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116 Cards in this Set

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Obligate aerobes
absolute requirement of oxygen to grow
Obligate anaerobes
grow only under conditions of high reducing intensity, oxygen is toxic
Facultative anaerobes
Grow under aerobic or anaerobic conditions
Microaerophilic organisms
Grow best under low oxygen intensity, high oxygen may be inhibitory
Aerotolerant aerobes
Can tolerate oxygen but do not use it metabolically
Spore-forming, gram-positive, anaerobic bacilli
Clostridium spp.
Strict anaerobes die within _____ of oxygen exposure
10 minutes
Enzymes that protect against toxic effects of oxygen production
catalase, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase
breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen, aerobic or facultative bacteria
breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen, aerotolerant anaerobes
Phase 1 of anaerobe sensitivity to oxygen
electrons used in metabolic processes diverted to reduction of molecular oxygen, bacteriostatic, reversible
Phase 2 of anaerobe sensitivity to oxygen
Killed by toxic substances (superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical) that accumulate during reduction of molecular oxygen, irreversible
_________ can be added to anaerobic transport media to maintain a reduced environment
Reducing agents like thioglycolate and L-cysteine
________ is more important than maintaining a reduced environment when growing anaerobic organisms
Excluding oxygen
Most anaerobes that cause infection are also normal flora (T/F)
In the body, most environments hospitable to anaerobes have _______ present because _______.
organisms capable of respiration, these organisms maintain an environment of little oxygen and low redox potential
Most anaerobic infections are seen in abcesses and necrotizing tissues (T/F)
Brucella blood agar
nonselective, used for isolation of any anaerobe, supplemented with vitamin K and hemin
Bacteroides bile esculin agar
Selective for presumptive ID of B. fragilis
Phenylethyl alcohol sheep blood agar
inhibits nonanaerobic gram-negative bacilli which might otherwise overgrow anaerobes
Culture observations indicative of presence of anaerboes
Foul odor, good growth on BBA plate, colonies on anaerobically incubated BBA plate but not on CO2 incubated SBA or CBA plate
Anaerobic gram-negative non-spore forming bacilli are usually normal flora (T/F)
True, sites include oropharynx, lower GI, vagina, cervix, urethra and external genitalia
Bacteroides is the most frequently isolated gram-negative anaerobe in humans (T/F)
Is Bacteroides motile or nonmotile?
What antibiotics does B. fragilis have resistance to?
Kanamycin, colistin, vancomycin

It is also bile resistant (up to 20%)
Prevotella is usually isolated from _______
the oral cavity, head/neck, lower respiratory and urogenital tracts
What color pigment does Prevotella display on BBA and LKV?
What color does Prevotella fluoresce under UV light on BBA or LKV?
brick red
Porphyromonas ferments which sugars?
None, it is asaccharolytic
Fusobacterium is what shape under the microscope?
Fusiform with tapered ends. Long and spindle shaped.
Colony morphology of Fusobacterium nucleatum
Small, slightly convex colonies with ground-glass appearance
Peptostreptococcus is considered normal flora on skin (T/F)
True, it is also normal flora in the upper respiratory tract, intestinal and genitourinary tract
Peptostreptococcus causes _______
abcesses and necrotizing soft tissue infections
Veilonella is involved in development of ______
early periodontal disease as well as meningitis, endocarditis and osteomyelitis
Veilonella morphology under microscope
tiny, gram-negative diplococci
Mobiluncus is motile or non-motile?
Mobiluncus has what morphology under the microscope?
gull-wing or curved rod
Mobiluncus causes what illness?
Vaginosis, usually associated with Gardnerella vaginalis
Propionibacterium acnes is rarely a contaminant in blood cultures (T/F)
False, this organism is a very common contaminant of anaerobic blood cultures
"Lumpy jaw"
characterized by painful abcesses in mouth, lungs or GI tract
Purulent drainage from sinus cavities contains "sulfur granules"
Clostridium perfringens microscopic morphology
Large, boxcar shaped rods, sometimes stain gram negative (even though they are gram positive)
Infections associated with C. perfringens
gas gangrene, septicemia, gangrenous cholecystitis, anaerobic pulmonary infection, food poisoning
Gas gangrene (myonecrosis)
Rapid invasion and liquefactive necrosis of the muscle with gas formation and symptoms of toxicity
Food poisoning due to Clostridum perfringens is self-limiting (T/F)
True, it is caused by an enterotoxin
Clostridium difficile has a _______ appearance on CCFA
yellow, ground-glass appearance
cycloserine-cefoxitine-egg-fructose agar
Clostridium difficile has what odor?
Necrotizing bowel disease may be caused by ______
Clostridium difficile
rarely, C. ramosum, C. septicum
_______ causes pseudomembranous colitis
Clostridium difficile
C. difficile produces ______, which causes _______ and _______ which causes _______ effects
toxin A, fluid accumulation
toxin B, cytopathogenic
Botulism is ________
a life-threatening neuroparalytic disease caused by the preformed heat-labile toxins of C. botulinum characterized by a descending paralysis
Infant botulism is caused by ingesting ______ and causes _______
spores, constipation followed by descending paralysis
Tetanus is caused by _______
a toxin released by C. tetani
Tetanus is a _______ paralysis
The toxin released by C. tetani is _______. This toxin works by _______.
tetanospasmin, blocking inhibitory impulses.
Best samples for Clostridium
tissue biopsy or aspiration, fecal specimens for C. dificile or C. botulinum
Prereduced anaerobically sterilized media
Anaerobic blood agar, Laked kanamycin-vancomycin blood agar, phenylethyl alcohol agar, Bacteroides bile esculin agar
Anaerobic primary media should not be exposed to oxygen for _____
48 hours
Bacteroides urealyticus will grow in 20% bile (T/F)
False, of the Bacteroides species, only B. fragilis will grow in 20% bile
Fusobacterium is sensitive to _______
kanamycin and colistin
Veilonella is resistant to ______
If an anaerobic gram-positive cocci is resistant to metronidazole, it is probably _________
anaerobic Streptococcus or Staphylococcus
Clostridium difficile is lecithinase _______
negative, all other Clostridia are positive
Most anaerobes are susceptible to first-line antimicrobials (T/F)
True, susceptibility testing is usually not necessary
Definitive ID of an anaerobe is necessary for treatment if ______
a pure culture is developed from a normally sterile site, a known resistant species is isolated or a severe infection is not responding to antibiotics
Streptomyces produces several _______ that have been utilized in medicine
antibiotics (70-85% of medically important)
Streptomyces is introduced into the body by _________ and then spreads _______
tissue trauma, subcutaneously
Treatment for Streptomyces is _____ and _______
antibiotics and surgery
Streptomyces is an acid-fast organism (T/F)
False, this organism is not acid-fast
Streptomyces does NOT reduce nitrate to nitrite (T/F)
Actinomyces has colonies with margins that appear like a _______ or ______
molar tooth, raspberry
Actinomycosis may be transmitted human to human (T/F)
Treatment for Actinomyces
surgical drainage, excise damaged tissue, long-term antibiotic therapy
Acid-fast bacteria resist staining with basic dyes due to _______
thick cell well with mycolic acid and high lipid content
The acid-fast stain utilizes what dye?
Carbol fuschin
Mycobacteria are intracellular bacteria (T/F)
Mycobacteria grow very slowly due to __________. Growth can take from ________.
highly hydrophobic surface. 2-60 days.
Tuberculosis incidence rates correlate with what kind of conditions across the world?
poor socioeconomic conditions
Approximately ______ of the world's population is infected with M. tuberculosis
M. tuberculosis symptoms of pulmonary disease
coughing (sometimes with sputum or blood), chest pains, weakness, weight loss, fever, night sweats
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is known as _______ and is more common in ______ and ________ patients
miliary tuberculosis, children, HIV-infected
Presumptive identification of tuberculosis is based on:
Patient medical history, presenting symptoms, physical exam, X-ray and detection of acid-fast bacilli from sputum sample
Definitive identification of M. tuberculosis is based on:
Lack of growth in BACTEC-NAP

Reduction of nitrate to nitrite
Growth in TCH

Niacin accumulation

Appearance of microcolonies with serpentine cords on Middlebrook 7H10 after 5-10 days

Growth on Middlebrook or L-J medium
When pathogenic, mycobacteria other than tuberculosis cause _______ infections
Photochromogenic MOTT organisms produce pigments _______
only in the light
Scotochromogenic MOTT organisms produce pigments ______
in both the dark and the light
______ is the most commonly isolated Mycobacteria species in the US
M. avian complex
MAC is acquired by _______. It has a reservoir of ______ and ______.
inhalation or ingestion, animals, water
Mycobacterium leprae is transmitted by _____ or _______.
inhalation, person-to-person contact
M. leprae is considered highly contagious (T/F)
False, this pathogen is not considered highly contagious
Tuberculoid leprosy is a ______ infection that results in _____ lesions with ______ involvement.
localized, skin, nerve
In immunocompetent people, a _____ response is mounted to M. leprae and recovery is usually spontaneous
The optimal growth temperature for M. leprae is _______
30 degrees celsius
Characteristics of Aerobic Actinomycetes
Morphology similar to fungi, gram positive bacilli, branching, filamenteous hyphae
Nocardia stains partially ______
Nocardia is a facultative ________ organism
Norcardia grows at what temperature?
Wide range 22-37 degrees celsius
Where is Nocardia found in the environment?
In soil, worldwide
Nocardia infections are normally seen in what population?
Principal routes of infection for Nocardia
Pulmonary (usually asteroides) or cutaneous (usually brasiliensis)

Direct contact via soil inhalation or skin trauma (not human to human)
granulomatous infection of dermal and subcutaneous tissue that includes swelling, draining sinuses and granules
Mechanisms of disease for Nocardia
resists oxidative killing by SOD and catalase production leading to granuloma formation

iron-chelator known as nocobactin
Treatment for Nocardia
drainage, surgery and antimicrobials (but not penicillin, this organism is resistant)
Streptomyces are _____ and gram _____ bacilli
aerobic, positive
Nocardia reduces nitrate to nitrate (T/F)
True; Nocardia reduces nitrate; streptomyces does not
Describe gram stain, morphology and oxygen requirements for the genus Actinomyces
Gram stain/morphology: Gram Positive bacilli
Oxygen requirements: facultative anaerobe
MAC organisms (do/do not) produce pigment
Do not; MAC (M. avium and M. intracellulare) are nonphotochromagens
Crohn's disease is associated with which bacterial species?
M. paratuberculosis
Differentiate tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy?
Tuberculoid: localized: skin lesions, nerve involvement; spontaneous recovery usually occurs

Lepromatous: More serious: lesions, symmetric nerve damage, loss of cartilage and facial deformity; disseminated infection with immunodepressed pt's - must be treated with multi-drug therapy
M. bovis is nitrate ____, niacin ____, and TCH ____ (positive/negative)
M. bovis is nitrate, niacin and TCH negative
Porphyromonas is sensitive to ____ and resistant to _____
Sensitive: Vancomycin
Resistant: Kanamycin and colistin
Prevotella is sensitive to _____ and resistant to _____
Sensitive: Colistin
Resistant: Kanamycin, vancomycin
Bilophila is urease ____ and nitrate ____
positive; positive
a positive reverse CAMP test is presumptively indicative of which species?
Clostridium perfringens
C. difficile (does/does not) fluoresce chartreuse on BBA under UV light
Which two anaerobes cause infection but are not part of normal flora?
C. botulinum
C. tetani