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37 Cards in this Set

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adult attachment theory

early bond between infant and caregiver effect later relationships

attachment styles

mental framework about relationship expectancies and for the 'self'

secure attachment style

feel safe and cared for so they develop confidence in relationships

anxious attchment style

fear of abandonment

avoidant attachment style

fear abandonment so bad that they avoid situations

anxious attachment style: older adults vs. younger adults

older are less likely

trait theories

adjectives describing peoples traits capture psychological makeup

trait perspective

traits guide behavior and are partially inhereted

Costa and McCrae's thoery

Five Factor Model (FFM) "the big five" that intends to capture all characteristics of personality based on 5 dispositions

FFM uses what to test disposition?

Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Personality Inventory-Revised questionaire that charts changes in personality over time


Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Personality Inventory-Revised


openness conscientiousness extraversion agreeableness neuroticism (big 5)

correspondence principle

people experience life events that reflect their personality. personality stability over time then is reinforced

type a behavior pattern is associated with which disease?

heart disease and hostility

Traits and health: conscientousness

low=carelessness weight gain impulsivity less interulukin 6 and good cholesterol

high= prevention-related behaviors, #MIDUS says low IL6, Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging says high longevity, Nun study shows lower Alzheimers

Traits and health: openness

high: less rxn to stress tests,

Five pathways through adulthood

Authentic road

triumphant trail

straight and narrow way

meandering way

donward slope

affect regulation

through engaging in relationships there is an increase in happiness


Socioemotional selectivity theory:

smaller social life. more concerned with emotional relationships and positivity

Cognitive Perspective

proposes that people are driven by desire to predict and control experiences. these studies emphasize coping mechanisms

Cognitive Self Theory

People regard events from how relevent they are to their sense of 'self'

Ex: self-efficacy

Theories within the Cognitive Perspective

-Possible selves

-Coping and Control

-Identity process theory

Possible Selves theory

individuals self-schema (view of themself) effects pursuit of future adventures

Coping and Control

cognitive approach to 'stress'


percieve that situation overwhelmes your ability to manage it


actions taken to reduce stress

Problem-focused coping

attempt to reduce stress by changing the situation

emotion-focused coping

changing the way they think about the situation


peopole who are characteristically able to cope with challenging life events

Identity processing theory

the goal of developmet is optimal adaptation to environment through balance in The Self (identity assimilation) and in response to experience (identity accomodation).

multiple threshold model

aging individuals react to changes through identity assimilation and identity accomodation

does identity accomodation or identity assimilation give more positive results in aging adults?

identity assimilation

Theory of the mid-life crisis

Levinson/Sheeny approach. believe that there are strict age-based turning points in adulthood; midlife crisis is one

Levinson's Stages of Adulthood

Early adulthood transition 17-22

Midlife transition 40-45

Late adult transition 60-65

Midlife transition 40-45

corresponds with when midlife crisis happens

Midlife crisis theme

1. overcoming disillusionment du to failure to achieve the dreams of youth that inevitably, cannot be fully realized.

2.making decisions over how to set life structure in middle adulthood

3.resolve polarities of personality

"mid-life crisis scale"

Developed by Costa and McCrae. Contradicts midlife crisis. MIDUS also contradicted it