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94 Cards in this Set

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What defines CAD

>50% stenosis of any epicardial cornoary artery

how is CAD manifested

chronic stbale angina

other causes of angina

vasospasms, anemia, cocaine, aortic stenosis, cardiac myopahties weather hypertrophic or diabetic, syndorme x, HCM prinzimentla angina aortic dissection pericarditis thyrotxicosis esophageal disease bilary colic respratory disease musculoskeletal

what fall under the umbrella of CAD

stbale angina, acute coronary syndrome heart failure sudden death adn silent ischemia

what is included in acute coronary syndrome

unstable angina nonstemi and stemi

risk factors for CAD

smoking, DM, dyslipidema, htn, bmi, dash diet, phsycial activity family history

based on risk facotrs what is recommended to prevent CAD

no smoking, keep fastic bs <100, kepe cholesteorl <200 without meds, keep htn <120/80 without meds, bmi <25kg/m2, DASH diet, >150 min a week of moderate activity or >75min week of high intensity activity

based on family history risk facotr for CAD

first degree male with CAD before 55 or female before 65

determinants of myocardial o2 demand

wall stress heart rate and contractiltiy

included in wall stress

intravascular presure, ventircular volume wall thickenss

detemrinants of blood flow and myocardial o2 supply

coronary blood flow duration of diastole

what detemrines coronary blood flow

perfusion pressur and duration of diastole, inversely proprotional to coronary vasucalr bed resistance, increase resistance = decrease blood flow and vice versa

detemrineants of vasculr tone

arterial tone ( afterload) venous tone ( prelaod)

arterial tone detemrines what

systolic wall stress

venous tone detemriens what

diastolic wall stress

ways drugs are used to relax smooth msucle

increasecGMP, decrese intracellular calcium, stbalize or prevent deporlaiation of vascualr smooth msucle, increase cAMP

these drugs increase cGMP


these drugs decrease intrcellular calcium

CCB, BBlockers

these drugsstabalize or prevent depolazirng of vascualr smooth muslce


these drugs icrease cAMP

b2 agonist but it is not used in angina

features of stable and typical angina

substenral discomfort, provoked by stress or exeriton and relieved by rest or nitro

atypical angina

has 2/3 symtoms of stable angina

medica treatment for stbale anginal

improve o2 supple decrease demand, limit furhter atherosclerosis controle xacerbating fctors lke pain and anemia

drugs used in stbale angina

anitpaltelte, beta antagonist, ccb, nitrate ranolazine statins

in stbale angina this is going to be very beneficial

medicaiton management. almsost similat to revascualrization

when will PCI not be indicated

low EF or high risk stress test have better outcomes with CABG

who is CABG good for

complex diffuse disease

when do you consider surgicla treatment in stbale angina

2-3 drug classess have failed

class1 indication for cabg

left main stenosis >50%, stenosis of proximal LAD and proximal circumflex >70%, 3 vessel and asymtpomatic with mild/stable angina, 3 vessl with proxmial LAD stenosis in pts with poor LV, 1-2 vessels and a large area of visible myocardium in high risk pts with stable angina, >70% proximal LAD with EF < or showing oischmeia on nninvasive testing

othe rindications of CABG not included in class1

disabeling angina, ongoing ischemic in setting of NSTEMI that is not ersponding to meds, poor lv with viable nonfuncitoning myocardium above anatomic defect that can be revascularized

qualities of unstbale angina

rest pain >20 min, new onset nagina, progressive nagina 50% have ekg changes

NSTEMI qualities

elevation in caridac enzyme nit no ekg changes for MI, have t wave unversion normal st segment, may have transient ST elevation that you dont cnathch, elevation of CKMB OR Troponin, 50% have ekg changes

these ekg changes suggest CAD

q waves, st changes t wave inverisons

management of ACs shoudl focus on what

risk stratification based on history andgina characteirstic phsycial exam ekg and cardiac enzyes

shoes dynamic ischemic changes

serial ekg

what is cardiac catheter indeicated for

recurrent accelrated angina despite meds, S&S shock heart failrue or pulmoanry edema, new or worse MR, new lbbb, v tacy

timi score

risk for mortality with mi

before performing a stress what should you ensure

no angina atleast 12 hours and make sure positvie enzyes shoudl have pharm stress test72 hours after peak of enzymes

initial conservative strategy

low tim low grace intermediate risk maximize medical therapy coronary angiography in pts who deveop acs features

coronary angiography test in which patients

high risk stress test, angina at low levls of stress EF <40%

initial invasive therapy

plan for cornary angiogrpahy with intent to revasucalrize in 12-24hrs, elevated enzyes new st depress hx of cabg or reent pci within 6months, ef <40% DM mild -mod renal insufficiency, high timi high grace low intermediate risk who repreated acs presentaiton despite therapy

medial treatemnt of ua / nstemi

reduce iscemai by decreasing demands, improve perfusion prevent thrombus anitplatelte anticoagulant anitangila o2


significant left main cad, 3 vessels with lv dysfunciton 2 vessles with proximal LAD and complicated idsease

this occues within 1 hour of symtooms onset


treatmetn if stemi

rapid recognition and diagnosis, coordianted mobiization of resources prompr reprofusion ekj ithin 10 min, st elevation in 2 or more anatomically continguous leads, cardiac enzyes cbc coags bmp with mg ekg identify candidates for reprofusion relieve pain treat hpotension pulmoary edema or arrythmia, treat <sats, mechanical vent to decrease work of breahting and reduce o2 demand, serial ecg, tele

mortlaity wiht acs is direclty related to what

uschemic time

med classes given in all stages of cad

antiplatelet, beta blockers and nitrates are given in all stages

* CAD/ stable angina

drug classes

* Antiplatelet
* Bblocker
* Cc blocker
* Nitrate
* Ace inhibitor
* Ranolazine
* Statin

unstable angina and nstemi drug classes

* Antiplatelet
* Anticoagulant
* Beta blocker
* Nitrate
* Ace inhibitor
* Cc blocker
* Statin

stemi drug classes

* Antiplatelet
* Anticoagulant
* Nitrate
* Bblocker
* Morphine
* Thrombolytic- only under stemi

antiplatelete quality

* Within minutes and lasts the life of the platelet
* MOA - inhibit synthesis of thromboxane A2

aspirin qulaities

* Aspirin naïve - give 325 than 81 daily
* Lowest dose to prevent MI is 75mg
* For acute MI lowest dose is 160
* Also good for stroke

clopidogrel qualities

* For unstable angina or NSTEMI in combination with aspirin
* For NSTEMI- 300mg followed by 75 daily WITH aspirin 75-325
* For STEMI- 600mg loading than 75mg/day for 12 months WITH aspirin
* Recent MI stroke or PVD- 75 daily

prasurgrel dose

60mg load than 10mg for 12 months

ticagrelor qualities

* Higher risk for bleeding
* Reduces risk of death MI CVA and stent thrombosis compared to clopidogrel
* If given with ASA dose less than 100

GP2b3a drugs

* Abciximab(reopro)
* Eptifibatide (integrelin)
* Tirofiban (aggrastat)

how do gp2b3a work

* Blocks interaction between platelet and fibrinogen
* Targets final pathway for platelet aggregatio

who should use gp2b3a

* For high risk patients with refractory UA/NSTEMI

side effect of gp2b3a

* Increased risk of major bleeding esp. in combination with clopidogrel
* Can cause thrombocytopenia

bblocker qualities

* First line therapy
* Reduces o2 demand by decreasing hr, bp, and contractility
* Decrease HR= increase diastolic perfusion time = coronary perfusion
* Decrease mortality in pts with stable angina and hx of MI
* Selection is based on selectivity for b1 receptors

carvedilol properties

* Good for Low EF

b1 selective drugs

metoprolol atenolol

qualities of b1 selective drugs

less oily to cause bronchospasms or exacerbate peripheral vascular disese

titrate for resting hr 50-60 and exercise ate 90-100

bblocker adverse effect

* Bronchospasms
* Postural hypotension
* Claudication
* Angina
* Mi
* Arrhythmia

contraindication of bblcoker

* Evidence of heart failure
* asthma
* Av nodal block
* Severe peripheral vascular disease
* Sick sinus syndrome

nitrates quality

* MOA- increase venous capacitance which reduces ventricular volume and pressure
* Improves sub endocardial perfusion
* Improves collateral flow afterload and coronary vasodilation
* All patients should be prescribed sublingual or aerosol nitroglycerine to abort angina episodes
* Includes nitroglycerine and isosorbide
* Chronic therapy should incorporate asymmetric dosing with 12 hour nitrate free interval

nitroglycicerin iv dosing

* Initial 5mcg/min
* 10-200mcg
* Titrate 5mcs/min with increase every 3-5 min until response
* If no response seen in 20mcg increments of 10 and later 20 can be used

adverse effect of nitroglycienr

* With all nitrate preparation
* Nitrate free interval of at least 10-12 hrs can enhance treatment efficacy
* Headache
* Flushing
* Hypotension
* Syncope

morphine qualities

* Relief of anginal pain
* For refractory chest pain
* By decreasing circulating catecholamine's
* Catecholamine's speed everything up so by blocking this we decrease o2 consumption

calcium channel blocker qualities

* Antiangina from direct coronary vasodilation
* Reduces vascular resistance
* Depresses contractility
* Agent of choice for pts unable to tolerate bblocker
* For stable angina unstable angina and NSTEMI
* Not for stemi

agent of choice for pt who cant tolerate bblocker



pines line nifedipine nicardipine amlodipine

non dihydropyridines

verapamil and diltiazem

dihydropyridine qualities

blocks smooth msulce calcium channes and are less dependant on the heart potent coronary and peripheral vasodilators, peripheral edema palpitatios muscle cramps sexual dysfucntion

nifedipine cautions

* Nifedipine - immediate release preparation should be avoided in pts with CAD UA or prior MI because of concerns about excess cardiovascular morbidity and mortality

nondihydropyridine quality

* Negative inotrope (contractility) choronotrope (rate) and dromotrope (conduction) effect
* More portent
* Gingival hyperplasia
* Constipation
* Bradycardia
* Hypotension
* Peripheral edema
* 1,2,3 av block

ace inhibitor quality

* Stable unstable and nstemi
* LV <40% particularly for these patients with lv dysfunction
* Htn
* Diabetes

can be used in patients who cannot tolerate ace


anticoagulant quality

* Not really for stable angina
* Antithrombotic effect by separating protein and antithrombin

how does ufh and lmh work

minimize thrombus formation by inhibiting face 2a and Xa

ufh andlmwh qualities

* Risk for HIT
* Heparin 60U/kg bolus than 12-14 units/kg/hr
* Doesn’t need ptt checked
* UFH preferred for pt going to cath lab can be turned off quickly

fondaparinaux qualities

synthetic polysaccharide that contianes the ame pentasaccaride ofund in ufh and lmwh. selective inhibitor of factor xa, hit unlikely, does teffect ptt, less risk of major bleeding, compared to lovnox less combined death mi or refactory ischemia, ass with catheter related thrombosis so pts going pci must get ufh

bivalrudin qualitis

* In conjunction with ASA and clopidogrel in pts presenting with UA/NSTEMI
* Given to pts with HIT
* A direct thrombin inhibitor
* Given with aspirin and clopidogrel

who uses thrombolytic therapy

* Only for STEMI
* For pts with MI clinically and by ecg and st elevation and LBBB have the best outcomes
* Greatest benefit when it is given early within 6hours after symptomatic onset of acute MI

streptokinase qualities

protein that combines the proactivator plasminogen, catalyzs conversion of inactive plasminogen to active plasmin, load 25000-100000 u/hr for 24-72 hours, generalized thrombolytic, risk for hypotension which responds to volume


* Human enzyme synthesized by kidney that directly converts plasminogen to active plasma
* Load 300,000u over 10 min than 300,000u/h for 12 hrs

recombinant tissue plasminogen activator

* Plasminogen can be activated endogenously by tissue plasminogen activator
* Activate plasminogen that is bound to fibrin which confines fibrinolysis to the formed thrombus and avoids systemic activation

recombinant tissye plasminogen drugs

alteplase tpa reteplase


15mg iv bolus for first hour and then 0.75mg/kg over 30 min g

max 50m


10u iv x 2 separated by 30 min

absolute contraindication for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator

hx of ich/hemmorahging stroke, ischemic stokre <3 months, known cv lesiosn, chi <3months, aortic dissection,s evere uncontrolled htn, active bleeding or bleeding diathesis, acute pericaridits

relative contraindication for tpa

* Prior ischemic stroke >3 months
* Allergy or previous use of streptokinase >5day
* Recent intracranial blood
* Prolong traumatic cpr >10min
* Active PUD
* Non compressible vascular puncture
* Severe menstrual bleeding
* Hx intraocular bleeding
* Pregnancy


metabolic moduator

* Partial fatty acid oxidation inhibitor
* Changes myocardial energy metabolism from fatty acid to glucose
* Increase ATP efficacy in ischemic tissue

direct bradycardia agent

* Selective Ix sodium channel blocker
* Reduces cardiac rate by inhibiting the hyperpolarization- activated sodium channel in the sinoatrial node