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73 Cards in this Set

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What is the Legislative Branch called?
Two houses of Congress
House of Representatives and Senate
Role of Legislative Branch
Makes laws
Which Article establishes the Legislative Branch?
Article 1
How many members in the House of Representatives
435 Representatives
House of Reps – what is the number of representatives based on?
Where do all tax laws start?
House of Representatives
How many Senators are there in total?
100 Senators
How many Senators are there per state?
2 per state
Which house of Congress offers each state equal representation?
What is the term for a Representative?
2 year term
How old must a Representative be?
Must be 25 years old
How long must a Representative be a citizen?
A citizen for at least 7 years
Where must Representatives and Senators reside?
In state to be represented
What is the term for a Senator?
6 year term
How old must a Senator be?
Must be 30 years old
How long must a Senator be a citizen?
A citizen for at least 9 years
Role of Executive Branch
Carries out/enforces laws
Which Article establishes the Executive Branch?
Article 2
What office makes up the Executive Branch?
What is the term for the President?
4 year term
How old must the President be?
Must be 35 years old
How long must the President be a citizen?
Must be a natural born citizen
Four powers of president
Veto laws/appoint judges/make treaties/commander in chief
What is a veto?
President rejects a bill passed by Congress
How is a veto overridden?
Congress can override with 2/3 vote
What is the Cabinet?
Advisors to the president
What is the role of the Judicial Branch?
Declares laws constitutional or unconstitutional/interprets the law
What is the highest court?
Supreme Court
Who is on the Supreme Court?
9 Justices who serve for life
Which Article establishes the Judicial Branch?
Article 3
What is the Preamble?
Introduction that sets goals of the Constitution
What does impeach mean?
To accuse an official of crimes and bring to trial.
Who impeaches the official?
House of Representatives
Who holds the impeachment trial?
Who takes over the Presidency if President can't serve a full term?
Vice President
Who is President of the Senate?
The Vice President. Can only vote to break a tie.
What are Checks and Balances? Give three examples.
Keeps all 3 branches equal. Examples:
1. Senate must approve presidential appointments
2. President can veto laws passed by Congress
3. Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional
How many terms can the President serve?
Amendment 1
Freedom of religion/speech/press/assembly/petition
Amendment 2
Right to bear arms
Amendment 3
No Quartering of Soldiers
Amendment 4
Search and seizure/police need a warrant and probably cause
Amendments 5 and 6
Right to due process a lawyer and witnesses
Amendment 8
No cruel and unusual punishment
Amendment 13
No slavery
Amendment 14
Citizen if born in U.S.; Bill of Rights applies to states
Amendment 15
African Americans can vote
Amendment 18
Prohibition (no alcohol allowed)
Amendment 19
Women can vote
Amendment 21
Prohibition ended
Amendment 22
Term limits for president (2 terms)
Amendment 26
Voting age 18
What is the Bill of Rights?
1st 10 Amendments.Protects individual and civil rights
What is an Amendment?
A change to the Constitution
How many Amendments have there been?
What majority of Congress must pass an Amendment?
2/3 majority
What majority of states must ratify an Amendment?
3/4 of states have to ratify it
Which Article establishes the Amendment process?
Article 5
What is suffrage?
Right to vote
Name 4 powers of Congress
Raise taxes/Declare war/Coin money/Issue patents
What is the Elastic Clause?
Congress can make laws that are necessary and proper
Department of Homeland Security
Deals with protecting the US from and responding to terrorist threats and natural disasters
State Department
Deals with U.S. foreign affairs including issuing passports and and the various ambassadors who are deployed around the world
Department of Defense
Oversees the U.S. Armed Forces (Army/Navy/Air Force/Marines)
Department of Justice
Deals with U.S. law enforcement
Department of Treasury
Mints and coins U.S. currency/collects taxes/manage US debt
Department of the Interior
Manages U.S. natural resources/wildlife and NA tribes
How does a bill become law?
1. Idea is written
2. Introduced
3. Committees assigned
4. Debated
5. Passed by house
6. Sent to senate
7. Debated/passed
8. Joint Committee
9. Sent to president
What can the President do with the bill?
a. Can sign it
b. Can veto it
i. Can be overridden
c. Pocket veto
What is a Pocket Veto?
The Constitution grants the president 10 days to review a measure passed by the Congress. If the president has not signed the bill after 10 days, it becomes law without his signature. However, if Congress adjourns during the 10-day period, the bill does not become law
How can a citizen participate in government?
• voting in local, state, and national elections
• writing letters to elected representatives
• contributing money to a party or candidate
• campaigning for a candidate
• demonstrating through marches, boycotts, sit-ins
• serving as a juror
• running for office
What is the voting age?