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110 Cards in this Set

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Initial mechanical disruption ofaxons as a result of stretch or laceration



Ongoing, progressive damage that occurs after initial injury

____ (cell death) for weeks or months after initial injury

Secondary injury



Completecord damage related to auto destruction

___ appear within 1 hour

____ by 4 hours

By≤24 hours, permanent damage may occur because of ____.





Prognosiscannot be determined for at least ____ hours until swelling has gone down


____: characterizedby decreased reflexes, loss of sensation and flaccidity below level of injury

Spinal Shock

____:loss of vasomotor tone caused by injury and is characterized by hypotension andbradycardia

Neurogenic shock

_____injury of the cervical spine ruptures the posterior ligaments.

•A, Flexion

____ injury of the cervical spine ruptures the anterior ligaments.

•B, Hyperextension

_____ crush the vertebrae and force bony fragments into the spinal canal.

•C, Compression fractures

_____ injury of the cervical spine often results in tearing of ligamentous structures that normally stabilize the spine.

•D, Flexion-rotation

_____:loss of sensation in the legs

Part of spine __2__


Thoracic / Lumbar

____:paralysisof all four limbs

Part of spine ___

Tetraplegia (quadraplegia)


Degree of SC Injury

____ Total loss of sensory and motor function below levelof injury


Degree of SC Injury

____ Mixed loss of voluntary motor activity and sensation Some tracts intact

Incomplete (partial)

Damageto central spinal cord

Mostcommonly cervical region

Morecommon in older adults

Motorweakness and sensory loss

Upperextremities affected more than lower

Incomplete SCI

Central Cord Syndrome

•injury causingacute compression of anterior portion of the spinal cord, often a ___ injury like ___

•__3___ below the level of injury

•Because posterior cord tracts arenot injured, sensations of touch, position, vibration, and motion remainintact.¡

Anterior Cord Syndrome


Motor paralysis and loss of pain and temperature sensation

Incomplete SCIBrown-Séquard Syndrome

Damageto___ of cord

Caused by __ -- __2__


Penetrating trauma - Gunshot wound, stabs

Incomplete SCIBrown-Séquard Syndrome

Type of injury

___(same side of injury) ___3___

___(opposite side of injury)___2__


loss of motor function and position and vibration sense


loss of pain and temperature sensation

•Results fromcompression or damage to the posterior spinal artery • Very rare condition •

Incomplete SCI

Posterior Cord Syndrome

•resulting in loss of proprioception.

May have unsteady gait •

•Pain, temperature sensation, and motor function below the level of the injury remain intact.

Incomplete SCI

Posterior Cord Syndrome

¡Resultfrom damage to very lowest portion of spinal cord (conus)and lumbar and sacral nerve roots (cauda equina)

Conus Medullaris Syndrome/ Cauda Equina Syndrome

Injuryto these areas produces flaccid paralysis of lower limbs and areflexic(flaccid) bladder and bowel.

Conus Medullaris Syndrome/ Cauda Equina Syndrome

Level of injury

____Total loss of respiratory muscle function →mechanicalventilation

Above level of C4

Level of injury'

____ Diaphragmaticbreathing→respiratory insufficiency

Below level of C4

__2__ injuries

Paralysis of abdominal andintercostal muscles → ineffectivecough →atelectasis or pneumonia

↑Riskfor infection -Cant move around a lot, cough, etc

Cervical and thoracic

Level of injury'

____↓influence of sympathetic nervous system

This causes __3__

Injury above level T6

Bradycardia, Peripheral vasodilation → hypotension


Cardiacmonitoring necessary

____ to ↑heart rate and prevent hypoxemia, which is a ____ drug


Spinal shockAcutephase


Bladderatonic and over distended

use ___


Indwelling catheter

Level of injury'




May give ___ or use ____




Level of injury'

Neurogenic bowel

Injury level of T12 or below

Bothareflexicand reflexicneurogenic bowel can be managed successfully with a ____ coordinated with the gastrocolicreflex to minimize fecal incontinence.

regular bowel program

↓Abilityto sweat or shiver

Morecommon with high cervical injury

Inabilityto regulate temperature


¡NGsuctioning →metabolic ____



Electrolyte imbalances


____ gold standard to locate thedegree of injury

CT scan

SCI Initialcare__6__

in order

Ensure patent airway.

Stabilize cervical spine. Log roll/C-collar

Administer oxygen.

Establish IV access.

Assess for other injuries.

Control external bleeding.


Usea hard cervical collar, and a backboard to stabilize the neck to prevent____

lateral rotation

Performturning so that the patient is moved as a unit


OngoingmonitoringVS,LOC, O2sat, cardiac rhythm, urine output


Monitorfor urinary retention, hypertension.

Anticipateneed for intubation if no gag reflex.


____ Earlysurgery indicated ifEvidenceof cord compression


____Vasopressoragent Usedto maintain mean arterial pressure ____


> 90 mm Hg

with neck braces and traction __2___

Checkfor skin integrity around braces and pin care.

____ critical with all types of immobilization

¡Meticulous skin care

____ Mayincreased during first 48 hours of SCI

Mayneed intubation and mechanical ventilation

↑Riskfor ___2___

Interventions: 6

Respiratory Dysfunction

pneumonia and atelectasis

RegularassessmentAggressivechest physiotherapyAdequateoxygenationProperpain managementAssistedcoughing TrachealsuctioningIncentivespirometry

Cardiovascular Instability with SCI

Riskfor ____ and cardiac arrest

Chronic___ blood pressure with postural hypotension





SCI Bowel Management 3

Dailyrectal stimulant

Digital stimulation or manual evacuation

Uprightposition when able

Massiveuncompensated cardiovascular reaction mediated by sympathetic nervous system

•Vitalsigns change

Hypertensionand bradycardia

Autonomic Dysreflexia

Level of injury ____

____ caused by Autonomic Dysreflexia

T6and higher insult

Hypertension and bradycardia

¡Mostcommon precipitating factor is distended bladder or rectum.

HypertensionThrobbingheadache Markeddiaphoresis above level of injuryBradycardia

Autonomic Dysreflexia

when someone has a throbbing headache

( take blood pressure)

Autonomic Dysreflexia


Elevatehead, notify HCP



removestool impaction if cause

removeconstrictive clothing and tight shoes

Areflexic(flaccid), hyperreflexic(spastic), or dyssynergia

Commonproblems : Urgency,frequency, incontinence, inability to void, and high bladder pressuresresulting in reflux of urine into kidneys

Neurogenic Bladder

____ Bowel Voluntarycontrol may be lost.

interventions 7

Neurogenic Bowel

High-fiber diet / Adequate fluid intake / Suppositories / Small-volume enemas / Digital stimulation /Stoolsoftener /Oralstimulant laxatives

Thebrain requires a continuous supply of blood to provide the___2___ that neurons need to function. A ____ occurs when there is an interruption,either from ischemia to a part of the brain or hemorrhage into the brain, inthe blood supply that results in the death of brain cells.

oxygen and glucose

stroke, CVA

•Followingthe onset of a stroke, immediate ___ is crucial to decreasedisability and death.

medical attention


•Loss of function varies according to__2__

the location and extent of brain tissue involved.

Control thinking, memory, behavior, movement

frontal lobe

controls hearing, learning, and feelings

temporal lobe

control breathing, hr, and temp

brain stem

controls language and touch

parietal lobe

control sight

occipital lobe

control balance and coordination


•Most effective way to decrease theburden of stroke is __2__

prevention and teaching.


•____ is the single most important modifiable risk factor, but it is still oftenundetected and inadequately treated.



•Cholesterol – ___

•Triglyceride – ____

•Low density lipoprotien– ____

•High density lipoprotien–____

less than 200

less than 150

less than 100-139

more than 40

• waist circumference: >40 men and >35 women•

• triglycerides: > 150•

• HDL: >40•

•Hypertension: >135/85•

•Fastingblood glucose > 110


•____ is responsible for about 20% of all strokes; incidence increaseswith age. àthese can be large clots and cause major damage

Atrial fibrillation

•____ is a transient episode of neurologic dysfunction caused by focal brain, spinalcord, or retinal ischemia, but withoutacute infarction of the brain.

should be treated as ___


medical emergency

•____ may be due to microemboli thattemporarily block the blood flow. they are a warning sign of progressivecerebrovascular disease.

•Symptomstypically last ___.

•___will progress to an ischemic stroke.


< 1 hour


•Strokesare classified based on the underlying pathophysiologic findings:

•___: blood flow restriction

•___: bleeding out



•____,a hardening and thickening of arteries, is the major cause of ischemic stroke.It can lead to thrombus formation and contribute to emboli.


•____ stroke•Occurs from injury to a bloodvessel wall and formation of a blood clot

Most common cause of stroke 60%

•Signsand symptoms develop slowly


•____ stroke occurs when an emboluslodges in and occludes a cerebral artery, resulting in infarction and edema ofthe area supplied by the involved vessel. •This accounts for about 24% ofstrokes.


•Patient with an ___ strokecommonly has a rapid occurrence of severe clinical manifestations.


• _____ is one cause of embolic stroke in young to middle-aged adults. Anembolus arising from an atherosclerotic plaque is more common in older adults.

Rheumatic heart disease

•Prognosisis poor with a 30-day mortality rate of 40-80%.

•Bleeding within brain caused byrupture of a vessel•Sudden onset of symptoms



•____ is most common cause.

•Hemorrhage occurs during activity.


•Intracranial bleeding intocerebrospinal fluid–filled space between the arachnoid and piamater

•Commonly caused by rupture of acerebral aneurysm, trauma, or drug abuse

•Subarachnoidhemorrhage (SAH) stroke

•Majority of aneurysms are in the___

Circle of Willis.

•____the ballooning artery applies pressure to brain tissue

minor warningsymptoms may result from leaking before major rupture.

Viewed as a “____r” as individuals donot have warning signs until rupture has occurred.


silent killer

S/S ofruptured aneurysm – 5

Med Emergency

Suddensevere headache


Nauseaand vomiting


Stiffor painful neck

A lesion on the right of the brain

There is effects on the____

left side

•Most obvious effect of stroke

•Includeimpairment of•Mobility•Respiratory function•Swallowing and speech•Gag reflex•Self-care abilities

Motor Function

Stroke Drug therapy


•Commondose for aspirin is 81 to 325 mg/day. Other drugsinclude clopidogrel(Plavix)*

Forpatients who have atrial fibrillation, oral anticoagulation can includewarfarin (Coumadin)*

•Statins(simvastatin [Zocor],* have also been shown to be effective in the prevention of stroke forindividuals who have experienced a TIA in the past.

•In a ____, the atheromatous lesion is removed from the carotidartery to improve blood flow.

carotid endarterectomy (CEA)

o Neurogenic shock:

Give 2

atropine and dopamine

o ___ – Mini stroke, med emergency, should go backto normal w/in 1 hr


§ ____ stroke starts as a plaque build up· FROM High ___



§ ____ stroke – blood clot· ____cause·

____ is cause in children


A fib

Rheumatic heart disease

o ___ stroke – burst blood vessel

§ __2__ cause

Severe throbbing headache that is persistent



HTN & cerebral aneurysm

ClinicalManifestations of Stroke are related to ___

location of stroke

o R/L Brain Stroke

Right side: ____

Left side: __3__

very impulsive people

slow, cautious, aware of impairment

•Most obvious effect of stroke ___ includes __5__

Motor Function

Includeimpairment ofMobilityRespiratoryfunctionSwallowingand speechGagreflexSelf-careabilities

•Loss of skilled voluntary movement


•___ occurs when stroke damages dominant hemisphere of the brain and affectslanguage.

•___ – loss of comprehension

•___ – loss of production oflanguage

•___ – total inability tocommunicate





•___ refers to impaired ability to communicate.


•Patients who suffer a stroke may havedifficulty controlling their emotions.

•Emotionalresponses may be exaggerated or unpredictable.


•Strokeon the right side of the brain is more likely to cause problems in____

spatial-perceptual orientation. -

•Incorrect perception of self andillness•Unilateral neglect•Agnosia•Apraxia

Stroke prevention

•Goalsinclude management of modifiable risk factors •Healthy diet•Weight control•Regular exercise•No smoking•Limited alcohol consumption•Routine health assessments


•Antiplatelet drugs are used in patients who have had a TIA related toatherosclerosis.

•___ is the most frequently usedantiplatelet agent.


•Forpatients who have atrial fibrillation, oral anticoagulation can include___)

warfarin (Coumadin

•Carotidendarterectomy isperformed to prevent impending cerebral infarction.

•A, Atube is inserted above and below the blockage to reroute the blood flow.

•B,Atherosclerotic plaque in the common carotid artery is removed.

•C,Once the artery is stitched closed, the tube can be removed. A surgeon may alsoperform the technique without rerouting the blood flow.


•Brainstent used to treat blockages in cerebral blood flow.

•A, Aballoon catheter is used to implant the stent into an artery of the brain.

•B, Theballoon catheter is moved to the blocked area of the artery and then inflated.The stent expands due to the inflation of the balloon.

•C, Theballoon is deflated and withdrawn, leaving the stent permanently in placeholding the artery open and improving the flow of blood.


o Affect is ___2__ with stroke

unpredictable (may be depression)

•___ is common immediately after a stroke.

Elevated BP

•TheUse ofdrugs to lower BP is recommended only if BP is markedly increased (meanarterial pressure greater than 130 mm Hg or systolic pressure greater than 220mm Hg). In the case of an acute stroke,

•Must be administered within 3 to4.5 hours of onset of clinical signs ofischemic stroke

•Recombinanttissue plasminogen activator (tPA)(Immediate use)

Stroke o Diagnostic: ___

CT scan


Postoperative care is important 4

o Neurovascular assessment o BP management o Assessment of stent occlusion o Keep legs straight *

Stroke Pt

o Make sure pt is adequately hydrated – *do notuse ___ like ___2___

hypotonic solutions

These include 0.45% NS AND D5W

· After stroke, patient is at risk for ___ becausethey are not moving as much



•Patients with stroke on ___ side ofbrain•Difficulty in judging position,distance, and movement•Impulsive, impatient, and denyproblems related to stroke•Respond best to directions givenverbally


•Sensory-perceptualalterations•Patients with stroke on ___ side ofbrain•Slower in organization andperformance of tasks•Impaired spatial discrimination•Have fearful, anxious response tostroke•Respond well to nonverbal cues
