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47 Cards in this Set

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I will be able
j' pourrai
I will have to / i must (future)
j' devrai
I will have it
je l'aurais
I will know
j' saurais
He will do it
il l'fera
Its coming
Ca vien
I will come
j' viendrai
He will come
il vendra
They will come
ils viendrent
We will come
Nous viendron
I will come back
j' reviendrai
They will come back
ils reviendrent
We are going to come back
Nous allons revenir
I will be
j' serai
He will be
il sera
We will be
Nous seron
on sera
They are going to be
ils vont etre
They will be
ils seront
It will not be possible to do it like that
Ca n’sera pas possible de la faire comme ca
It will not be necessary to do it
Ca n’sera pas neccesaire de la faire
It will take too much time
Ca prendra trop de temp
It is a pleasure to see you
ça m'a fait plaisir de vous voir
I am looking forward to seeing you
ça m'a faira plaisir de vous voir
I will go
J’ irai
He will go
il ira
I will go there
J’y irai
We will go there tonight
Nous y irons ce soir
You are doing / making
Vous faites
What are you saying
Que est-ce vous dites
I don’t understand what you are saying
Je ne comprends pas ce que vous dites
Dont tell it to me
Ne le m’dites pas
Everything must be ready
Tout dois etre pres
They are doing it
Ils l’font
A little more
Encore un peu
Ten minutes ago
Il y a dix minutes
I have some
J’ en ai
i bought them
Je les ai achete
i didn’t buy any because i couldn’t find any
Je n’en ai pas achete pacque je n’en ai trouve
how many did you buy
Combine on avez vous achete
where did you buy them
Ou les avez vous achete
What time did you call me
What time did you call me
She called me this morning
Elle m’a appeler ce matin
why did you not call me
Pourquoi ne m’avez vous pas appeler
I called you
Je vous’ai appeler
He sold them
Il les a vendu
I waited
J’ai attendu
You didn’t wait for me
Vous n’mavez pas attend