sequentially, such as developing products, pricing them strategically, making them available to customers through a distribution network, and promoting them through sales and advertising activities.
-Satisfy needs PROFITABLY
Goal of Marketing
earn a profit for the firm by consummating the exchange of products or services with those of customers who need or want them.
Goal of Advertising
INFORM,PERSUADE, REMIND of need satisfying value of products
Target Market
The market segment or group within the market segment toward which all marketing activities will be directed.
Target Audience
The specific group of individuals to whom the advertising message is directed.
Consumer Markets:

A) Consumer Advertising

B) Retail Advertising
Advertising directed at the ultimate consumer of the product, or at the person who will buy the product for someone else's personal use.
*Most Ads we see every day

b)Advertising sponsored by retail stores and businesses.
Business Markets:

A) Business Advertising / B2B
Advertising directed at people who buy or specify goods and services for business use. Also called business-to-business advertising.
Three types of business advertising:

a)Trade Advertising
The advertising of goods and services to middlemen (resellers, etc.) to stimulate wholesalers and retailers to buy goods for resale to their customers or for use in their own businesses.
Ex.Grocery Store
b) Professional Advertising
Advertising directed at individuals who are normally licensed to operate under a code of ethics or set of professional standards.
EX.teachers, doctors, accountants
c) Agricultural/Farm Advertising
Advertising directed to farmers as businesspeople and to others in the agricultural business
Pricing Strategies- Don't Compete on price:

a) Image Advertising

b) Regular Price-Line Advertising
a)Type of advertising intended to create a particular perception of the company or personality for the brand.

b)Price of the product is not shown, or at least not highlighted,& advertising aimed at justifying the regular price.
*Don't compete on price
Price-competitive Pricing:

a)Sale Advertising

b)Clearance Advertising
a)A type of retail advertising designed to stimulate the movement of particular merchandise or generally increase store traffic by placing the emphasis on special reduced prices.

b)designed to make room for new product lines or new models or to get rid of slow-moving product lines, floor samples, broken or distressed merchandise, or items that are no longer in season.
c)Loss-Leader Advertising
Advertising that promotes drastically discounted goods to create an impression of storewide low prices and thereby increases traffic in the store. Merchandise may be offered at or below retailer cost in order to encourage the sales of more profitable merchandise.

a)Global Advertising

b)International Advertising
a) Advertising used by companies that market their products, goods, or services throughout various countries around the world with messages that remain CONSISTENT.

b)advertising that contains Different messages in each foreign market.
c)National Advertising

d)Regional Advertising
c)Advertising used by companies that market their products, goods, or services in several geographic regions or throughout the country.

d)Advertising used by companies that market their products, goods, or services in a limited geographic region. EX. just in 2 or 3 states
f)Local/Retail Advertising
Advertising by businesses within a city or county directed toward customers within the same geographical area.

Marketing Communications Tools:
Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, PR, Collateral Materials
Personal Selling
A sales method based on person-toperson contact, such as by a salesperson at a retail establishment or by a telephone solicitor.
Types of Advertising Objectives

a)Product advertising

b)Nonproduct Advertising
a)Advertising intended to promote goods and services; also a functional classification of advertising.

b)Advertising designed to sell ideas or a philosophy rather than products or services.
c)Noncommercial Advertising
c)Advertising sponsored by or for a charitable institution, civic group, religious order, political organization, or some other nonprofit group to stimulate donations, persuade people to vote one way or another, or bring attention to social causes.
d)Awareness Advertising

e)Action Advertising
d)Advertising that attempts to build the image of a product or familiarity with the name and package.

e)aka direct response; Advertising intended to bring about immediate action on the part of the reader or viewer.
Sales Promotion
A direct inducement offering extra incentives all along the marketing route—from manufacturers through distribution channels to customers—to accelerate the movement of the product from the producer to the consumer.

IE. Coupons, Free samples, Contests, etc
Public Relations
The management function that focuses on the relationships and communications that individuals and organizations have with other groups (called publics) for the purpose of creating mutual goodwill. The primary role of public relations is to manage a company's reputation and help build public consent for its enterprises.
Public Relations Activities
Publicity, press agentry, sponsorships, special events, and public relations advertising used to create public awareness and credibility—at low cost—for the firm. aka marketing PR
*Good for creating awareness and credibility at a very low cost
Public Relations Advertising
Advertising that attempts to improve a company's relationship with its publics (labor, government, customers, suppliers, etc.).
collateral materials
All the accessory nonmedia advertising materials prepared by manufacturers to help dealers sell a product—booklets, catalogs, brochures, films, trade-show exhibits, sales kits, and so on.
Integrated Marketing Communications
The process of building and reinforcing mutually profitable relationships with employees, customers, other stakeholders, and the general public by developing and coordinating a strategic communications program that enables them to make constructive contact with the company/brand through a variety of media.