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65 Cards in this Set

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In glomeronephritis besides antibiotics and steroids what other drugs would be beneficial?
ACE inhibitors & angiotension II receptor agonsists. to dec arterial prsssure and glomerular hydrostatic pressure. ALSO DIURETICS to reduce fluid volume in body, dec bp & dec work load of glomerulus
How does sclerosis form with MS?
A disease of demyelination of the CNS, the body tries multiple attempts at remyelination & forms scar tissue
Best way to test for MS?
MRI.multiple lesions
When action potentials jump from one Node of Ranvier to another is called
saltatory conduction
What drugs can you use for MS
Corticosteriods - reduce inflammation in nerve tissues.

Rebif (interferon beta -1a) - dec leukocyte & T cell production
In MS lesions on CNS are called
Dawsons fingers
What treatment for SD?
Botox injections of muscles of larynx
WHat is the problem with parkinsons?
Lack of dopamine
Treatment for parkinsons
MAOB inihibitors
Side effects of Levadopa
brain doesnt need to make dopamine -
arteries are
thick walled elastic tissue; stressed volume
smooth muscle; highest resistence of blood flow
unstressed volume
alpha 1 adrenergic receptors =
lipids go across capilarries by
by dissufision
water to go across capillaries needs
clefts (channels)
beta 2 adrenergic receptors =
selective perfusion of capillaries controlled by
contraction/relaxation of SNS of vascular smooth muscle
What contains the largest percentage of blood in CV sysstem
velocity of blood flow. rate of displacement of blood per unti time
volume flow per unit time
cross sectional area of a blood vessel
Blood flow through a blood vessel is determined by
pressure difference and resistance of the vessel to blood flow
ohms law
signifies the relationship of flow, pressure, and resistance
formula for ohms law
Q=change in P/R
blood flow is inversely perportional to
resistance. i.c. inc resistance decreases flow
blood vessel (arteriole) resistance is responsible for
changes in blood flow in the cardiovascular system
What does poiseuille equation mean
resistance of blood vessel to blood flow
what is poiseuille' equation
Resistance to blood flow is
1. directly proportional to viscosity (n)
2. directly proportional to length of vessel (l)
3. inversely proportional to the fourth power of the radius of the blood vessel
series resistance
total resistance of organ arranged in series is equal to the sum of the individual resistance
waht is the greatest area of resistance in any given series
arteriolar resistance
parallel resistance
distribution of blood flow among the various major arteries branching off the aorta
when flow is distributed through a set of parallel resistances ...
the flow through each organ is a fraction of the total blood flow
parallel resistance means that when increasing resistance to a part of the circuit this will
decrease the total resistance
laminar flow in CVS =
least resistance in middle of artery...most on sides
shear will be greatest
at the wall and smallest at the center
more energy is required to drive...
turbulent blood flow rather than lamnar flow
turbulent flow=
reynolds number
calculation to determin whether laminar or turbulent flow
Equation for Reynolds number
density of blood
diameter of blood flow
velocity of blood flow
viscosity of blood flow
Reynolds < 2000
Reynolds > 2000
When thrombus....narrow diameter of vessels
causes turbulent flow
higher the compliance of a vessel...
the more blood it can hold at a given pressure
formula for compliance
aorta has the
highest pressure=MAP
lowest arterial pressure
diastolic pressure
highest arterial pressure
systolic pressure
Mean arterial pressure
average pressure in a complete cardiace cycle
Phase O of action potentials
upstroke, rapid depolarization, Na+ channels open= inward Na+ current
Phase 1
initial repolarization, Na+ inactivation gates close, strong preference for K+ outward current
Phase 2
stable depolarized membrane potential....no current flow occurs across membrane.
Slow inward current of Ca+ via L-type channels balanced by outward K+ current allows for stabiliy
Ca Channel blockers do...
blod the L-type channels
Phase 3
repolarization to resting membrane potential
Phase 4
electrical diastole, inward & outward currents are again equal to return to the resting membrane potential
Ectopic pacemaker
something over takes Sa node
pacemaker potential
= heart rate
excitability is
the capacity of myocardial cells to generate an action potential
How is dark seen in photoisomerization
Regulated by cGMP. Dark current from Na+ inward current and depolarization of he photoreceptor membrane
How is light seen in photoisomerization
dec in cGMP which closes Na+ channels, dec Na+ current and hyperpolarization of the receptor membreane