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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the imortance of Acts (3p)

1. The development of the thology for the early church

2. Historical and Theological significance

3. A dicussion and destinction about the early preaching of Jesus

When did the events in Acts Take Place

somewhere between 30 and 100 AD

Who wrote Acts


Who was the books of acts to be read by

Those who wanted an early account of church doctrines

What is Acts the history of

A history of Paul the Apostle and his missionary journeys

Who are the main actors in the Book of Acts

Paul, Jesus, The Apostles, Silas, and Barnubus

What is saul's other name


Whom did the Apostles choose to take Judas' place


How did they choose Matthew as the new Apostle

they played and cast lots (rolled dice)

What were the believers doing when the spirit of God came upon the early church

They were in one Accord in one place (together in a house)

What is the mainpoint of Peter's sermon in Acts 2 (IMPORTANT)

Acts 2:36 Jesus is the savior that we crucified and he is both lord and Christ

Peter is preaching to whom in versus 11-24


What scripture does he quote to back his sermon (3p)

1. Is. 53

2. Deut. 18:5

3. Gen 12:3

What did the beleivers do in response to the arrest of Peter and John


What resulted form the belivers praying

1. The room began to shake

2. They received the holy spirit

3. They spoke with boldness (Able to speak in language where everyone can understand)

What is deacon

One who waits on tables

Who held the clothes while steven was stoned to death


What did Simon the Sorrcer try to do

Tryed to talk peter and John into giving him the power they had

Why did the sorrcer try to get Peter and John's power


What was the result of the sorrcer trying to get there power

They left him there, and did not give him what he wanted

How did saul (later paul) meet Jesus Christ

He met him on the road to demascus, and Jesus appeared as a light

What was the Jews response to the Holy Spirit being poured out on the Gentiles

They didn't like it at first, but later understood and accepted it (vs.18)

How did Peter escape from Prison

The chains fell off, the doors opened of their own accord

What did Paul say and do to Elymas? What resulted?

Paul calls him a devil and struck him blind

How did Paul and Barnubus react to the praise that the people from Lystra offered?

They tore their clothes, and asked why they were doing that, because they are just men

Why did Paul and Barnubus have a "sharp" disagreement

Barnubus wanted to take John Mark but Paul said no, so they went their seperate ways

Who joined Paul and the others on their travels

Timothy and Silas

What was Pauls trade

Tent Maker

What caused the riot in Ephesus

Demetrius argued that Paul was making a big fuss about stuff and Jesus. And if Paul didn't stop it would hurt Demetrius' business and Rome. so he should STOP. Paul so...... NO

Why did the church meet together

Because Paul was getting ready to go on another Mission trip to Jerusalem

When was Paul leaving on his mission trip?

Right befor Pentacost, (150 days after Easter)

What is the danger in falling asleep during Bible class

Eutycas falls out a window, and dies

What was Paul ready to do for Jesus in Jerusalem

He was ready to die

What upset the Jews about Paul's message

They didnt like that Paul said the message was also to be told to the Gentiles

How did Paul know he would speak the gospel in Rome, despite being in Prison

1. Jesus said so

2. Paul was a Roman citizen (by his fathers side)

Why did Paul stay in Prison

So that he could preach to Phelix

Why did Paul have to right to appeal to Caesar

He was half Roman citizen through his dad

What did Paul promise the crew of the ship

That they could survive

Did paul tell the truth about the crew of the ship surviving


What were the results of Paul being bitten by a snake

People thought paul was a God because nothing happened to him