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22 Cards in this Set

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folliculitis vs furuncles vs carbuncles
- inflammation of hair follicle
- furuncle- deep in hair follicle(s) spreading to dermis
- carbuncle - even deeper in subcut tiisue
primary vs non-primary
- if you first get type 1, that is your primary episode
- if you then acquire type 2, that is your initial non-primary episode
- initial primary episode is worst
hsv factors
sunlight, stress, dec immunity
Genital herpes transmission
- will usually get burning or tingling feeling 24h before vesicles erupt
- however, incubation is 3-7 days, so you were contagious those days unbeknownst to you
HSV pregnancy
- with active lesions, must have c-section
- associated with preterm pregnancies
fungal infections
- avoid heat and humidity
- keep skin and feet dry
- avoid sharing towels and combs
pediculosis. clinical manifestations
- lice - capitus, corporus, pubis
- not associated with uncleanliness

- intense pruritis, scratching causes secondary infections
- head lice found behind ears and back of head, silvery eggs
- body lice live in clothing
- pubis - pruritis at night. reddish brown dust in underwear is excretions
pediclousis nursing
- shampoo with lindane
- fine tooth comb dipped in vinegar to remove nits (eggs)
- all family members must be treated
- clothing bedding washed in hot water (130f)
- use lindane as instructed - causes CNS symptoms
scabies. clinical manifesations
- mites
- associated iwht bad hygiene

- burrows usually inbewteen fingers and on wrists
- 4 weeks until symptoms appear
- pruritis at night due to warmth stimulating them
nursing scabies
- warm soapy shower to remove debris from crusts
- apply lindane or other scabicide to skin from neck down (doesn't affect face)
- medication left on for 12-24 hours

- use as directed. impt to dry and cool skin before treatment, otherwise inc absption of med (cns effects)
- ichitiness may persist for weeks due to hypersensitivty
stevens - johnson syndrome. clinical manifestations
- adverse reaction to certain medications - NSAIDS and sulfonamides, antiseizure meds too

- starts off as conjuctival burinng, itching, tender skin, fever, malaise, sore throat, HA, myalgia
- then skin turns erythematous
- epidermis shed, dermis exposed
- weeping skin like inburns
medical management stevens-johnson syndrome
- fluids and electrolytes
- Ab for sepsis
- IVIG for rapid healing
- topical Ab, anesthetics, biologic dressings
- oral and eye care
nursing diagnoses stevens johnson
impaired tissue integrity
- avoid friction when moving pt
- topical agents and Ab, hydroptherapy
- oral hygine

deficient fluid volume

risk for imbalanced body tmep
- prone to chilling - cootton blankets, heat lamps/shields
- limit wound care exposure

acute pain
severity of burns
superficial partial thickness
- epidermis, possibly some dermis
- reddened that blanches with pressure

deep partial-thickness (2nd)
- epid and upper dermis, possibly deeper dermis
- sensitive to cold air
- weeping surface

- all of dermis gone, possibly musle, bone
- pain free
- broken skin, fat exposed
- requires grafting for recovery
estimate total BSA burned
role of 9's - each body of area receives 9% of BSA

- head
- ant/post chest
- ant/post abdomen
- arm
- ant/post leg
* groin 1%
electrical burns
- since point of entry is small, hemorrhage may be deep into viscera
pathophysiology of burns
- effects are localized until it reaches 20% TBSA --> systemic effects

- shift from intrav to interstitial, shock, edema

- burn shock causes dec CO
- immedly fluid resscictate

- inhalation injurty

- dec funcn due to burn shock and myobglobin and hemoglobin buildup occluding renal tubules

- paralytic ileus --> abdom distention, vomiting [NG gastric decompression]
- Curling's ulcer (gastric bleeding)
- altered mucosal barrier prone to infection in GI
- abdominl compartment syndrome
phases of burn care
- from injury until fluid resc complete

- from diuresis to wound closure

- wound closure to optimal physical and psychosoc dvlmpt
emergent/rescustiative care
- extinguish flames, cool burns with water, irrigate chemical wounds
- ABC, oxygen and large-bore IV
- remove clothing, cover wound
when should a burn patient receive gastric decompression
- above 20% TBSA burned, GI effects of Curling ulcers and paralytic ileus
fluid replacement for emergent care
- formula
2-4mL/kg/%TBSA for first 24 hours
- 1/2 of it given first 8h
- next 1/2 given next 16h

- a GUIDELINE, not absolute
biobrane dressing
- nylon dressing for deep partial thickness - prevents weeping