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15 Cards in this Set

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sweet, sour, astring, warm
B.877 C.997 Dr.140
chì shí zhī 赤石脂

(1) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea* w/ undigested food in stool, chronic dysenteric ds w/ mucous & blood in stool, d/t deficiency type cold]
(2) Contains blood & stops bleeding [Uterine bleeding*, excessive menstruation, blood in stool, bleeding prolapsed rectum d/t cold from defic of LJ, topically bleeding d/t trauma]
(3) Promotes healing of wounds [Topically: Chronic nonhealing ulcers*, weeping damp sores, prolapsed rectum]

chì(crimson) shí(stone) zhī(resin, fat)
Halloysitum rubrum
halloysite Al4(Si4O10)(OH)8•4 H2O
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Uterine bleeding
(3) Topically: Chronic nonhealing ulcers
sweet, astring, neutral
B.889 C.1009 Dr.144
fù pén zǐ 覆盆子

(1) Augments & stabilizes KD, binds jing, & contains urine [Urinary frequency*, enuresis, impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, wet dreams, d/t KD yang defic]
(2) Assists yang & improves vision [Poor vision*, sore low back, impotence, d/t LV & KD defic]

fù(overturn) pén(basin; bed pan) zǐ(seeds) [ie the bed pan will no longer be needed]
Rubi Fructus
Chinese Raspberry
(1) Urinary frequency
(2) Poor vision
sweet, sl salty, cool
B.896 C.1017 Dr.143
fú xiǎo mài 浮小麥
(xiǎo mài)
(1) Inhibits sweating [Sweating d/t defic*, spontaneous sweating d/t qi defic, nightsweats d/t yin defic]

fú(floating) xiǎo(little) mài(wheat)
Tritici Fructus levis
light wheat grain
(1) Sweating d/t defic
salty, astring, sl warm
B.900 C.1010 Dr.142
hǎi piāo xiāo 海螵蛸
(wū zéi gǔ)
(1) Restrains, holds in, & stops bleeding [Bleeding* esp d/t defic - wide variety, traumatic injury - powdered]
(2) Secures jing & stops discharge [Nocturnal emisions*, premature ejaculation, vaginal discharge, d/t KD defic]
(3) Controls acidity & alleviates pain [ST or epigastric pain*, distasteful belching, acid regurgitation]
(4) Resolves dampness & promotes healing [Chronic non-healing skin ulcers*, damp rashes of long duration]

hǎi(ocean, sea) piāo xiāo(1.cuttlefish; 2.nest of mantis eggs)
Sepiae Endoconcha
cuttlefish bone
(1) Bleeding
(2) Nocturnal emisions
(3) ST or epigastric pain
(4) Chronic non-healing skin ulcers
bitter, sour, astring, neutral
B.867 C.992 Dr.139
hē zǐ 訶子

(1) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, dysenteric ds, intestinal wind w/ blood in stool]
(2) Contains leakage of LU qi, stops coughs, & improves condition of throat [Loss of voice*, chronic cough, wheezing]

hē(Chebulea; to scold, ridicule, blame) zǐ(seeds) [orig Buddhist he li le meant coming of Heavenly King, from India]
Chebulea Fructus
chebule fruit; Ayurvedic haritaki
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Loss of voice
sour, astring, neutral
StabBind-Astring, Clinic-Refrig
B.887 C.1006 Dr.R
jīn yīng zǐ 金櫻子

(1) Stabilizes KD & secures jing [Spermatorrhea*, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, d/t defic & instab of LJ]
(2) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, dysenteric ds]

jīn(golden) yīng(cherry) zǐ(seeds) ["golden cherry fruit"]
Rosae laevigatae Fructus
Cherokee Rosehip
(1) Spermatorrhea
(2) Chronic diarrhea
sweet, astring, neutral
B.881 C.1013 Dr.144
lián zǐ 蓮子

(1) Tonifies SP & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, loss of appetite; Augments & binds, is very useful]
(2) Tonifies KD & stabilizes jing [Premature ejaculation* & spermatorrhea d/t unstable defic KD, excessive uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge]
(3) Nourishes HT & calms spirit [Palpitations with anxiety*, irritability d/t defic, insomnia; Good for HT KD not communicating]

lián(lotus, Nelumbinis) zǐ(seeds)
Nelumbinis Semen
lotus seeds
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Premature ejaculation
(3) Palpitations with anxiety
sweet, neutral
B.898 C.1018 Dr.138
má huáng gēn 麻黃根

(1) Stops sweating [Sweating d/t defic*, postpartum sweating, spontaneous sweating d/t qi defic, nightsweats d/t yin defic]

má(hemp; pins and needles) huáng(yellow) gēn(rhizome, root)
Ephedrae Radix
ephedra root
(1) Sweating d/t defic
sweet, astring, neutral
StabBind-Astring, Clinic-Refrig
B.885 C.1012 Dr.R
qiàn shí 芡實

(1) Strengthens SP & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea* d/t weak SP transportative function ie internal accum of dampness; esp useful for children]
(2) Stabilizes KD & secures jing [Nocturnal emissions*, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, nocturnal emissions, urinary frequency or incontinenc]
(3) Expels dampness & stops discharge [Vaginal discharge* d/t either defic or damp-heat]

qiàn(Euryales) shí(real, true, honest, solid)
Euryales Semen
euryale seeds
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Nocturnal emissions
(3) Vaginal discharge
spicy, warm
B.870 C.999 Dr.139
ròu dòu kòu 肉豆蔻

(1) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, daybreak diarrhea, c/t cold from SP & KD defic]
(2) Warms MJ, moves qi, & alleviates pain [Pain & distention of epigastrium & abdomen*, reduced appetite, vomiting, d/t cold from SP & ST defic]

ròu(fleshy) dòu(bean, pea) kòu(cardamon; aromatic cardamon-like fruits)
Myristicae Semen
nutmeg seeds
(1) Chronic diarrhea
(2) Pain & distention of epigastrium & abdomen
sweet, salty, neutral
B.902 C.1008 Dr.142
sāng piāo xiāo 桑螵蛸

(1) Tonifies KD, assists yang, secures jing, & contains urine [Enuresis in children*, dribbling urine, urinary frequency, nocturnal emissions esp w/out dreams, impotence]

sāng(mulberry tree) piāo xiāo(1.cuttlefish; 2.nest of mantis eggs)
Mantidis Ootheca
mantis egg case
(1) Enuresis in children
sour, sl warm
B.857 C.1005 Dr.145
shān zhū yú 山茱萸
(shān yú ròu)
(1) Stabilizes KD & secures jing [Leakage of fluids: Urinary incontinence*, urinary frequency, spermatorrhea, excessive sweating]
(2) Stops excessive sweating & supports that which has collapsed [Excessive sweating* esp d/t devastated yang & collapsed qi as in shock, sweating induced by wrong treatment]
(3) Tonifies & augments LV & KD [Lightheadedness*, dizziness, low back & knees soreness & weakness, impotence; Both tonifies the essence and assists the yang]
(4) Stabilizes menses & stops bleeding [Excessive uterine bleeding*, prolonged mensturation, d/t defic; Weak effect]

shān(mountain) zhū yú(Corni fructus; cornelian cherry)
Corni Fructus
cornus fruit
(1) Leakage of fluids: Urinary incontinence
(2) Excessive sweating
(3) Lightheadedness
(4) Excessive uterine bleeding
sour, salty, cold
B.891 C.990 Dr.143
wǔ bèi zǐ 五倍子

(1) Contains leakage of LU qi & stops coughs [Chronic cough d/t LU defic]
(2) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Chronic diarrhea*, dysenteric ds, chronic blood in stool, rectal prolapse]
(3) Preserves & restrains [Leakage: Nocturnal emissions*, spermatorrhea, excessive sweating, bleeding]
(4) Absorbs moisture, reduces swelling, & resolves fire toxicity [Sores*, dermatosis, toxic swellings, damp & ulcerated skin, scar tissue; Apply topically as a powder]

wǔ(five) bèi(multiples) zǐ(seeds)
Galla chinensis
gallnut of Chinese sumac
(1) Chronic cough d/t LU defic
(2) Chronic diarrhea
(3) Leakage: Nocturnal emissions
(4) Sores
sour, astring, warm
B.864 C.988 Dr.141
wū méi 烏梅

(1) Inhibits leakage of LU qi & stops coughs [Chronic cough d/t LU defic]
(2) Generates fluids & alleviates thirst [Thirst d/t heat from defic*, wasting & thirsting ds]
(3) Expels roundworms & alleviates pain [Vomiting & abdom pain d/t roundworms*; Also w/out parasites]
(4) Binds up intestines & stops diarrhea [Incessant chronic diarrhea*, dysenteric ds, blood in stool]
(5) Stops bleeding [Blood in stool*, excessive uterine bleeding w/ thirst, dryness cough & parched mouth d/t blood defic]
(6) Topically to treat corns & warts [Corns & warts]

wū(black, crow) méi(plumb) ["darkened plumb"]
Mume Fructus
mume fruit
(1) Chronic cough d/t LU defic
(2) Thirst d/t heat from defic
(3) Vomiting & abdom pain d/t roundworms
(4) Incessant chronic diarrhea
(5) Blood in stool
(6) Corns & warts
sweet, sour, warm
B.860 C.985 Dr.145
wǔ wèi zǐ 五味子

(1) Contains leakage of LU qi & stops coughs [Chronic cough*, wheezing, d/t LU & KD defic]
(2) Tonifies KD, binds up jing, & stops diarrhea [Nocturnal emissions*, spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge, urinary frequency, d/t KD defic, daybreak diarrhea d/t SP & KD defic]
(3) Inhibits sweating & generates fluids [Excessive sweating* esp when accompanied by thirst or a dry throat, spontaneous sweating, nightsweats, wasting & thirsting ds]
(4) Quiets spirit while calming & containing HT qi [Irritability*, palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep, insomnia, d/t injury of HT & KD blood & yin, or d/t miscommunication of HT & KD]

wǔ(five) wèi(flavor, taste) zǐ(seeds)
Schisandrae Fructus
schisandra fruit
(1) Chronic cough
(2) Nocturnal emissions
(3) Excessive sweating
(4) Irritability