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66 Cards in this Set

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Anatomy of Breasts


4 Quadrants


Landmarks of breast



Montgomery's glands (sebacceous)

4 Quadrants of breast

Upper outer quadrant: includes tail of spence

Upper inner quadrant

Lower inner quadrant

Lower outer quadrant

Upper outer quadrant

Tail of Spence: most common site of malignancy

50% incidence of breast cancer

Tail of Spence

Part of breast tissue extending into axillae

Most common site of malignancy

Upper inner quadrant

15% incidence of breast cancer

Lower inner quadrant

6% of incidence of breast cancer

Lower outer quadrant

11% incidence of breast cancer


18% incidence of breast cancer in this region

Breast tissue

Determined by age, nutritional status, pregnancy, lactation, genetics



Suspensory ligaments

Adipose tissue

Most of breast tissue

Glandular tissue

Secretes milk

Suspensory ligaments

Cooper's ligaments

Fibrous bands that attach breast tissue to chest wall muscles

Cancer may cause the ligaments to contract causing pits or dimples in overlying skin

Lymph system of breast




Cenntral axillary

Pectoral Nodes

Behind anterior axillary fold

Drains anterior chest wall and breast

Subscapular Nodes

Located along lateral edge of scapula just inside posterior axillary fold

Drains posterior chest wall and arm

Lateral Nodes

Along the humerus inside the upper arm

Drains the arm

Central Axillary nodes

High middle axillae

Receives drainage from all axillary nodes

75% of drainage will go infraclavicular/supraclavicular nodes on same side

25% of drainage will go infraclavicular/supraclavicular nodes on opposite breast, abd, deep into breast

Problem with metastatic disease, increases spread to the other side

Newborn developmental Considerations

Estrogen causes white nipple fluid in either sex

Resolves in a few days to few weeks

Adolescent developmental concerns

Estrogen stimulates breast development

Breast development 8-13 yrs, average 10-11

Occurs over 3 yrs

Breasts may normally be asymmetric: teens may need reassurance

Precocious puberty

Before 8 yrs

Hormonal imbalance

Needs endocrine evaluation

Delayed puberty

After 13.5 yrs

Hormonal imbalance

Needs endocrine evaluation

Pregnant female

Nipples enlarge, darken, become more erect

Increased venous pattern, superficial vessels

Note elevated Montgomery glands

Colostrum forms in the 4th month


Forms in 4th month

Precursor to milk

Thick, yellow fluid


Colostrum changes to milk 3 days postpartum

Frequent nursing relieves sensation of tenderness and engorgement


Inflammation or infection of breast tissue after childbirth

Red, swollen, hot, painful breasts

Aging Female

Menopause: decrease breast size, glandular tissue atrophy

Decreased elasticity: decreased adipose, pendulous, flattened, sagging breasts

Axillary hair decreases

Male breast

Lifetime risk of breast cancer 1:1000

Gynecomastia: nub of breast tissue under areola, feels like a large grape

Gynecomastia: adolescence

May normally have enlargement in adolescence

Usually unilateral and temporary

Excess testosterone is converted to estrogen

Gynecomastia: Aging male

May occur in aging male

Unilateral or bilateral

Occurs when testosterone levels drop and estrogen becomes unopposed

May also be r/t medication effects or pituitary tumor

Meds: Cimetadine

Breast pain

Breast cancer often begins with pain

Localized or generalized

Character: burning, pulling, discomfort

Cyclic pain: common with OCs and fibrocystic changes

Treat with Vitamin E 400-800 mg

Associated factors: underwire bras, exercise


Fibrocystic/non cancerous lumps

Associated skin changes: redness (mastitis), warmth, dimpling, swelling

History of trauma: lumps as a result

Fibrocystic lumps

May enlarge and become more tender prior to menstrual period

Caffeine intake may incease size and tenderness of cystic lumps

Breast cancer lumps

May cause dimpling and swelling

Only become larger, do not fluctuate in size

Nipple discharge

Needs evaluation, prolactin levels (pituitary tumor)

Clear discharge

May be r/t meds

OCs, phenothiazides (thorazine), diuretics, digitalis, steroids, tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline), reserpine, aldomet

May be r/t pituitary tumor


Milk discharge

Associated with pituitary tumor

Bloody discharge or thick yellow with blood

Always significant, especially when associated with a lump

May indicate ductal cancer

Rash on breast

Paget's disease: advanced ductal cancer

Starts as a small crust on the nipple with surrounding erythema

Mammogram screening

ACS: yearly starting at age 40

USPSTF: Biennial between ages 50-74

Clinical breast exam


- 20 - 39 yrs: Every 3 yrs

- > 40 yrs: Every year

USPSTF: not supported

Breast self exam


- Optional


- Recommend against teaching BSE

Breast augmentation

May still receive mammograms

Men may also receive mammograms

Mammogram failure rate

10% failure to detect irregular mass when present

Young women and mammograms

High density breast tissue

Poor visualization in mammogram

Self breast exam

Perform 5-7 days after onset of menses

Decreased nodularity

Increased nodularity midcycle to last 1-2 days of cycle

Breast Cancer

Second major cause of cancer death in women

- Lung cancer is leading cause of cancer death in women

1 in 8 will develop breast CA before age 45

- Incidence increases with age

80% of breast cancer after age 40

Need to identify early and treat early

Risk Factors per ACS

Female: 100x more common


Breast cancer in one breast increase risk 3-4x in opposite breast

Abnormal breast cells on previous biopsy

Family history: 1st degree relative before age 50

- 20-30% of women will have family hx, 70% don't

BRACA1 or BRACA2: these gene mutations are also risks for men

Radiation to chest: esp prior to 30, ie. treatment for Hodgkin's

Current use of OCP

First child after age 30-35

Never having a child or breast feeding

Menses before 12 yrs

Menopause after 55 yrs

HRT (hormone replacement therapy): estrogen and progesterone


Mammogram showing dense tissue, more grandular, less adipose


Physical inactivity

ETOH: more than 1 drink/day, increased risk 1-1.5 x

DES exposure

Inspect breasts

Expose both breasts for comparison

Note size and shape: often slightly asymmetrical

Left breast usually larger than right

Inspect breast skin

Normal: smooth and even color

Note any localized areas of redness, bulging, dimpling, edema

Redness of breast, heat



Peau d' orange

Orange peel skin

Caused by blocked lymph ducts

Common with cancer

Edema may exaggerate hair follicles causing bumpy texture and large pores

Inspect and Palpate Axillae

Arms relaxed at side

Examine while sitting

Support client's arm

Palpate: high into axilla, anterior axilla, posterior axilla, down chest wall, supraclavicular and infraclavicular areas

Inspect nipples

Normally symmetric on same plane

May be everted, flat, inverted

Note dry scaling, fissures, ulceration, bleeding

Supernumerary nipple

Deviated nipples

May indicate cancer

Inverted nipples

Suspect malignancy if it is a recent change or unilateral

Change is what is significant

Supernumerary nipple

2 nipples along the mammary ridge at MCL

Occurs in 1% of men and women

Appear like a nevus

Retraction maneuvers

Observe changes in contour, symmetry, retraction, dimpling associated with cancer

Hands at sides

Lift arms overhead

Push hands on hips

Palms together

Lean forward: look at underside of large breasts

Palpate breasts: sitting

Bimanual technique

Especially in women with larger breasts

Palpate breasts: lying

Pillow or towel roll under shoulder

Pt place hand behind head

Palpate vertically using pads of 3 fingers

Never raise fingers, only glide

Premenstraually: breasts engorged r/t estrogen, feel fuller and more nodular

Strip method

Palpate in strips from MAL to sternal border

Include Tail of Spence

S/P mastectomy, augmentation

Use the same technique to palpate breasts lying down

Palpate thenipple

Assess for lumps and discharge

Note color, consistency of discharge

Characteristics of Breast Lumps

Palpate both breasts for comparision

- Location: quadrant, cm from nipple, clock

- Size: length, width, depth

- Shape: round, oval, indistinct

- Consistency: soft, hard, firm

- Tenderness

- Borders: defined, irregular

- Retraction/dimpling: present or absent

- Mobility: fibrocystic, cancer

Cancer lump characteristics

Painless lump



Nipple discharge

Educate re: SBE

During or after completing the exam

Examine 5-7 days after first day of menses

Postmenopausal: examine at the same time each month

Emphasize importance of early detection

Watch her demonstrate