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112 Cards in this Set

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nausea is usually accompanied by


vomiting - loss of gastric HCl causes

metabolic alkalosis

if vomit bicarb from sm intestine then you get

metabolic acidosis

persisting emesis can eventually lead to

circulatory failure (loss of ECF)

obesity d/t production of


only sustained wt loss for severly obese

bariatric sx

3 bariatric sx categories

malabsorptive, restrictive, combo of both

most common bariatric sx

adjustable gastric banding (agb)

agb cuts off

30ml - one h2o fountain sip

vertical sleeve gastrectomy - % removed


vertical sleeve gastrectomy - stomach does not

grow back but stretches

verti sleeve gastrectomy tx what

hunger, but hunger is not normally the issue

RYGB stands for



30ml pouch at top of stomach

2 complications of RYGB

dumping syndrome, malnutrition

5 post op obese risks

DVT, infection, dehiscence, delayed healing, evisceration


sutures coming out


intestines coming out

what returns in women after wt loss


1/3 liver blood

hepatic artery

2/3 liver blood

portal vein

3 GI tract organs

liver, pancreas, gallbladder

liver metabolizes

protein (albumin, clotting factors)

liver detoxifies

ammonia to urea

destroyed liver cells and scar tissue cuases

inc in GI system BP

3 causes of hepatitis

virus, autoimmune, drugs

viral hep

a b c d e g

toxic hep

acetaminophen, ETOH

autoimmune hep

wilsons disease, PBC


non alcoholic fatty liver disease

type a

fecal oral

type a vac

ppl traveling outside US

type b

blood, body fluid

type b vac

everyone in US

type c

drug user, tatoos, piercings

20% type c will

progress to cirrhosis

type c liver damage

15-20 years post infection

wilsons disease

liver flap (hand flaps)


primary biliary cirrhosis


iron storage disorder

NAFLD linked to

obesity, steroids

NAFLD elevated


asymptomatic hepatitis

30% acute HBV, 80% acute HCV

phases of hep infection

incubation/prodromal, icteric, convalesvent




jaundice, dark urine, clay stool, RUQ pain


jaundice resolve, LFT normal

hep labs

prolonged PT & PTT

hep a dx

one test

hep b dx

many tests

hep c tx


hep tx

rest rest rest

hep diet

low fat, high carb

hep follow up

1 yr post dx

hep supportive therapy

milk thistle, vit, antiemetics

chronic hep b and c drug

antiviral (interferon)

interferon dec

viral load, liver enzyme, rate of disease progression

interferon SE

flu like sx, anemia, anorexia, depression, insomnia

hep a - wash

hands and food

hep a vac

2 shots, immune after 30 days

hep a immune globulin

1-2 weeks post exposure

hep b and c screen

donated blood

hep b and c use

disposable needles

hep b and c wash


hep b and c safe


hep b and c avoid sharing

toothbrush, razors

hep b vac

3 shots, 1st at birth last at 18 months

liver dysfunction early sns

RUQ pain

liver dysfunction later sns

jaundice, ascites, anasarca, skin lesions/bruising

liver - bleeding from

portal HTN

inc serum ammonia causes pt to

be confused


loss of cell structure cause no protein production

itchy liver pt

can scratch and make abrasion and fluid from ascites will leak like crazy

acetaminophen metabolized by


ibuprofen metabolized by


esophageal varices drug therapy goal

stop bleeding

acute ugi bleed drugs

octreotide, vasopressin

acute ugi bleed - what prevents hepatic encephelopathy

lactulose, neomycin

hepatic encephalopathy from

rbc breakdown/ammnonia

ascites diet

high carb low sodium


drain it (ascites)

peritoneovenous shunt

drain fluid from ascites into vena cava

peritoneovenous shunt complications

fluid overload, infection, thrombosis

do what before paracentesis

empty bladder

paracentesis post procedure patient position

right side to splint puncture site

hepatic encephalopahty aka

end stage liver disease


liver flap

hepatic encephalopahty sns

asterixis, inc ammonia

hepatic encephalopathy goal

dec ammonia production

lactulose traps ammonia where

in gut

hep enceph diet

high calorie

hep enceph give

b complex vit, vit k

nursing eval hep enceph reports increased

ease of breathing

most common GI prob


GERD post op complication

barrets esophagus

peptic ulcer disease from

stress, meds, H pylori

melena appearance

black tarry stool, very foul odor

two upper GI bleed

obvious, occult

obvious upper GI bleed

hematemesis, melena


bright red, coffee ground

why do you want a foley for upper GI bleed

kidneys may have less perfusion = less output

do what w/in 24 hrs of upper GI bleed


diarrhea hand hygeine

soap and water

c diff

isolation, 10% bleach

appendicitis RLQ pain

mcburney's point

apendix rupture cuases

peritonitis then sepsis

ulcerative colitis for >10 yrs high risk for

colon cnancer


abn opening from one organ to another

fistula common in


avoid what for IBD


watch for what when suctioning gastric fluid

k levels, k is in gastric fluid

study JPs flashcards

aymondnursing unit 1 adult