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246 Cards in this Set

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4 Components of Wirtz Definition of PR
1. Strategic Communication
2. Maintain & Enhance Relationships
3. Publics
4. Inside & outside an organization
5 points to prove Libel
Publication: must be in fixed form
Identification: usually direct, but can be indirect
Defamation: harm to reputation due to false info
Damages: actual harm, must be able to quantify it (usually monetary-based)
Fault: negligent or careless
5 Principles of Persuasion
[Explain/give rationale for things we (PR) do]
1. Reciprocity
---> (When someone gives us something, we feel the need to reciprocate. EX entering doors.)
---> Free samples, giveaways, gifts

2. Commitment & Consistency
---> When we make a commitment, we feel obligated to fulfill it
---> Small commitments can be increased over time (yard signs)
---> Free trials, petitions, mailing lists

3. Social Proof
---> Comparing ourselves to others
---> Peer pressure

4. Liking
---> People we like can be very influential & persuasive
---> Similarity, proximity, physical attractiveness, compliments
---> Halo effect
---> Choice of spokesperson, Q score, giveaways

5. Authority
---> Accept authority
---> Expert spokesperson, titles, degrees, positions
Advertising Definition
-Advertising is paid, non-personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience
Amos Kendall
--> first presidential press secretary
--> member of President Andrew Jackson's "kitchen cabinet"
--> Used the Public Information model with some Two-Way Symmetry principles.
Application of Social Exchange Theory to PR
--> Relationship Management - explains why publics pull away. Costs > rewards
--> Can apply to a wide range of relationships (not just customers, also employer/employee)
--> Different types of relationships have different types of rewards/costs. (why do people shop at walmart)
Arthur Page
--> PR as Management Function
--> AT&T VP during the 30s and 40s (first to play manager role at at&t)
--> relationship building and two way communication with clients
--> known for 6 principles of PR
Behavioral Intention
A consciously formed intent/decision to perform a given behavior
Boundary Spanners
PR People; they look inside and outside of an organization.

EX provost sending emails on how to be a better professor.
Characteristics of “average” PR practitioner
-13 years experience
-average age: 39
-Gender: 71% female
-2/3rds (67%) are college grads
Communication Facilitator
person on the boundary between environment and organization
Defenses against libel charges
--> Truth (The best defense)
--> Privilege: protects materials and remarks from government officials
--> Fair Comment: you can express your opinion because opinions are not facts
--> Statue of limitations, public figure (public figures, bar for libel is higher)
Differences between Advertising & PR
1. Paid vs Earned Media (advertising you pay for, PR you pray for)
2. Controlled vs Uncontrolled message
3. Audience (external vs internal AND external)
Nature of relationship (personal vs impersonal)
Differences between Marketing & PR
1. Some same -- Paid vs nonpaid, Nonpersonal vs personal
2. Key difference: FOCUS of relationship
a. Marketing = customers, sales, distribution
PR = partners, publics, customers, media, employees, government
Diffusion Theory
We go through processes when deciding to adopt new technologies
---> STEPS: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, adoption
---> Helps predict how events and actions are related by looking at variables
Dominant Coalition
Descision makers in an organization
Earned Media
Positive publicity
-Measures monetary value for positive media coverage
-EX, story in DI about bomb sandwich. Convert 10-inch story to ad CIs
Edward Bernays
-PR as Academic Discipline
-Pioneer in PR education; wrote the first PR text book
-Developed tools to measure public opinion (surveys, market research)
-Goal was to create more effective campaigns
-Understood that publics could be persuaded if the message supported their values and interests
Expert Prescriber
consultant that defines problems, suggests options, oversees implementation
Fair Use
--> Copyright not absolute. Can use portions of copyrighted work
--> Never use music without permission. Small amounts of poetry, 100-200 words of book
Four characteristics of founding of United States set stage for PR/Advertising?
1. A democratic & republican government of, by, and for the people (people can vote & make change, put premium on persuasion

2. Governmental system (system of checks and balances, limited govt in economy, room for business to develop communication & persusasion)

3. A rise in affluence & education for the average person (more people had access to education, companies efforts to influence those who were educated, more educated = more persuasion efforts needed)

4. An independent population (vote with ballots, dollars, make change)
Harold Burson
-one of first PR agencies
-co-founder of Burson-Marstellar Public Relations
-Marstellar – college of media graduate
Individual Difference Variable
people are introverted or extraverted
Ivy Lee
-Father of Public Relations
-Credited with the move of toward to modern practice of information sharing (ex, reporting on employee benefits & safety, internal public)
-believed it was always necessary to tell the truth and do good deeds in order to influence the public
-Clients: John D Rockefeller & the Colorado Fuel Strike, Pennsylvania Railroad
****Lee recommended that management should be proactive, look for problems ahead of time
Maintain and Enhance Relationships
-More than just “spin”. Mutual investment.
-Different types of relationships (client, publics, opinion leaders, media, donors, etc)
-Understanding nature of relationships (EX, Vikings supported by tax money. Before, people were passive. Now, angry.)
Moss Kendrix
-Established his own PR agency - first A-A agency owner
-First black PR practitioner worked for Coca-Cola, Ford
-Helped companies see power of the A-A Consumer base
National Labor Relations Board
Oversees the primary law governing communications between unions and employers
Negative publicity?
-There are conditions under which publicity cant overcome failure of performance. EX, kitchen nightmares from season 2
-Unintended positive effects associated w/negative publicity
-Bad things often accompany negative publicity
Owned Media, Paid Media, and Earned Media
Owned: company controls it. Employee newsletters, website, etc.
Paid: advertising
Earned: Positive publicity, measures monetary value for positive media coverage
-EX, story in DI about bomb sandwich. Convert 10-inch story to ad CIs
PR 4 Steps
PR has “owned” what? & examples
-Media relations (press releases, press kits, pitch letters)
-Crisis management/negative publicity (Press conferences, talking points, tracking media coverage)
-Publications (Employee newsletters, alumni magazines, website content)
-Other common roles (Event planning, fundraising, public speaking)
Pre-Ivy Lee PR (3 people)
-Samuel Adams
-Amos Kendall
-PT Barnum
Predicting Behavioral Intention
---> Attitude (outcome expectancies, evaluations)
---> Subjective Norm (peer pressure)
---> Perceived behavioral control (perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior)
PT Barnum
Co-founded the Barnum and Bailey Circus enterprise.
Used publicity to make money.
Considered to be the Master of the Press
Public Relations Practitioners
Communicate with all relevant publics to develop positive relationships and to create consistency between organizational goals and social expectations.
AKA “owned” media. Org owns/controls content
-PR responsible for organizational materials
-Groups that are important to organizations.
-They share a common goal and recognize their common interest.
-Group of people who have same type of relationship with org
-EX: students, faculty, community
Samuel Adams
-Publicizing slogans (“taxation without representation is tyranny”
-Used media to publicize events (boston massacre)
-Staged events (boston tea party)
Similarities between PR & Advertising
-Trend is to blur lines between Advertising & PR & marketing
-Many ad agencies purchased PR agencies & opened up PR practices
-Increasingly, campaigns have paid and nonpaid component
----> campaigns designed to creat publicity, WOM, etc (Dove, Red Bull)
Stability of Relationship Dependent On…
1. Consistent profit or loss
2. Availability of alternatives
Strategic Communication
Use of communication for persuasion and social influence. Mass communication, but also interpersonal, use of opinion leaders
Subjective Norms
Perceived social pressure to do something
Systems Theory
Organizations have recognizable boundaries and a change in one system affects other systems.
--->Focuses on systems, how they interact, and how change in one system affects other systems.
---> EX, human body
Technician Role
The craft side of PR (writer, editor, photographer)
Implements the management's overall communication strategy
The Creel Committee
Comprehensive propaganda bureau that utilized all media, including film and photography.
Successful because he made use of psychological principals of mass persuasion and social influence at national levels
Statement or set of statements that suggest how two or more variables explain or predict a phenomenon of interest.
Theory of Planned Behavior
--Volitional behaviors are reasoned.
-- We engage in a thought process which includes weighing pros and cons of actions
--This may become automatic but at some point, included reasoning process
Two parts of attitude
1. Outcome expectancies (positive or negative outcomes you associate with performing a behavior)
2. Evaluations (how important that outcome is to you)
Higher evaluation = more likely to do it (positive attitude)
Two Types of behavior
1. Volitional (conscious)
2. Unconscious
Wirtz Definition of PR
Public relations is the use of strategic communication(1) to maintain and enhance relationships(2) with publics(3) inside and outside(4) of an organization
Open vs Closed Systems
Some organizations are open to information
Some not open, don't want to hear when there's a problem
Open organizations are more effective, more willing to talk about problems
Defamation vs Slander vs Libel?
Defamation = UNTRUE STATEMENT. most often written

2 types:
Slander = spoken. (spoken defamation)
Libel = Defamation that appears in fixed form (written or otherwise)
Importance of defamation to PR
-Nearly every press release, news article, or ad holds the potential for a libel suit
-people/organizations use lawsuit or threat of lawsuit to influence what is written or published about them
-Many (90%) libel suits arise from factual errors
Limits on free speech
Right to Privacy
Regulatory Agencies
Intellectual Property
Four areas of privacy law
1. Appropriation
--> use someone's name or image for monetary gain
--> protection = signed release forms

2. Privacy Laws
--> Some facts cannot be published without permission
--> EX: employment, health, or student info

3. Intrusion
--> "Reasonable expectation of privacy" valid in court
--> EX: taping phone convos, secret photos/video

4. False light
--> Publishing true info that is exaggerated or out of context which then implies something false/untrue
4 Regulatory Agencies
1. FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
--> Misrepresentation, omission, or anything that misleads consumers
--> EX: False reviews of product

2. FDA (Federal Drug Administration)
--> Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act
--> Labeling, packaging, & sale of food. Ingredients, etc

3. FCC (Federal Communication Commission)
--> Radio, TV, satellite, cable, internet

4. Security & Exchange Commission
--> laws concerning sale of stocks from public companies
--> PR: Financial reporting, annual reports
4 Types of Intellectual Property
-Fair Use
Copyright vs Trademark vs Patent?
--> protection provided to authors of any original works
--> cannot copyright ideas
--> Copyright is conferred upon creation. Lasts authors life + 70 years

2. Trademark
--> Legal registration of any word, name, symbol, or device
--> can be renewed forever

3. Patent
--> Cannot be renewed forever
--> Legal document issued by US govt, grants exclusive rights for production
theory of correct behavior
deontological ethics
duty ethics
emphasis on process
doing what is right
teleological ethics
emphasis on end result
open and honest communication between an organization and its publics
acknowledgement and assumption of responsibility for actions
corporate social responsibility
commitment to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life for employees
Basic Approach to PR
Action & Communication
Informal Research
obtain overview of situation or organization
communications audit
analysis of effectiveness of all communications vehicles
PR Audit
identification of publics and nature of relationship between publics and organization
Secondary Research
uses existing data
Qualitative Research
data from observation, interviews
Quantitative Research
numerical representation
total number of individuals
subset of population
Environmental Scanning
gathering of info in an organizations external environment
Strategic Planning
structured efforts by organization to create long term plans
Campaign Planning
planning a campaign to achieve an organizational objective
a broad outcome that indicates success
statement that represents a measurable outcome
Types of Objectives
a general approach
Proactive Strategies
earned media and positive publicity
Reactive Strategies
Pre-emptive action (rebuttal)
Offensive Strategies
When in position of strength
Defensive Strategies
Less aggressive response
Rectifying Strategies
organization attempts to make changes
tasks that represent a plans strategy and helps achieve a plans objectives
Interpersonal communication
face-to-face interaction with publics
Organizational Media
content published by organization
News Media
Info gathered and produced by media
Promotional Media/Advertising
Produced by organization and spread by media
Controlled Media
we have control over the content
Uncontrolled Media
someone else makes decision about content
Basic Persuasion Model
Types of Measures
Earned media
Awareness Objectives
Acceptance of objectives
Action objectives
Types of Final Evaluation
After Only Evaluation
Before-and-After Evaluation
COntrolled Before-and-After Evaluation
After Only Evaluation
post test only
results after campaign
Before-and-After Evaluation
pre/post test
increase confidence
more time and money
Controlled Before-and-After Evaluation
takes 2 samples
one receives message, one does not
most confidence but most expensive
Media Relations
goal of promoting understanding of organizations and shaping public perception
PR Tensions
Journalists: naturally skeptical
Lawyers/legal department: paid to reduce liability
Client/management: maximize profit, minimize cost
Foundation for a Good Relationship
Understanding Media Environment
Understanding what is news
Principles of Blogger Relations
Who are you trying to reach?
Importance of building trust
One Way Communication
organization focuses on sending message to publics
Two Way Communication
communication that flows both ways
Two Way Asymmetrical Communication
only interested in finding out about publics as means to an end
Two Way Symmetrical Communication
organizations have dialogue with publics: find out what publics think, feel, want
Social media
facilitate the spread of user-generated content via internet-based technologies
Selective Attention
people generally attend to issues that interest them
Biased Processing
people often process messages in a way that confirms their own beliefs
Diversionary Response
shift attention away from problem
getting someone to listen to our message
basic understanding of message
memory of message
performing desired behavior
Evaluation of Awareness Objectives
Recognition (of message)
Recall of Message (deeper level of engagement)
Evaluation of the Success of Earned Media
# of press releases sent
# of contacts made
deontological ethics
places emphasis on result... focuses on what's right and doesn't worry about outcome. Would never lie to a client.
teleological ethics
focus is on the outcome, most important is the positive result for the client. Would lie to client if thought it would help.
open and honest communication between organization and its publics
acknowledgement of and assumption of responsibility of actions
Basic approach to PR
research --> planning --> action and communication --> evaluation
informal research
not scientific research, that provides a basic overview of a situation/organization. SWOT Analysis is an example.
environmental scanning
gathering info about events, trends, and relationships in an organization's external environment
communications audit
how public perceive communication, interaction patterns, why people read, content analysis
PR audit
provides info for planning future PR efforts
strategic planning
structured efforts by organizations to create long-term plans that are based on their mission. Usually 3-5 years.
campaign planning
fits within strategic plans, achieves an objective. Usually no longer than 1 year.
proactive strategy
doing what organization wants, when it wants
reactive strategy
acts on when something happens
interpersonal tactics
face to face interaction with publics
organizational tactics
info/content published by organization
two way symmetrical communication
organizations have dialogue with publics and find out how they feel, what they want (used in social media, this is the best option)
process model of public relations
research; planning; action/communication; evaluation
informal research
research that aims to obtain overview of situation; not scientific or systematic in methods sample; gaining an in depth understanding
formal research
research that is scientific and systematic in method and sample
informal research tools
review why organization exists; swot analysis; communications audit; public relations audit
types of informal research
record keeping; key contacts; special committees; focus groups; casual monitoring; internet library and database sources
garbage in and garbage out of databases
key contacts
opinion leaders
focus group
small number of people who share some demographic characteristic; can't generalize a focus group so it may not provide enough reliable information; used prior to survey research to know what to put in questionnaire; also used after to probe issues in more depth
types of formal researcher techniques
content analysis; survey research; experimental
content analysis
a research method that allows the researcher to systematically code and thereby quantify the verbal content of written or transcribed messages; analyze content of reports and other publications of their competitors to discover strategic plans
survey research
most common research process;most effective way to assess the characteristics of publics in a form that allows the data to be used in planning and evaluating publics relations efforts; divided into demographic and opinion
experimental research
laboratory or field experiments; laboratory ensures that reactions are based on message being studied and not outside stimuli like pretesting PSAs; very little PR research is done in a lab
descriptive data and inferential
used to describe something such as a public like a demographic profile that use actual numbers; inferential data infer the characteristics of people not included in the specific group from which the information was obtained; they can infer things of a very large public from a small sample
three basic needs for collecting pr data
observations; interviews; and questionnaires
most common form of data collection
web questionnaires are stable in presentation and inexpensive to use
sampling methods
sample is a subset of a population or public that rely on the theory of probability to provide a mini version of target public; simple random sampling--each person gets equal change; systematic sampling uses a list like telephone directory or mailing list to get a sample at random;
mass opinion vs public opinion
mass represents an average taken from a group with many different opinions but this blurs the lines and is only good with predicting elections; public opinion involves carefully targeted populations and is broken down into meaningful subgroups
latent public
a group faces an indeterminate situation but does not recognize it as a problem
aware public
recognizes a problem and becomes aware
active public
organizes to discuss and do something about the problem
environmental monitoring
fastest growing category of public relations research; keep track of changes in the environment because organizations are open systems
environmental scanning
monitoring evaluating and disseminating of information to key decision makers within an organization; provides initial link in the chain of perceptions and actions that permit an organization to adapt to its environment
public relations audit and two steps
most frequently used mixed type of PR research; examines internal and external PR of an organization 1) identify publics; 2) analyze relationship between organization and publics
four step audit process
finding out what we think; what they think; evaluating the disparity between the two; recommending
weakness of informal research
incorrect inferences which can't come from personal experience
organizational image surveys with three things
attitude surveys that determine a public's perceptions of an organization 1) familiarity with organization 2) degree of positive and negative perceptions and 3) characteristics various publics attribute to the organization eventually conduct image studies
communications audit 5 areas
1) communication climate surveys (how open communication channels are); 2) network analysis (interaction patterns between publics inside and outside organization); 3)readership surveys (what they read in publications most frequently) 4) (content of all types of messages--favorable and unfavorable news coverage); 5) readability studies (how readable written messages are understood)
usability research
helps assess both the objective and subjective responses of users to web sites
social audits
attitude and opinion surveys that measure the perceptions of various publics about an organization's social responsiveness
types of planning
strategic and campaign planning
strategic plans
long range planning; consist of structured efforts by organizations to create medium to long term plans that are based on org's mission, vision, values (3-5 years but at times 10); resource allocation
campaign planning
short term plans; process of planning and executing a campaign to achieve an organizational objective; short term no longer than a year; should fit between strategic plans of organization
goals wirtz and strat com
wirtz: a broad outcome that indicates to an organization when it has succeeded and start com: a conceptual statement of what you plan to achieve; key point: measurable outcome
wirtz's hierarchy of planning
mission/vision/values and then goals/objectives and then strategy/and then tactics
objectives wirtz and strat comm
w: a clear statement of intended purpose that represents a measurable outcome; start comm: a measurable goal vs objective
mission statement
broad statement that answers: why do organizations exist and what needs/problems/issues does organization exist to fulfill
vision statement
future oriented with what future will look like if organization succeeds
value statements
represent the core priorities or deeply held beliefs in the organization; only 4-6s culture in a list or set or set of phrases
audience analysis
primary and secondary publics; thorough description of the demographics and lifestyles of each audience as possible; identification of possible messages or other appeals that can be used to influence each audience
problem statement
after identifying problems and opportunities then you can develop a statement to reflect the research done to narrow the task to a manageable size with a planning document
effective campaign theme
catch the essence of the plan; be short (3-5 words); something that can endure over time
most specific direct action that you can tai in the plan
évaluation techniques 2
formative (in process monitoring) monitoring necessary to make changes while the plan is still being implemented; summative: provides the summary of what went right or wrong and why after the campaign has ended
campaign or project budgets 3 step model
components of plan to accomplish specific p activities: method: 1) required resources such as people time material equipment must be listed; 2) the extent these resources will be used must be estimated; 3) costs are determined of resources ("zero based budgets because they are built by including all specific costs)
management by objectives MBO
describes management plans; sets objectives and goals both long and short rain
selecting a target audience
select a target audience and a critical path of influence can be planned for the issue in question: categorize each public 1) a primary public is the group to which an action is directed and as 2) latent aware or active
intervening publics and moderating publics
intervening have direct contact with primary audience and can pass messages to them and moderating publics are groups that share a common goal or guiding philosophy and can make an impact on the primary public
diffusion process
the way in which new ideas are adapted in society
critical paths to how people are influenced to change
5 steps in the diffusion process that describe how people are influenced to change: awareness, interest, evaluation, trials, adoption
channels of influence
5 steps in diffusion process to show how people are influenced: 1) mass media, biased intermediaries, unbiased 3rd parties, significant others, personal experience; within awareness and interest mass media is most effective and within evaluation and trial it's significant other and adoption is PERSONAL EXPERIENCE
two step flow of information theory
traditional pr; theory based on the premise that people in our society are opinion leaders so they have influence but not considered too simplistic
multi-step flow theory
one opinion leader may reach out to other opinion leaders to influence
stakeholder management approach
allows actions to be organized around an entire system of stakeholder groups; goal of maximum overall cooperation between the stakeholders and the organization's objectives; action for each public is planned separately; determine who should be the object of an action step; what the action should be; what results and how each element will fit into the plan
those individuals who perceive themselves as having an interest in the actions of an organization
writing objectives (generally include)
public: Who are you addressing the message, initiative to?; direction: create something new, increase, decrease, specific effect: what specifically do you want (visit website donate blood); performance measure (numerical terms desired outcome) time period
controlled and uncontrolled media
controlled: media that we have control over content; earned media/uncontrolled media: someone else makes decisions about content; KEY POINT: we can't control if and when we get placed
five guidelines for building relationships with publics using internet technology
1) create a dialogue; 2) make the information useful to all publics who may use the site; 3)focus on the generation of return visits through interactive strategies; 4) develop an intuitive ease to the interface 5) not too many links to other sites
pr practitioners often use advertising as a campaign element to accomplish one or more of the following objectives
1) develop awareness; 2) tie a diverse product line together; 3) improve consumer relations; 4) improve the organization's image; 5) take a stand on a public issue
three basic considerations for media selection
audience; timing; budget available
basic persuasion model when you NEED to be heard
1) attention (getting someone to listen to our message) 2) understanding 3) retention (remember message) 4) action--performing desired behavior
selective attention
people generally attend to issues that interest them; people often block out messages once they have made up mind
biased processing
people often process messages in a way that confirms their own beliefs thoughts and attitudes; how we evaluate messages often influenced by current thoughts and beliefs
retention and desire to act are increased if
1) what's in it for me 2) is it compatible with my values needs and beliefs 3) is it easy to remember and do; 4) is it easy to try with little or no risk; 5) can i observe the consequences of my actions; 6) is my action positively reinforced by subsequent messages
common mistakes in the measurement of pr effectiveness
volume is not equal to results; estimate is not measurement; samples must be representative; effort is not knowledge; knowledge is not favorable attitude; attitude is not behavior
two models of public relations research into which most measurement efforts can be categorized
open and closed
third party endorsement
status or seal of approval that media coverage confers on an organization's news and information
pr practitioners view of the journalist
journalist is an audience; medium through which to reach the larger public; and a gatekeeper representing and responding to the public's need to know; mutual dependency
two main points when pitching stories to a blogger
story is key and relationships matter; pitch blog a week beofre
blogger relations
1) who are you trying to reach (old media more general); 2) importance of building trust/relationships (read blogs you are pitching and dialogue); 3. find balance between audience size and likelihood of placing a story 4) many bloggers tell you what they write about and how to contact them 5) your blogger may not be your friend
company information; spontaneous: negative when something happens that news media needs to cover; planned: earned media
Press releases
most common type of publicity release; sometimes not favorable but necessary; ; full story must be told; types are: business features, consumer service features, financial features, product features, pictorial features, video/audio news release, psa, social media news release
press media kits
collection of publicity releases; fact sheets; brochures; photos; videos and other info pieces enclosed in a folder that a writer may need
press conferences
structured opportunities to release news simultaneously to all media (used when news is important and when interaction is vital to understanding of complex or controversial topic) but can lose control with quotes; advantage: word out to media
online video seminars allow organizations to reach consumers and media outlets with demonstrations and lectures relating to developing trends and ideas that their customers desire to learn more about
really simple syndication lets people distribute and display content for the web
interactive web site that allows those with security rights to post and change content
computer based systems for communicating internally with employees and other insiders
computer based systems for communication externally audiences such as investors customers and community
two keys to crisis pr
having an up to date workable crisis plan and taking responsibility for the crisis and moving to positive action immediately to get off the defensive and onto the offensive
crisis plans elements and guidelines
putting the public interest first; taking responsibility for correcting the situation; being as open as possible;having a designated spokesperson or people;establishing a central media or info center; responding to all media inquiries; using social media to given our perspective and response plans; avoiding speculation
ways to defend against rumors
maintain trust; keep audiences regularly informed; tailor each message to the audience receiving it; establish a rumor hotline; monitor possible effects of rumors so easy intervention can be enacted if necessary
four areas of concern for ethics for pr practitioners
1) pr has a reputation for unethical behavior; 2) pr is often the source of ethical statements from an organization; 3) practitioners are trying to create a code of ethics for themselves 4) practitioners should act ethical on behalf of organization and publics they serve
two basic guiding ethical principals for pr practitioners
1) will to be ethical honest and trustworthy; 2) make every effort to avoid actions that have adverse consequences for others
focs is on how we should act or what we ought to do; explores how we should act in situations often with competing outcomes or loyalties
two broad approaches to ethics
deontological( duty ethics; focused on doing the right thing; following code of ethics important even if clients rep is damaged; wouldn't lie for a client; and theological (consquentialism-emphasis on end results of an action to determine its goodness end justifies means; focus on outcome; helps client
corporate ethics
how should business acting as a collective but also individuals within the business act
3 wirtz principles with ethics remember...
1) power of situation and ability to justify behavior (fundamental attribution error); 2) value of knowing yourself prior to being placed in settings where you have to make decisions 3) in reality most individual ethical systems based on combination of principles
corporate social responsibility
commitment to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of employees and their families as well as the local community at large
how we measure achieving awareness objective
attention; comprehension; memory
how we measure attitude/acceptance objective
interest; attitude (positive negative) recall (pretest posttest)
proactive strategies
a) launch "under conditions and timeline that fit best for organization"; doing what organization wants when it wants; try to stay proactive; organizational performance (what could we do to improve); special events (fun); alliances and coalitions (NFL American Cancer)
reactive strategies
RESPOND to "influences and opportunities from environment" ; organization chooses or is forced to act because something happened--not necessarily crisis management; pre-emptive action (get it out first) offensive response; defensive response; diversionary response (diversionary); rectifying behavior (investigation)
4 types of tactics
interpersonal/intrapersonal communication (face to face; speeches); organizational media (content produced by the organization like brochures): news media; news media (blogs); promotional media/advertising
message strategy
general approach to message design that guides what themes content and tone of message, what visuals are used, etc--humor sex fear
Types of Measures
Earned media/positive publicity ; awareness objectives (recognition and recall); messages sent; surveys; focus groups; action objectives (observational measures; self report (surveys) direct behavioral measures like how many pints of blood)
after only evaluation
sometimes called post-test only; look for results after campaign event (survey focus groups;) advantage: fairly simple; straightforward; disadvantage: assumes cause and effect
before and after (pretest/posttest)
measure prior and then post campaign
advantage; increase confidence what you did mattered and caused change; dis: takes more time and money
controlled before and after evaluation
takes two samples: one receives messages and one does not; measure before and after; advantage: most confidence that what you did matters; dis: most expensive and time consuming
closed system evaluation
evaluation that is forced on intended message targets and intended outcomes; pretest with sample of publics; posttest with different sample of same public (doesn't include outside factors; what did we do and what effects were there
open system evaluation
includes consideration of unintended effects; organizational effectiveness and environmental influences; tries to measure intended effect but also unintended consequences of message; what did we do what effects were there; were there other explanations
media relations
interaction between organization and news media that has goals of promoting understanding of organization and shaping public perception of organization via media
Foundation for good relationship with the media
1) understanding media environment (advertising dollars, entertainment, internet); 2) understanding what is news (hard/soft difficult to influence hard news); understanding journalistic ethics; understanding individual journalist (irrelevant pitches); reliable and accurate, don't overhype, be available, don't overhype
hard news
timeliness conflict proximity impact prominence editor tells journalist and you what is considered news
Key issues related to PR and social media
1) where does social media fit in organization; 2) best practice for strategic comm in PR or two way symmetrical comm 3) blurred line between personal and private 4) amount of info that orgs can gather with social media and internet 5) way the people use social media (multitasking) so hard to break through and want to go into mobile 6) potential for exponential grow; 7) social media can increase involvement with organization
communication types
one way; two way; two way asymmetrical (advertise and persuade to think in a certain way) two symmetric communication (dialogue)
a state of arousal that a person experiences in response to a persuasive message: tend to be involved with messages that are personally relevant; on a continuum so high involvement more arousal and vice versa
arousal implication for PR
arousal occurs at the same time with thinking about a message; social media increases opportunities for high involvement (post on fb or write blog)and obtain response from low involvement (retweet like a page)
search engine optimization
process of changing web site's content in order to improve visibility within one or more search engines; placement of key words terms or tags
organizational culture
the history and approach to decision making; each org has its own unique culture; employee comm starts with organizational culture;
3 basic leadership/organizational styles
authoritarian; democratic; laissez-faire
5 principles of accountability
acknowldegement and assumption of responsibility for action; organization does what it says; acknowledges when it causes harm; harm damage is repaired; mechanisms for two way comm; publics can report concerns
3 things research does
cyclical process where you 1) monitor environments of orgs and their publics; provide guidance for strategies and tactics; measure productivity of pr effort
why do we care about theory in pr
1) we all operate with many implicit theories; if theories help us predict future events, then they should help us create more effective campaigns
broad statement that describes a general action approach of how to accomplish a desired goal or objective link tactics with objective