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28 Cards in this Set

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Epinephrine: what receptors stimulates?
Все-a1.a2, В1, В2б low doses selective for B1
vasoconstriction, increased peripheral resistance,increased BP,mydriasis, closure of the bladder sphincter-альфа никогда не ссыт
Inhibition of norepinephrine release
Inhibition of insulin release. Стимуляция альфа-2 рецептора ведет к блоку цАМФ и последующему торможению освобождения norepinephrine.
Difference between alpha and beta receptors
Alpha receptors show weak response to synthetic agonists, while B-receptors show low response to NE and E
Betta-1 receptors action
Beta-1 receptors est only on the heart, so they enhance pulse and contactility
Function of betta-2 receptors
Vasodilation, slight decrease of peripheral resistance, bronchodilation, increased muscle and liver glycogenolysis, increased release of glucagon
-relaxed uterine smooth muscle
3 types of adrenergic agonists
1.direct acting-stimulate receptor directly
2.indirect acting-enhance release of ТУ from vesicles
3. Mixed acting- direct and indirect acting
Another classification of adrenergic agonists
Naturally occuring catecholamines
NE, E, dopamin- all arrive from tyrosine, tyrosine arrives from phenilalanine.
Preganglionic fibers of parasympathetic NS are very and postganglionic fibers are very
Long preganglionic and short postganglionic
Preganglionic fibers of sympathetic fibers form . Preganglionic fibers of sympathetic nerves are
Preganglionic fibers form paraspinal ganglia and pre-fibers are short
What cathecholamines do you know?
Epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine
Common features of all cathecholamines?
Rapid onset of action, brief duration of action, not administered orally,do not penetrate blood-brain barrier
Adrenoceptors mnemonic
ABCD- alpha constrict, beta dilate
Adrenoceptors mnemonic
ABCD- alpha constrict, beta dilate
Epinephrine: basic receptors?
alpha-1 and 2, beta 1 and 2
Norepinephrine: basic receptors?
alpha 1, alpha 2 nad betta-1 predominate
Isoproterenol (изадрин): receptor types?
only betta-1 and betta-2 receptors. Селективный бета миметик- БАТЯ ИЗАДРИН
Action of norepinephrine on blood pressure?
alpha 1 effect- both systolic and diastolic BP rises up because of increased peripheral resistence. Kidney blood glow is also reduced. НОРАадреналин повышает ВСЕ- и ситстолическое и диастолическое
Action of epinephrine on blood pressure?
betta-1- positive inoropic and chronotropic effect causes increased systolic BP and lows diastolic BP
Action of epinephrine on glucose?
causes hyperglycemia and lipolysis-стресовая реакция-подем глюкозы, горение жира
ISOproterenol (изадрин) action on cardiac function?
As in EPInephrine: positive ino-and chronotropic effect and lowering peripheral resistance. Удобно при ав блоке с гипертонией
Dopamine effects
alpha 1 and beta 1- rises BP, dilates renal blood vessels through D receptors. Positive chrono and inotropic effects like with epinephrine. ХИНА эпинерфрина-положительный хроно и инотропный эффекты
Dobutamine action and use
Synthetic. Beta-1 activity- only increase of cardiac output and rate, no effects on vessels. Used in chronic cardiac failure
Phenylephrine: receptors and action
alpha receptors, (в названии 2 части) alpha 1 predominates alpha 2. Vasoconstrictor, rise in systolic and diastolic BP. Used in nasal drops
Methoxamine: receptora and action.
Alpha 1 over alpha 2 action.Raise in BP. Подъем давления засчет спазмов паренхиматозных органов. METAXA- крепкий конъяк, как нораадреналин
Clonidine (клофелин): type, action?
alpha-2 agonist т.е. тормозит высвобождение катехоламинов, действуя на пресинаптическую мембрану. Симуляция альфа-2 рецепторов вызывает эякуляцию
MAD 2s- группа каких рецепторов?
M2,alfa 2, D2- G protein активирует аденилилциклазу-снижается выработка цАМФ- снижается протеинкиназа А