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74 Cards in this Set

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Sodium Values
136 - 145 mEq/L
Hyponatremia Causes
Na loss (burns, diuretic, perspiration), fluid increase, & pituitary disfunction
Hyponatremia S/S
LOC changes, lethargic, skin & mucous dry, tachycardia, hypotension, & N/V
Hypernatremia Causes
Na gain, water loss, & inadequate water intake
Hypernatremia S/S
LOC changes, confusion, increased muscle tone, skin dry & flushed, thirsty, N/V, & edematous
Hypernatremia Treatment
Stop the salt by giving them isotonic or hypotonic solutions

with dietary control & diuretics
Hypernatremia Interventions
monitor LOC, labs, I&O, & frequent oral care
Potassium Functions
cardiac, nerve, & muscle function
Potassium Values
3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L
Potassium Sources
bananas & orange juice
Hypokalemia deficiency
<3.5 mEq/L
Hypokalemia S/S
muscle cramps, irregular HR, & hyporeflexia
Hypokalemia Interventions
monitor VS, labs, & dietary intake
Hyperkalemia Causes
increased intake, decresed urinary excetion, & renal failure
Hyperkalemia S/S
Increases cell excitability, causing excitable tissues to respond to less intense stimuli

Causes Tall T Waves (three Ts...Tall Tented T Waves). Widened QRS, prolonged PR, flat P waves

muscle weakness & tingling, bradycardia
Hyperkalemia Treatment
give Lasix (potassium wastng diuretic)

limit intake

If kidneys don't work, we give Kayexalate

Dialysis for extreme hyperkalemia
Calcium Functions
formation & structure of bones & teeth, cell membrane permeability, & blood clotting
Hypocalcemia S/S
muscle spasms, tetani, Chevostek's sign, Trousseau's sign, increased risk of bleeding & bruising
Hypocalcemia Treatment
Ca & Vit D supplements
Hypocalcemia Interventions
monitor cardiac functions
Hypercalcemia Causes
excessive intake, thyroid & parathyroid conditions, & cancer
Hypercalcemia S/S
Causes excitable tissues to be less sensitive to normal stimuli.

causes bradycardia that can lead to cardiac arrest.

Excessive blood clotting, increased risk of DVT

EKG changes, disarrythmias

N/V, & flank pain,
Hypercalcemia Interventions
Use calcium chelators


monitor cardiac functions (ECG and Clotting)
Magnesium Functions
neuromuscular conduction, cardiac function, & blood clotting
Magnesium Values
1.3 - 2.1 mg/dL
Hypomagnesemia Causes
Mg loss, inadequate intake, steroid use
Hypomagnesemia S/S
disorientation, confusion, Chvostek's & Trousseau's signs, tachycardia, & sudden cardiac death
Hypomagnesemia Treatment
Mg w/ antacids containing Mg, IV Mg w/ a dilute
Phosphorous Functions
interdependent w/ Ca, required for muscle function, primary buffer to maintain urinary pH
Hyperphosphatemia S/S
muscle spasms, tetani, & tachycardia
Hyperphosphatemia Interventions
monitor respiratory, cardiac, labs, muscles, & stool colors
Chloride Values
98-106 mEq/L
Hypochloremia Causes
r/t GI loss, diuretics, & aggressive diaphoresis
Hypochloremia S/S
neuromuscular twitching
Hypochloremia Interventions
monitor respirations
Helps preserve ECF volume & fluid distribution. Helps transmit impulses in nerve and muscle fibers; combines with chloride and bicarbonate to regulate acid-base balance"
Sodium Na+
Maintains cell's electrical neutrality and osmalality; Aides neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses; Assists skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction and electrical conductivity; Affects acid base; Body cannot conserve"
Potassium K+
Promotes enzyme reactions within cell during carbohydrate metabolism; Helps body produce & use ATP for energy; Takes part in protein synthesis; Influences vasodilation; Regulates muscle contractions; Effects parathyroid hormone."
Magnesium Mg+
Helps maintain cell structure and function; plays a role in cell membrane permeability and impulse transmission; Contraction of cardiac, smooth muscle, & skeletal muscle; Participates in blood clotting process"
Calcium Ca+
hormone which helps regulate Sodium Balance
What is the most abundant electrolyte in the ECF?
Helps preserve ECF volume & fluid distribution. Helps transmit impulses in nerve and muscle fibers; combines with chloride and bicarbonate to regulate acid-base balance"
Sodium Na+
Maintains cell's electrical neutrality and osmalality; Aides neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses; Assists skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction and electrical conductivity.
Potassium K+
Promotes enzyme reactions within cell during carbohydrate metabolism; Helps body produce & use ATP for energy; Takes part in protein synthesis; Influences vasodilation; Regulates muscle contractions; Effects parathyroid hormone."
Magnesium Mg+
Helps maintain cell structure and function; plays a role in cell membrane permeability and impulse transmission; Contraction of cardiac, smooth muscle, & skeletal muscle; Participates in blood clotting process"
Calcium Ca+
In the Renin Angiotensin Aldosteron System what does Aldosterone stimulate?
Na+ and H2O retention
What is the most abundant electrolyte in the ECF?
What is Diffusion??
Molecules (solutes) move from area of high concentration to lower concentration
Hypernatremia- Clinical manifestations
Hypernatremia- Clinical manifestations Decreased mental status Decreased turgor Dry skin and dry mucous membranes Thirst
Hyponatremia- clinical manifestations
Hyponatremia- clinical manifestations Neurological symptoms due to brain swelling Weight gain Edema Rales Abdominal cramps Low hematocrit Low BUN Orthostatic hypotension
Trousseaus Signs
Trousseaus Signs BP cuff inflated for 3-4 minutes hand claws up.
Intracellular Electrolytes
Intracellular Electrolytes potassium(K) and magnesium (Mg)
Extracellular Electrolytes
Extracellular Electrolytes Sodium and Chloride
Antidiuretic Hormone - function
Antidiuretic Hormone - function - stimulates the kidney to reabsorb water decreasing urine output, supporting BP and blood volume - stimulate peripheral blood vessels to constrict
IV solutionos
d5w - isotonic
pulse is thready and weak with __
A person with hypokalemia is at risk for falls due to __
ortho hypotension
gi manifestations with hypokelamia are__
slowed. loss of motility
people taking __ are at risk for hyperkalemia
glucose solutions with insulin are used to manage __
hyperkalemia. it helps move k from ecf to icf.
d10 w is
hypotonic fluids __ osmolality of the interstitial space
pts are at risk for __ when receiving hypertonic solutions.
IV solutions
d5w - isotonic
pulse is thready and weak with __
A person with hypokalemia is at risk for falls due to __
ortho hypotension
gi manifestations with hypokalamia are__
slowed. loss of motility
people taking __ are at risk for hyperkalemia
glucose solutions with insulin are used to manage __
hyperkalemia. it helps move k from ecf to icf.
d10 w is
hypotonic fluids __ osmolality of the interstitial space
pts are at risk for __ when receiving hypertonic solutions.