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55 Cards in this Set

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The 3 Body Planes

Sagittal, Coronal (Frontal), & Transverse Plane

Superior, Inferior

To the head (Above), to the feet (Lower)

Anterior (Ventral), Posterior (Dorsal)

To the front of the body, to the back of the body

Cranial, Caudal

Towards the head, towards the distal end of the body

Ventral, Dorsal

Front side of the organ, Back side of the organ

Medial, Lateral

Toward the midline of the body, toward the side of the body

Superficial, Deep

Near the surface, away from the surface

Proximal, Distal

Near the origin, Away from the origin.

Thoracic cavity (2 cavities within)

Mediastinum & Pleural cavities

Abdominopelvic cavity (2 cavities within)

Abdominal & pelvic cavity

Ventral cavity (2 cavities within)

Thoracic & Abdominopelvic cavity

Dorsal body cavity (2 cavities within)

Cranial & spinal cavity


Trachea, heart, blood vessels

Pleural cavities


Abdominal cavity

Liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas, small intestine & part of large intestine

Pelvic cavity

Lower (sigmoid) colon, rectum, urinary bladder, reproductive organs

Cranial cavity


Spinal cavity

Spinal cord

9 abdominal regions

Right & Left hypochondriac

Right & Left lumbar

Right and left iliac





When 2 or more atoms unite


The building blocks of matter


The smallest living unit & function in the body


Organization of cells to perform a common function


Organization of different tissues to perform a special function.

System of the body

Organization of many organs to perform complex functions for the body.

Plasma membrane

Forms the outer boundary of cell


Protoplasm; Made up of 70% water, food, minerals, enzymes, & other materials in the cell.


Responsible for reproduction & controls other organelles inside the cell. Contains nucleolus & chromatin granules (protein & DNA)


Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Endoplasmic Reticulum

The circulation system in the cytoplasm for carrying substances.

1) smooth for fatty substances

2) rough for manufacturing protein


Protein factories structures floating in the cytoplasm or attached to endoplasmic reticulum. Produce enzymes & other proteins.


Powerhouses in the cell. Bean shaped. Converts food into energy (Adenosine Triphosphate aka ATP) for the cell.


Sac like structures in the cells. Contain enzymes for digesting food compounds & microbes invading the cell.

Golgi Apparatus

Packaging Plant in the cell. Packages certain carbs & protein compounds into globules of glycoprotein.


Paired, rod shaped organelles in the cell. Aid in the formation of the spindle during mitosis.

Protein Synthesis

Protein production from DNA to RNA to the ribosomes.


Cell division

1) Prophase - Chromosomes form 2 chromatids. The centrioles form spindle fibers.

2) Metaphase - Nuclear membrane disappears. Chromatids & centrioles align in position. Spindle fibers attach to each chromatid.

3) Anaphase - Centrioles pull the chromatid & cell division begins.

4) Telophase - 2 nuclei appear & chromosomes disperse & 2 daughter cells appear.

Active transport

Requires energy from the cell. Cell obtains energy from ATP. To move substances from low to high concentration.

Passive transport

No energy needed. Movement of small molecules across the membrane of the cell by diffusion. From high concentration to low.


Process of the cell eating foreign material. Usually performed by white blood cells.


Cell drinking

Sodium-potassium pump

Active transporting sodium ions (Na+) out of the cell & potassium ions (K+) into the cell. Operates in the plasma membrane.

Calcium pump

Active transporting intracellular calcium ions (CA2+) into compartments or out of the cell.


Passive transportation of water across a selectively permeable membrane.


Passive transport of water & small solute particles by force (pressure or gravity). No solid particles.


Passive transport of solid particles from high to low concentration resulting in even distribution.

Epithelial tissue

Covers the outside of the body & some internal structure. Protects, Absorbs, & secretes.

1) Simple squamous

2) Stratified squamous

3) simple columnar

4) Stratified transitional

Connective tissue

Connects tissue or structures of the body. Surrounded by intercellular fluid.

(Adipose fat, Areolar, Dense fibrous tendons & ligaments, cartilage, blood, bone, hematopoietic in red bone marrow)

Muscle tissue

Contracts in response to the brain.

Skeletal muscles (striated voluntary)

Cardiac (striated involuntary)

Smooth muscles (visceral involuntary)

Nervous tissue

Nerves, Brain, spinal cord. Allows control of body functions. Composed of neurons (nerve cells) & glial cells (supporting & nourishing neurons).

3 parts of a neuron

Dendrites - carry impulses TOWARD the cell body

Cell body

Axon - carries impulses AWAY from the cell body

Membranes (2 types)

Epithelial & connective tissue

Epithelial membranes (2 types)

Mucous & serous membranes

Mucous membranes

Line the body surfaces open to the outside environment.

Nose, mouth, urinary & respiratory tracts

Serous membranes

Single sheet of membrane that prevents friction when organs touch.

Lungs (pleura), intestines (peritoneum), heart (pericardium)

The parietal membrane lines the wall of the cavity & the visceral membrane lines the viscera (organs).