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55 Cards in this Set

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The supervisor conducting an admin investigation is direct representative of whom:
The Public Safety Officer's Bill of Rights applys to non-sworn Department members and re reserve deputies. T or F
False, only sworn members.
The Admonition of Administrative Rights form shall be read and signed by each Department employee prior to being interviewed, whether they are subjects or witnesses. T or F
False, Not witnesses
All complainant, witness, and subject interviews should be tape-recorded. Unlike citizens, Department employees are allowed to refuse to have their interview tape recorded? TorF
False, all interviews are taped
How long does an administrative investigation have to be completed after the department became aware of acts, omissions, or other misconduct?
365 days unless the days are towled. (Suspended)
Completed administrative investigations should have a disposition sheet prepared and finalized within _____ of the completion of the investigation.
30 Calendar days.
If the investigation involves an employee that is releived of duty, the disposition sheet should be finalized within ________.
20 calendar days.
On all cases completed by Internal Affairs Bureau, who shall prepare the disposition sheet for forwarding to the unit commander.
Advocacy Services Unit
When a unit commander or the Advocacy Services Unit requests further investigation, Internal Affairs Bureau should return the case in ____ calendar days, if practicable.
25 days
In shooting and force reviews, the review should be completed by IAB in ___ calendar days.
30 Days
A copy of Shooting and Force Review cases are forwarded to the Training Bureau for a training analysis. This analysis should be returned to the Executive Force Review Committee within ___ calendar days.
20 days
Cases which require review by the Excutive Risk Review committee should be scheduled for review by committee members within ___ calendar days.
30 days
When can the person being interviewed, his representative, or agency have any documents from your case?
Reports or documents authored by the person beign interviewed shall be given before the interview.
The investigator can prevent a citness from an outside agency, his supervisor, or representative from tape recording the interview.
False, they can tape record.
An employee has a "reasonable expectation of privacy" in work areas set aside by his exclusive use, such as an office, desk or locker.
Government Code 3309 provides a special rule for employees who are peace officers, and applies to a search of a locker or storage space maintained by a peace officer in any department facility. Such space may not be searched unless.
Employee is present and has given consent, A valid search warrant has been obtained, and the employee has been notified that the search will take place.
An investigator can compel a peace officer to submit to a polygraph test.
If an investigator asks a peach officer employee to submit to a polygraph test and the employee refuses, disciplinary action can be taken or any comment can be entered on any document?
False, no mention can be made.
Who must give their approval for the use of any polygraph examination whether for a sworn of non-sworn member of this department?
Commander, Office of the Undersheriff.
Are polygraphs admissible in administrative hearings?
Yes, when ther is a stipulation.
Whenever a person complains about the performance of Department personnel or makes allegations of employee misconduct, __________ shall be immediately notified.
Watch Commander of the unit contacted.
The watch commander shall immedialtely interview the reproting party in detail and complete a _______.
Watch Commander's Service Comment Report.
A routine, preliminary contact with an employee that is conducted to ascertain whether a formal investigation needs to be initiated is a _____ .
Supervisor's inquiry.
Watch Commander Service comment Reports are used for internally generated complaints.
A supervisory inquiry is used for the preliminary searching for and gathering of information pertinent to an allegation or incident when the supervisor does not have reason to believe the employee connitted misconduct which could result in immediate caution. Punitive action is discuplinary action ranging from ______.
A Written Reprimand or worse.
Who dicides if an incident should be investigated at the unit level or by Internal Affairs Bureau?
The Unit Commander
Situations that may be handled solely as supervisory inquiries ar those traditionally handled by ___.
Unit's employee performance log.
Unit Commanders who initiate a unit level investigation shall be responsible for sending a memo requesting a file number ot the Internal Affairs Bureau. File numbers ofr administrative can only be assigned by ______.
Internal Affairs Bureau
If allegations involved are criminal in nature, the unit commander shal notify the ____ who may request a riminal investigation.
Division Chief.
if a supervisory inquiry is conducted, and an employee makes statements that indicate possible culpability and discipline could result, the converstation should be terminated?
How many years shall Service Comment reports be retained?
If a complainant is uncooperative or insists in withdrawing the complaint, the unit commander should be consulted regarding inactivating the investigation. What rank must the person have to inactivate an investigation if he is satisfied that the investigation cannot proceed without the cooperation of the complainant?
Concerned Disision Chief or Director.
Employees that believe that an adverse personnel action may result from an inquiry or interview have the right to have a representative present during the interview. The representative can be a co-wroker or a supervisor if they are not a subject or witness to the same investigation. T or F
A Disposition Sheet is required for all completed administrative investigations. all Disposition sheets shall be addressed to _____, regardless of the outcome of the case.
Captain of the Internal Affairs Bureau.
all complainants shall be notified by the investigating unit of the results of the completed investigation within _____ days of completion.
30 Days.
A complaint shall be classified as exonerated when the investigation establishes by clear and convincing evidence what?
The employee was not personally involved or connected to the incident in question, the allegation was false (or bad faith or mental disease/defect), or the allegation is not a violation of law or policy.
A complaint classified as ______ is when the investigation establishes that the allegation is true and the action on the part of the Department member is prohibited by law or policy.
A complaint classified as _____ is when the investigation establishes by a preponderance of evidence that the allegation is not true.
When the investigation fails to resolve the conflict between the complainant's allegation and the department member's version of the incident and there is no preponderance of evidence to support either version of the incident, the complaint shall be classified as ________.
The unit commander may impose discipline up to, and including, a _____ Day suspension whenever an investigation is deemed founded.
The ________ shall send letters to the complainants notifying them of the conclusion of the investigation and the results.
Unit commander.
The _______ determines the level of discipline when the suspension is 16 days or more, reduction of rank, or discharge.
Division Chief
The Letter of Intent is the first document a subject will receive advising that the allegations of the investigation are founded and that the Department intends to impose discipline. Once the subject has been given the Letter of Intent, he has ______ Days to respond to the letter through the appropriate appeal process. Deputy personnel have ______ Business days to respond to dischage and reduction cases. The subject's unit commander is responsible for serving the Letter of Intent.
10 days to respont to the Letter of Intent.
15 days to respond to discharge and reduction cases.
The Letter Imposition is the document that imposes discipline. The Letter of Imposition is prepared by ______and signed by the subject's unit commander of Division Chief depending on the level of discipline.
Internal Affairs Bureau.
A resignation may be submitted in any form including a letter, memo, or the Department resignation form. LA county Code 5.12.020 recognizes only two types of resignation which are: Fesignation in writing and Resignation by conduct.
Rule 18.01 of the Los Angeles county Civil Service Commission Rules provides the authority to suspend County employees without pay under certain circumstances. Most commonly the term 18.01 is used to refer to persons who will be suspended without pay when they have _______.
Criminal charges pending.
Relieved of duty means that a sworn member is relieved of his peace officer powers by the Department. A sworn member may be relieved of duty at any time when the allegations on their face, if founded, might merrit discipline in the form of ______.
When a subject is relieved of duty, a Confidential Operational Log entry must be made to the Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau. T or F
Felieved of duty personnel are re-assigned to the Internal Affairs Bureau. T or F
Non-sworn personnel can be reassigned to another Unit pending the completion of an investigaiton.
There must be a reasonable suspicion that an employee is using or is under the influence of a drug or narcotic before ordering that employee to provide a sample of urine for testing. A person of the rank of ____ or higher shall be responsible for making this decision.
A ______ may order a test of the employee. Once decided to test the employee, Internal Affairs Bureau shall be contacted. Two IAB investigators and a lieutenant shall respond. The employee shall be ordered by the IAB investigators to provide a urine sample for testing and then the investigators shall relieve the subject of duty.
Unit commander, Rank or Captain or higher.
The Department traditionally uses ______ to gather evidence of alcohol in an employee's blood, where such evidence would be relevant to misconduct.
A breath analyzing machine.
Any on-duty employee may be required to take a breath test, where a unit commander or designee reasonably suspects that the employee used alcohol prior to the event under investigation. the employee has no right to have a representation present for the test. T or F
The Lybarger (or Garrity) Admonishment is designated to ensure an officer's Fifth Ammendment right against self incrimination while preserving the employer's right to obtain information strictly limited to administrative purposes. Any statements made after the advisement may be used for administrative purposes only and connot be used against him criminally. This advisement is given following the Miranda warning and the typical refusal to waive. Government Code 3303 empowers the Department to order the officer to answer questions for administrative purposes or face disciplinary action for insubordination.