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20 Cards in this Set

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spicy, sweet, sl warm
B.780 C.891 Dr.125
bā jǐ tiān 巴戟天

(1) Tonifies KD & fortifies yang [Impotence*, male or female infertility, premature ejaculation, urinary frequency, incontinence of urine, irregular menstruation, cold & painful low abdomen, weak & sore back]
(2) Disperses wind-dampness & strengthens sinews & bones [WC-damp bi* d/t KD defic, tight musculature of low back & legs, joint pain, difficult moving]

bā(a state east of Sichuan during Zhou dynasty) jǐ(weapon, spear & battle ax combi) tiān(heaven)
Morindae officinalis Radix
Morinda root
(1) Impotence
(2) WC-damp bi
bitter, spicy, very warm
B.786 C.909 Dr.128
bǔ gǔ zhī 補骨脂

(1) Tonifies KD & fortifies yang [Impotence*, premature ejaculation, enuresis, urinary freq, cold & painful low back, weak low back & extremities, wheezing d/t KD not grasping qi]
(2) Tonifies & warms SP yang & stops diarrhea [Diarrhea d/t cold from defic of SP*, borborygmus, abdom pain; Best for SP & KD defic together]
(3) Topically as tincture for vitiligo [Vitiligo = light patches of skin d/t loss of pigmentation]

bǔ(tonify) gǔ(bone) zhī(resin, fat)
Psoraleae Fructus
psoralea fruit
(1) Impotence
(2) Diarrhea d/t cold from defic of SP
(3) Vitiligo = light patches of skin d/t loss of pigmentation
sweet, warm
TonifyYang, Not in Clinic
B.772 C.883
dōng chóng xià cǎo 冬虫夏草

(1) Augments KD & tonifies yang [Impotence*, sore & weak low back & low extremities]
(2) Tonifies KD yang, augments LU yin, transforms phlegm, stops bleeding [Consumptive coughs with blood streaked sputum*, chronic coughs, qheezing d/t deficiency]

dōng(winter) chóng(bug) xià(summer) cǎo(herb)
(1) Impotence
(2) Consumptive coughs with blood streaked sputum
sweet, sl spicy, warm
B.792 C.901 Dr.125
dù zhòng 杜仲

(1) Tonifies LV & KD & strengthens sinews & bones [Weak sore painful low back & knees*, fatigue, urinary freq]
(2) Aids in smooth flow of qi & blood [Weakness of sinews & bones*; Promotes circulation]
(3) Calms fetus [Restless or agitated fetus*, bleeding during pregnancy d/t cold from defic, significant back pain in deficient pregnant woman]
(4) For dizziness & lightheadedness [Dizziness & lightheadedness* from HBP d/t LV yang rising ]

dù(restrict, prevent, fabricate) zhòng(second in seniority)
Eucommiae Cortex
eucommia bark
(1) Weak sore painful low back & knees
(2) Weakness of sinews & bones
(3) Restless or agitated fetus
(4) Dizziness & lightheadedness
salty, neutral
TonifyYang, Not in Clinic
B.770 C.886
gé jiè 蛤蚧

(1) Tonifies LU qi & assists KD yang [Wheezing d/t KD unable to grasp qi*, consumptive cough, cough w/ blood streaked sputum]
(2) Assists KD yang & augments jing & blood [Impotence*, daybreak diarrhea, urinary frequency]

gé jiè(gecko) [males make ge sound, females respond with jie sound]
(1) Wheezing d/t KD unable to grasp qi
(2) Impotence
bitter, sweet, warm
B.795 C.906 Dr.126
gǒu jǐ 狗脊

(1) Tonifies LV & KD & strengthens sinews & bones [Stiffness soreness weakness in low back spine & low extremities]
(2) Expels wind & dampness [WC-damp bi d/t underlying LV & KD defic]
(3) Warms & stabilizes KD [Urinary incontinence*, vaginal discharge, d/t KD yang defic]

gǒu(dog) jǐ(spine)
Cibotii Rhizoma
cibotium rhizome
(1) Stiffness soreness weakness in low back spine & low extremities
(2) WC-damp bi d/t underlying LV & KD defic
(3) Urinary incontinence
bitter, warm
B.800 C.905 Dr.129
gǔ suì bǔ 骨碎補

(1) Tonifies KD & strengthens bones [Weak low back & knees*, diarrhea, tinnitus, diminished hearing, loose painful teeth, bleeding gums, d/t KD defic]
(2) Promotes mending of sinews & bones [Traumatic injuries*, falls, fractures, contusions, sprains, esp ligament injuries and simple fractures]
(3) Stimulates growth of hair [Hair loss, alopecia]

gǔ(bone) suì(shattered, broken into fragments) bǔ(mend, repair) ["mender of shattered bones"]
Drynariae Rhizoma
drynaria rhizome
(1) Weak low back & knees
(2) Traumatic injuries
(3) Hair loss, alopecia
bitter, warm
TonifyYang, Not in Clinic
B.783 C.908
hú lú bā 胡蘆巴

(1) Warms KD, disperses damp & cold, & alleviates pain [Abdom or flank distention & pain*, bulging disorders, d/t KD yang defic, also cold-damp leg qi]

hú(beard) lú(reed) bā(to hope or wish) ["hulba" is Arabic for this seed]
Trigonellae Semen
trigonella seed
(1) Abdom or flank distention & pain
sweet, warm
TonifyYang, Not in Clinic
B.784 C.887
hú táo rén 胡桃仁
(hé táo rén, hú táo ròu)
(1) Tonifies KD & strengthens back & knees [Cold & painful back & knees*, urinary frequency]
(2) Warms LU & helps KD grasp qi [Chronic cough & wheezing that worsens with any exertion* d/t LU & KD defic]
(3) Moistens intestines & unblocks bowels [Constipation in elderly*, injured fluids after febrile ds]

hú(胡 bearded) táo(peach) rén(seed); Bensky: hé táo rén - hé核(nut kernal lump)
Juglandis Semen
(1) Cold & painful back & knees
(2) Chronic cough & wheezing that worsens with any exertion
(3) Constipation in elderly
spicy, sweet, warm
TonifyYang, Clinic-NoCateg
B.809 C.915 Dr.163
jiǔ cài zǐ 韭菜子
(jiǔ zǐ)
(1) Warms KD, fortifies yang, & secures jing [Impotence*, spermatorrhea, urinary incontinence or freq, vaginal discharge, weak & sore low back & knees]

jiǔ(leek) cài(vegetable) zǐ(seeds)
Allii tuberosi Semen
allium seeds
(1) Impotence
sweet, salty, warm
TonifyYang, Not in Clinic
B.766 C.878
lù róng 鹿茸

(1) Tonifies KD & fortifies yang [Low back and knee pain or weakness*, fatigue, cold extremities, frequent copious clear urination, impotence, lightheadedness, tinnitus]
(2) Warms yang, regulates Chong & Ren Mai, & stabilizes Dai Mai [Vaginal discharge*, uterine bleeding, d/t cold from defic, infertility d/t cold womb]
(3) Tonifies Du Mai, augments jing & blood, & strengthens sinews & bones [Childhood mental retardation*, learning disabbilities, failure to thrive, insufficient growth, skeletal deformities ie rickets, nonhealing fractures w/ KD defic, nonhealing ulcers, exhaustion of essence]
(4) Tonifies & nourishes qi & blood [Chronic ulcerations*, yin type boils ie concave oozing clear fluid]

lù(deer) róng(fluff)
Cervi Cornu pantotrichum
deer velvet
(1) Low back and knee pain or weakness
(2) Vaginal discharge
(3) Childhood mental retardation
(4) Chronic ulcerations
sweet, salty, warm
B.775 C.889 Dr.131
ròu cōng róng 肉蓯蓉

(1) Tonifies KD yang & augments jing & blood [Impotence*, spermatorrhea, urinary incontinence, post-urinary dripping, cold pains in low back & knees, deficiency of womb type infertility, excessive uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge]
(2) Moistens intestines & facilitates passage of stool [Constipation d/t inadequate fluids*; For elderly, debilitated, or defic blood or qi, in large doses]

ròu(flesh, meat) cōng róng(unhurried [without grass radical])
Cistanches Herba
(1) Impotence
(2) Constipation d/t inadequate fluids
sweet, warm
B.804 C.914 Dr.130
shā yuàn zǐ 沙苑子
(shā yuàn jí lí, jí lí)
(1) Fortifies yang & secures jing [Low back pain*, tinnitus, impotence, premature ejaculation, urinary frequency or incontinence, vaginal discharge]
(2) Nourishes LV & improves vision [Blurry vision*, diminished vision]

Bensky: shā(sand) yuàn(park) zǐ(seeds) ['sand garden' area of Shaanxi province]; ACTCM: shā yuàn jí lí
Astragali complanati Semen
complanate astragalus seed
(1) Low back pain
(2) Blurry vision
sweet, warm
B.777 C.890 Dr.129
suǒ yáng 鎖陽

(1) Tonifies KD, assists yang, augments LV yin & blood [Impotence*, infertility, urinary freq, spermatorrhea, d/t KD yang defic]
(2) Augments LV yin & blood [Atrophy d/t LV KD defic]
(3) Moistens intestines, unblocks bowels, augments essence, nourishes blood [Constipation d/t qi or blood defic]

suǒ(lock) yáng(as in yin yang)
Cynomorii Herba
(1) Impotence
(2) Atrophy d/t LV KD defic
(3) Constipation d/t qi or blood defic
spicy, sweet, neutral
B.802 C.912 Dr.126
tù sī zǐ 菟絲子

(1) Tonifies yang, augments yin, & secures jing & urine [Impotence*, nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, tinnitus, urinary freq, sore painful back, vaginal discharge]
(2) Tonifies LV & KD & improves vision [Dizziness*, tinnitus, blurred vision, spots before eyes, d/t defic jing]
(3) Benefits SP & KD & stops diarrhea [Diarrhea*, loose stools, lack of appetite, d/t defic both SP & KD]
(4) Calms fetus [Habitual or threatened miscarriage*; Important herb]

tù(Cuscutae) sī(silk) zǐ(seeds)
Cuscutae Semen
cuscuta seeds
(1) Impotence
(2) Dizziness
(3) Diarrhea
(4) Habitual or threatened miscarriage
spicy, hot, toxic
B.790 C.895 Dr.131
xiān máo 仙茅

(1) Tonifies KD & fortifies yang [Impotence*, urinary incontinence, nocturnal emissions, irregular mensturation, infertility d/t cold womb or male jing]
(2) Expels cold & eliminates dampness [Cold abdominal pain*, cold low back and knee pain, obstinate cold-damp bi with generalized pain, sense of weakness in bones & sinews]

xiān(immortal) máo(grass, thatch)
Curculiginis Rhizoma
(1) Impotence
(2) Cold abdominal pain
bitter, sweet, spicy, sl warm
B.797 C.903 Dr.127
xù duàn 續斷

(1) Tonifies LV & KD & strengthens sinews & bones [Sore painful low back & knees*, stiff joints, weak legs, urinary dribbling; Tonifies w/out causing stagnation]
(2) Calms fetus & stops leakage [Restless fetus*, bleeding during pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, also uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge]
(3) Promotes movement of blood, alleviates pain, & reconnects sinews & bones [Trauma*, sores, esp pain & swelling in low back & limbs d/t trauma, painful bi]

xù(reconnect, replenish) duàn(broken) ["reconnect what is broken"]
Dipsaci Radix
(1) Sore painful low back & knees
(2) Restless fetus
(3) Trauma
spicy, warm
B.789 C.911 Dr.128
yì zhì rén 益智仁

(1) Warms KD, retains jing, & secures urine [Frequent & copious urine*, incontinence, dribbling urine, spermatorrhea, irregular uterine bleeding]
(2) Warms SP, stops diarrhea, & controls salivation [Diarrhea*, cold abdom pain, excessive salivation, thick unpleasant taste in mouth, d/t cold from defic, also vomiting d/t cold in SP & KD]

yì(benefit, increase) zhì(wisdom) rén(nut, seed)
Alpiniae oxyphyllae Fructus
black cardamon
(1) Frequent & copious urine
(2) Diarrhea
spicy, sweet, warm
B.778 C.893 Dr.127
yín yáng huò 淫羊藿
(xiān líng pí)
(1) Tonifies KD & fortifies yang [Impotence*, infertility, urinary frequency, forgetfulness, withdrawal, painful cold low back & knees]
(2) Dispels wind-cold-dampness & warms & unblocks flow of yang qi [WC-damp bi spasms or cramps in hands & feet*, joint pain, numbness in extremities, or numbness contractures hemiplegia d/t stroke]

yín(licentious) yáng huò(goat wort)
Epimedii Herba
(1) Impotence
(2) WC-damp bi spasms or cramps in hands & feet
sweet, salty, warm
TonifyYang, Not in Clinic
B.806 C.916
zǐ hé chē 紫河車

(1) Tonifies LV & KD & augments jing [Infertility*, impotence, spermatorrhea, decreased libido, low back pain, lightheadedness, tinnitus, d/t insuffic KD qi & debility of jing & blood]
(2) Augments qi & nourishes blood [Emaciation esp after major illness*, pallor, insufficient lactation, unremitting seizure ds]
(3) Tonifies LU qi & augments KD jing [Wheezing* esp acute attacks d/t LU & KD defic, chronic cough & wheeze, consumption w/ night sweats emaciation & debility]

zǐ(purple) hé(river) chē(vehicle)
Hominis Placenta
human placenta
(1) Infertility
(2) Emaciation esp after major illness
(3) Wheezing