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94 Cards in this Set

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rectus femoris

ExtendkneeAssistsiliopsoas to flex thigh


extend knee


Hipflexion, abduction, LRFlexknee & assist knee in MR


Hipabduction, MR, flexionAssistswith knee extensionTensesfascia lata


FlexeshipAssistin hip LR & abduction


Hipadduction and flexion

adductor longus

Hipadduction and flexion

adductor brevis

Hipadduction and flexion

adductor magnus

Hipadduction and flexion, extension


Adducthip, Assists in knee MR and flexion

obturator externus

Hip LR, assists hip adduction

gluteus maximus

Hipextension, LRLowerfibers: assist in hip addUpper fibers:Assistsin abduction, stabilize knee in extension through ITB insertion

gluteus medius

AbducthipAnteriorfibers: Hip MR and assist with hip flexionPosteriorfibers: Hip LR and assist with hip extension

gluteus minimis

Hipabduction, MR Assistswith hip flexion


Laterallyrotate extended hipAbductsflexed hipAssistship extStabilizesfemoral head in acetabulum

superior gemelli

Laterallyrotate extended hipAbductflexed hipStabilizefemoral head in acetabulum

inferior gemelli

Laterallyrotate extended hipAbductflexed hipStabilizefemoral head in acetabulum

obturator internus

Laterallyrotate extended hipAbductflexed hipStabilizefemoral head in acetabulum

quadratus femoris

Laterallyrotate extended hipAbductflexed hipStabilizefemoral head in acetabulum

biceps femoris long head

Kneeflexion, LRHipextensionAssistsin hip LR

biceps femoris short head

Kneeflexion, LR


Kneeflex, MR ExtendhipAssistsin hip MR


Kneeflex, MR ExtendhipAssistsin hip MR


Talocruralplantar flexionAssistsin knee flexionSubtalarjoint inversion (supination)


plantar flexion, assists in knee flexion


Talocruralplantar flexion Subtalarjoint inversion (supination)

flexor hallucis longus

Greattoe IP flexionAssistsin MP flexionPlantarankle flexionFootInversion

flexor digitorum longus

Proximaland distal IP and MP Flexion of 2-5 digitsAssistsin plantar flexion of ankle and inversion of foot

tibialis posterior

InversionAssistsin ankle plantar flexion


NWB:MR of the tibia on the femur KneeflexionWB:LR femur on tibia and knee flexHelpsreinforce posterior ligament of kneejoint

extensor hallucis longus

Greattoe IP and MTP extAssistin INV (foot)and DF (ankle)

extensor digitorum brevis

EHBextends MTP of 1st digit. EDBextends MTP of 2-4 digits EDBassists in extension of IP joints 2-4

tibialis anteiror


extensor digitorum longus

ExtendMTP jointsAssistsin extension of IP 2-5, DF and EV

fibularis tertius


extensor hallucis

great toe MTP extension

abductor hallucis

Abductionof MTP of great toe Assistsin flexionAssistsin adduction of the forefoot

adductor hallucis

AdductionAssistsin flexion of MTP of great toe

abductor digiti minimi (LE)

Flexes5th toe Assistswith abduction

interossei (LE)

PLANTAR(3) ADD 3-5th digits toward axial line through the 2nd digit. Assists in MTP flexion Assist in extension of IP 3-5th DORSAL(4) Abduct 2-4th digits from axial line through the 2nd digits. Assists in MTP flexion and extension of 2-4th IP

fibularis longus

EversionAssistsin plantar flexion and depresses first metatarsal head

fibularis brevis

EversionAssistsin plantar flexion

flexor digitorum brevis

PIPFlexionAssistsin flexion of 2-5th MTP

quadratus plantae

Modifies line of pull of the flexor digitorumlongus tendons, and assists in flexion of 2-5th digits


MTPflexionAssistsin IP 2-5th extension

flexor hallucis brevis

Flexion of MTP of great toe

pectorals major, clavicular

Flexion of MTP of great toe

pectorals major, sternal

Depressshoulder girdle by virtue of attachment on the humerus & obliquely adductthe humerus toward opposite iliac crest Origin fixed: Humeral adduction and MR Insertion fixed: Assistsin elevation of thorax in forced inspiration

pectoralis minor

Origin fixed: Tilts scapula anteriorly Insertion fixed: Assist in forced inspiration


Draws the clavicle down and stabilizes joint

latissimus dorsi

Origin fixed: Shoulder MR, add, and extensionDepressesshoulder girdle Assistsin trunk lateral flexionInsertion fixed: Assists in anterior and lateral pelvic tiltsAssistsin lumbar hyperextension

teres major

ShoulderMR, add, ext ;Scapularinternal rotation

serratus anterior

Origin fixed: Abducts and upwardly rotates scapula. Holdsmedial border of scapula firmly against the rib cage.Lowerfibers may depress the scapula and upper fibers may elevate.


AbductshoulderStabilizeshead of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements Mayassist with shoulder LR from neutral to full LR


LRshoulderStabilizeshead of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements;Scapularinternal rotation


MRshoulderStabilizeshead of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements. Preventshumeral anterior glide.


ABDshoulder Anterior: Shoulder flexion and MR Middle: shoulder abduction; scapular downward rotation Posterior: Shoulder extension and LR; Scapular internal rotation


Origin fixed: adduct scapula, performedchiefly by middle fibers with stabilization by upper and lower fibers. Upward rotation of scapula, performed chieflyby lower fibers, with stabilization by middle fibers. Upper fibers elevate the scapula. Lower fibers depress the scapula.Insertion fixed & actingunilaterally: Upper fibers extend, laterally flex, androtate head and joints of cervical vertebrae so face turns to opposite sideActing bilaterally: upper trapezius extends neckAccessorymuscle to respiration. (Kendall FP)Uppertrap elevates and retracts the clavicle. It’s role as an upward rotator of thescapula is questionable but it is still important to balance the forces during scapularupward rotation. Upper trap is primarilya scapular elevator and retractor. (Ludewig PM)Lowertrap is primarily an external rotator and upward rotator of the scapula. It’s bestas an upward rotator in early range of arm elevation. Lower trap can help withposterior tilt.(Ludewig PM)Middletrapezius externally rotates scapula. It contributes some to upward rotation.(Ludewig PM)

levator scapulae

With origin fixed: elevates the scapula &assists in rotation so that glenoid cavity faces caudallyWith insertion fixed and actingunilaterally: laterally flexes cervical vertebrae & rotates to SAMEsideActing bilaterally:Assist in cervical extension

rhomboid major

Adducts,elevates, downwardly rotates scapula. Externallyrotates scapula

rhomboid minor

Adduct,elevate scapulaRotatescapula so that glenoid cavity faces caudally Externallyrotates scapula

teres minor

LRshoulder Stabilizeshead of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements;Scapularinternal rotation

pronator teres

PronateforearmAssistsin elbow flexion


ABD,FLEX wristAssistsin forearm pronation and elbow flex

palmaris longus

Tensespalmar fascia, flex wrist Assistsin elbow flexion

flexor digitorum superficialis

Flexionof PIP of 2-5th digits Assistin MCP joint flex and wrist flex

flexor digitorum profundus

FlexesDIP of index, middle, ring, and little fingers.Assistsin PIP, MCP, and wrist flexion

flexor pollicis longus

ThumbIP flexion Assistsin MCP and CMC flex and wrist flexion

flexor pollicis brevis

FlexMCP, CMC of thumb Assistsin opposition, may extend interphalangeal joint

pronator quadratus

pronate foream

abductor pollicis brevis

Palmarabduction of thumb CMC and MCP joints; Extendthumb IP joint.Assistsin opposition and flexion, MR of CMC jt

opponens pollicis

Opposes thumb CMC

lumbricals (UE)

ExtendsIP joint and simultaneously flex MCP joints of 2-5th digits ExtendIP joints with MCP extended

flexor carpi ulnaris

Flex,ulnarly deviate wrist Assistsin flex of elbow

abductor digiti minimi (UE)

Abductsmall finger MP joint Assistsin opposition and flexion of CMC of 5th digit and assists in extension of IPjoint

flexor digiti minimi

FlexMCP joint of little fingerAssistsin opposition

opponens digiti minimi

Opposes 5th CMC joint

interossei UE

DORSALABDindex, middle, ring finger from axial line through third digit Assistsin MCP flexion and extension of IP joint of 2-4th 1stassists with thumbadd PALMARADD 2, 4, 5 digits Assistsin MCP flexion and extension of IP of 2, 4, 5

adductor pollicis

Add CMC and ADD/assists in flex of MCP joint ofthumb, assists thumb opposition and ext IP joint

triceps brachii

Extendelbow Long head Assists in add and ext of shoulder


ElbowflexionAssistsin pronation & supination of forearm

extensor carpi radialis longus

Extensor,radially deviates wristAssistsin elbow flexion


ExtensorwristAssistin wrist radial deviation

extensor digitorum

ExtendMCP joint and in conjunction with lumbricals and interossei, extend IP jointsof 2-5th digits Assistin abducting index, ring, little finger Extendand radial deviate wrist

extensor digiti minimi (UE)

ExtendMCP joint & in conjunction with lumbricals and interossei, extend IP jointsof little finger Assistin abd of little finger

extensor carpi ulnaris

Extend & ulnarly deviate wrist

extensor inidcis

ExtendMCP joint & in conjunction with lumbricals and interossei, ext IP joint ofindex finger Assistin adduction of index

abductor pollicis longus

extCMC joint of thumb with slight abduction Wristradial deviationAssistswrist flexion

extensor pollicis longus

ExtendIP joint Assiststhumb MCP & CMC extensionAssistswrist radial deviation & extension

extensor pollicis brevis

Extendthumb MCP joint Extend and abduct CMC jointAssistsin wrist radial deviation


Supinate forearm


Flex & adduct shoulder


elbow flexion

biceps brachii

Shoulderflexion Long headEvidence is unclear regarding role of LHBT at theshoulder. Krupp RJ JOSPT 2009May passively restrict humeral anterior and superiortranslation. Krupp RJ 2009 Origin fixed: Elbow flexion moving forearm toward humerus, forearm supination Insertion fixed: Elbow flexion moving humerus toward forearm Maycontribute to scapular anterior tilt