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68 Cards in this Set

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access specifier
the scope of accessibility of an Object and its members. We can control the scope of the member object of a class using access specifiers. We are using access specifiers for providing security of our applications.
assignment operator (=)
Although the symbols =, +=, -=, *=, /=, \=, ^= and &= are operators, we do not include them in operator-precedence tables. When an assignment statement is evaluated, the expression to the right of the operator always is evaluated first and subsequently assigned to the variable on the left. Unlike Visual Basic's other operators, the assignment operators can occur only once in a statement.
Keyword-like tags in which you can specify additional information about entities defined in Visual Basic .NET applications. Attributes, which are saved with an assembly's metadata, annotate programming elements such as types, fields, methods, and properties.
auto-implemented property
When you write code for an auto-implemented property, the Visual Basic compiler automatically creates a private field to store the property variable in addition to creating the associated Get and Set procedures.
automated testing
Provide functional testing of the user interface and validation of user interface controls. Automated UI tests enable you to test that the user interface is functioning correctly after code changes. They are quicker to run than manual tests. Therefore, you can run them more frequently.
Represent actions that can be carried out on an object.
Defines which properties and methods can be applied to its objects. (defined by using the CLASS keyword. )
class definition
Does not by itself, create an instance of the class. It establishes a blueprint for the class's organization, which makes it possible for you to write other code that creates an object of this type.
class instance
If a class has been defined, you can create one or more objects of the class type.
class-level variable
A variable that is declared inside a class but outside any methods in the class. This makes it visible to all methods in the class.
A method that runs automatically when an instance of the class is created.
data access tier
Also known as the 'data services layer' - contains classes that interact directly with a data source.
default constructor
A constructor with no parameters.
encapsulation principle
Says that you should bundle attributes and behaviors inside a class.
enumerated type
A list of symbolic names associated with integer constants.
information hiding principle
(closely related to encapsulation)- Says that certain class members should be visible only to methods inside a class.
Mechanism which allows class A to inherit properties of class B. We say “A inherits from B”. Thus, objects of class A have access to attributes and methods of class B without the need to redefine them. The following definition defines two terms with which we are able to refer to participating classes when they use inheritance.
If a class has been defined, you can create one or more objects of the class type.
local variable
A variable declared inside a method and is visible only inside the method.
manual testing
Performed by a person (a tester) who manually enters a variety of inputs into an application. - Compares actual outcomes produced by the software to a set of expected outcomes.
An action that implements some behavior of a class. You call a method by prefixing it with the name of a class instance.
middle tier
(also known as the business logic tier)- Consists of classes that provide core information to the application, such as essential calculations and decision making.
Microsoft .NET framework
Contains a large library of classes that make it possible to write applications for today's desktop computing, mobile applications, and the Web
A logical container that holds classes of similar types.
New operator
Tells VB to create an object in memory, and is required when creating an object. (String objects are the exception to this rule)
A container for members such as properties, fields, methods, and events. It usually represents some entity in a problem that the application is designed to solve.
Object behaviors
Actions that can be carried out on an object.
object initializer
A simple tool for declaring an object and assigning values to its properties.
object-oriented programming (OOP)
A way of designing and coding applications that focuses on the objects and entities in real-world applications.
optional parameter
Does not require the calling method to pass a corresponding argument value.
parameterized constructor
A constructor with parameters
presentation tier
(also known as the user services layer)- consists of all object that interact with the user.
A special type of method that uses the same member name for getting and setting a value.
property procedure
A series of Visual Basic statements that manipulate a custom property on a module, class, or structure. Property procedures are also known as property accessors.
ReadOnly property
Allows methods outside the class to get the current property value but not to change it.
reference type
A variable, once you create an instance of a class and assign it to this variable.
reference variable
Links to an object in memory (Variable)
requirements specification
A complete description of the behavior of an application. (Should include a description of inputs and actions by the user, and how those inputs and actions affect the program's behavior.
shared property
Belongs to the class in which it was declared, not to the individual instances of the class. - Only one storage area is reserved for the property, and that storage area is shared by all instances of the class.
side effect
Changes variables in a way that can fool a programmer. Code containing side effects is very difficult to debug.
three-tier application model
Most businesses today follow this model- Each tier contains classes that call methods in the tier below it.
ToString method
All .NET classes support this- returns a string representation of the data within the current class object.
user-defined class
(custom class)- a class that is designed and built from scratch by the user.
value type
A declared variable that contains its own data in a single memory location.
catching an exception
Handling an exception when it is thrown.
Char data type
Holds useful tools for string manipulation and validation. Internally, a Char holds a single 16-bit Unicode character.
CheckedListBox control
Has the same properties and behavior as a ListBox, except that it displays a check box next to each item.
DateTimePicker control
Provides an attractive and intuitive way to display and ask for date information from the user. (You can display either a date or a time, depending on how it is configured)
ErrorProvider control
Provides a visual cue to the validation status of input fields on a form.
Finally block
(optional)- begins with Finally and ends at 'End Try'. If no exceptions are thrown, the Finally block executes immediately after the last statement in the Try block. If an exception is thrown, the Finally block executes immediately after the last statement in the appropriate Catch block.
FolderBrowserDialog control
Displays a list of folders and lets the user select one. Similar to the FileOpenDialog control, it does not appear until you call its ShowDialog method. This method returns an enumerated type that lets you know which button was clicked by the user.
Input validation
Handling errors resulting from user input- The StatusStrip control and The ErrorProvider control are examples.
KeyPress event
An event fired by the TextBox control each time the user presses a key while the input focus is on the control.
ListBox control
a list-type control (See CheckedListBox Control)
List-type control
A control in which custom objects can be inserted into- - has many characteristics in common with ListBox, ComboBox, CheckedListBox controls.
ProgressBar control
A ToolStrip control type- CLASS
RichTextBox control
A place where the user can write his or her notes and comments.
software wizard
An application that leads the user through a series of predescribed steps. In each step, the user may be given choices that influence subsequent steps. Particularly useful when completing tasks that are complicated or need to be completed in a specific sequence.
SplitContainer control
A control used to divide the display area into separate panels. At runtime, the user can move the splitter bar between the panels to make the one smaller and the other larger.
StatusStrip control
You can use this control to display error messages. The user will see the error message, make a mental note, and fix the error when it is convenient.
structured exception handling
One part of a program detects and responds to specific exceptions. When an exception is thrown, the program may be able to recover from the exception and continue executing, or it may close in a controlled manner.
System.Exception class
Exceptions are Objects. A program that throws an exception is really throwing an instance of one of the exception classes. ALL exception classes are related to 'System.Exception class'.
TabControl control
Provides a convenient way for you to divide a form into separate pages. Each page (TabPage object) belongs to a TabPageCollection that is referenced by the control's TabPages property.
TextChanged event
Associated with the TextBox controls. Fires every time the user changes its contents- Can also fire if a program statement modifies the Text property.
throwing an exception
When a program encounters an error while running.
uncaught exception
see (Unhandled Exception)
unhandled exception
An exception that causes the program to stop.
WebBrowser control
Displays online Web pages and local HTML document files.