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20 Cards in this Set

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(1) Cloudy urine like rice porridge
(2) Low back pain
(3) Pustular sores
B.301  C.420  Dr.52
(1) Cloudy urine like rice porridge
(2) Low back pain
(3) Pustular sores
B.301 C.420 Dr.52
bì xiè 萆薢
(bèi xiè)
(1) Separates pure from turbid [Cloudy urine like rice porridge*, vaginal discharge, d/t defic heat or DH; Mild to moderate UB infect, all types of leukorrhea ]
(2) Expels wind-dampness, relaxes sinews, & unblocks collaterals [Low back pain* d/t WD or DH bi, numbness or stiffness of lower extremities, muscles aches, edema, superficial edema, travelers edema; Mild, removes DH from extremities, all types of bi ]
(3) Clears damp-heat from skin [Pustular sores*, skin lesions, eczema, yeast/fungal infections, damp acne, jaundice ]
(N) Very important herb [*Removes pathogenic Damp without affecting natural fluid balance of body = does not dry out body, throw off electrolyte balance, or damage Yin ]

No noted CTX

bì(dioscoreae) xiè(woody climbing plant)
Dioscoreae hypoglaucae Rhizoma
bitter, neutral
(1) Damp-heat UTI
(2) Intestinal parasites
B.291  C.401  Dr.48
(1) Damp-heat UTI
(2) Intestinal parasites
B.291 C.401 Dr.48
biǎn xù 萹蓄

(1) Clears damp-heat from UB, promotes urination, & unblocks painful urinary dribbling [Damp-heat UTI]
(2) Expels parasites & stops itching [Intestinal parasites* ie tapeworm, hookworm, pinworm, damp skin lesions w/ itching, fungal, tinea; Internal or external for skin]
(N) Is a strong, aggressive herb

No noted CTX

biǎn(polygoni, knotweed) xù(to store up, grow)
Polygoni avicularis Herba
bitter, sl cold
(1) Edema
(2) Diarrhea
(3) Either Dry eyes or Red painful swollen eyes
(4) Cough w/ yellow copious sputum
B.277  C.391  Dr.55
(1) Edema
(2) Diarrhea
(3) Either Dry eyes or Red painful swollen eyes
(4) Cough w/ yellow copious sputum
B.277 C.391 Dr.55
chē qián zǐ 車前子

(1) Promotes urination & clears damp-heat [Edema*, painful urinary dribbling; LV/GB Damp-Heat ]
(2) Promotes urination to solidify stools [Diarrhea* d/t DH or to damp-summerheat; One of few seeds used to dry stools ]
(3) Clears eyes [Either Dry eyes or Red painful swollen eyes*: Either LV KD defic: Dry eyes, diminished eyesight; or LV heat: Red painful swollen eyes, sensitivity to light ]
(4) Expels phlegm & stops cough [Cough w/ yellow copious sputum* d/t LU heat]
(N) Diuretic for damp-heat [*Eliminates Heat & drains Damp]

Caution: Pregnancy, loss of essence d/t KD defic

chē(cart) qián(before) zǐ(seeds) ["before the cart" ie grows along the road]
Plantaginis Semen
plantago seeds
sweet, cold
(1) Edema
(2) Mild jaundice d/t DH
(3) Sores
B.308  C.422  Dr.49
(1) Edema
(2) Mild jaundice d/t DH
(3) Sores
B.308 C.422 Dr.49
chì xiǎo dòu 赤小豆

(1) Promotes urination & reduces edema [Edema*, abdom swelling & fullness d/t edema, leg qi edema, lower body edema, urinary difficulty, dysuria; Mild to moderate diuretic ]
(2) Facilitates resolution of dampness & heat [Mild jaundice d/t DH]
(3) Disperses blood stasis, reduces swelling, & reduces fire toxicity [Sores*, carbuncles, furuncles-boils; Taken externally or internally]
(N) Is red beans of red bean paste [*Similar to lú dòu; gently moves Blood ]

No noted CTX

chì(dark red) xiǎo(little) dòu(bean)
Phaseoli Semen
adzuki bean (red bean)
sweet, sour, neutral
(1) Hot painful urinary dribling
(2) Adult insomnia
B.287  C.399  Dr.47
(1) Hot painful urinary dribling
(2) Adult insomnia
B.287 C.399 Dr.47
dēng xīn cǎo 燈心草

(1) Promotes urination & unblocks painful urinary dribbling [Hot painful urinary dribling*, dark scanty urine]
(2) Clears HT & directs fire downward [Adult insomnia* or restless sleep d/t HT KD miscommunication, childhood sleep disorders, dark scanty urine, irritabilty]
(N) Mù tōng more forceful/aggressive/strong

No noted CTX

dēng(lamp) xīn(wick) cǎo(herb)
Junci Medulla
rush pith
sweet, bland, sl cold
(1) Dark burning scanty urine UTI
(2) Skin itching
B.294  C.400  Dr.51
(1) Dark burning scanty urine UTI
(2) Skin itching
B.294 C.400 Dr.51
dì fū zǐ 地膚子

(1) Clears damp-heat & promotes urination [Dark burning scanty urine UTI]
(2) Expels dampness & stops itching [Skin itching*, eczema, scabies, DH external genitals, d/t damp skin dz]
(N) More commonly used in hot humid climates; very potent diuretic

No noted CTX

dì(earth) fū(skin) zǐ(seeds)
Kochiae Fructus
broom cypress
bitter, sweet, cold
(1) Bronchitis with thick yellow phlegm
(2) DH vaginal discharge
B.295  C.410  Dr.48
(1) Bronchitis with thick yellow phlegm
(2) DH vaginal discharge
B.295 C.410 Dr.48
dōng guā rén 冬瓜仁
(dōng guā zǐ)
(1) Clears heat, expels phlegm, & promotes discharge of pus [Bronchitis with thick yellow phlegm*, LU or intest abscess]
(2) Clears heat & drains dampness [DH vaginal discharge*; Yeast, leukorrhea ]
(N) Can easily be in dispel phlegm category

No noted CTX

dōng(winter) guā(melon) rén(seeds); Bensky: dōng guā zǐ
Benincasae Semen
winter melon seed
sweet, cold
(1) Hot bloody or stony painful UTI
(2) Insufficient lactation
(3) Constipation
B.298  C.426  Dr.49
(1) Hot bloody or stony painful UTI
(2) Insufficient lactation
(3) Constipation
B.298 C.426 Dr.49
dōng kuí zǐ 冬葵子
(dōng kuí guǒ)
(1) Promotes urination & unblocks painful urinary dribbling [Hot bloody or stony painful UTI*, constipation w/ UTI, helper for edema even w/out UTI; In middle of UTI group ]
(2) Benefits breasts [Insufficient lactation*, painful swollen breasts, mastitis, early stage breast abscesses; Opens clears disperses stagnation ]
(3) Moistens intestines & unblocks bowels [Constipation*; Not very good here, dry seed ]
(N) Similar to tōng cǎo [*Mild to moderate diuretic]

Caution: Pregnancy, SP defic loos stools

dōng(winter) kuí(sunflower) zǐ(seeds); Bensky: dōng kuí guǒ果(fruit)
Malvae Fructus
mallow fruit
sweet, cold
(1) Urinary difficulty
(2) Loss of appetite
(3) Palpitations
(4) Insomnia
B.267  C.383  Dr.44
(1) Urinary difficulty
(2) Loss of appetite
(3) Palpitations
(4) Insomnia
B.267 C.383 Dr.44
fú líng 茯苓

(1) Promotes urination & leaches out dampness [Urinary difficulty*, diarrhea, edema d/t stagn of fluids or dampness, scanty urine d/t damp heat; Mild diuretic]
(2) Strengthens SP & harmonizes MJ [Loss of appetite*, diarrhea, epigastric distention]
(3) Strengthens SP & transforms phlegm [Palpitations*, HA, dizziness, thick greasy coat; Thin mucus moving upward]
(4) Quiets HT & calms spirit [Insomnia*, forgetfulness, palpitations; SP & HT defic, or int obstr of turbid phlegm ]
(N) Primary herb for dampness in SP [*Gently presses water out of body]

Caution: Yin defic, sunken SP qi, cold from defic, spermatorrhea

fú(poria) líng(tuber, fungus)
Polyporaceae (fungus)
sweet, bland, neutral
(1) Hot painful urinary dribbling
(2) Summerheat dz w/ fever
(3) Damp skin sores
B.280  C.393  Dr.45
(1) Hot painful urinary dribbling
(2) Summerheat dz w/ fever
(3) Damp skin sores
B.280 C.393 Dr.45
huá shí 滑石

(1) Clears heat & facilitates resolution of dampness [Hot painful urinary dribbling*, any dark painful burning & scanty urine, diarrhea d/t DH, helper for unremitting fever d/t heat in Qi level w/ damp]
(2) Clears summerheat & facilitates resolution of dampness [Summerheat dz w/ fever*, urinary diffiuclty, irritability, thirst]
(3) Absorbs dampness [Damp skin sores*, eczema, prickly heat, diaper rash ]
(N) Misc [*Strong diuretic, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease; Great at protecting mucus membranes of GI track]

CTX: Weak SP qi, leak semen, fluids damaged d/t hot dz; Caution: Pregnancy

huá(slippery) shí(rock)
Talcum: Mg3(Si4O10)(OH)2
talcum (mineral)
sweet, bland, cold
(1) Urinary tract stones
(2) Gallstones
(3) Abscess
B.303  C.413  Dr.52
(1) Urinary tract stones
(2) Gallstones
(3) Abscess
B.303 C.413 Dr.52
jīn qián cǎo 金錢草

(1) Promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dribbling, & expels urinary tract stones [Urinary tract stones*, UTIs; Really opens tubules ]
(2) Clears damp-heat in LV & GB & expels gallstones [Gallstones*, jaundice, red swollen eyes d/t DH]
(3) Resolves toxicity & swelling [Abscess*, traumatic injury, snakebite; Fresh herb is applied topically]
(N) Best herb for treating stones [*Good herb for dysuria, UTI, bladder infection, mastitis, jaundice]

No noted CTX

jīn(gold) qián(money) cǎo(herb)
Lysimachiae Herba
sweet, salty, sl cold
(1) Rough painful urinary dribbling d/t DH in UB
(2) Irritability
(3) Insufficient lactation
B.283  C.395
(1) Rough painful urinary dribbling d/t DH in UB
(2) Irritability
(3) Insufficient lactation
B.283 C.395
mù tōng 木通

(1) Promotes urination & unblocks painful urinary dribbling [Rough painful urinary dribbling d/t DH in UB*, edema, ascites ]
(2) Promotes urination & drains heat from HT via SI [Irritability*, sores of mouth or tongue, scanty urine; Heart Fire – insomnia, mental issues ]
(3) Promotes lactation & unblocks blood vessels [Insufficient lactation*, painful & stiff joints, amenorrhea]
(N) Great for damp-heat in LJ [*Is a strong diuretic]

Caution: Pregnancy

mù(wood) tōng(unblocking)
Akebiae Caulis
akebia caulis
bitter, sl cold
DrDamp-Diur, Not in Clinic
(1) Bloody painful urinary dribbling
(2) Amenorrhea d/t blood stasis
B.289  C.399  Dr.47
(1) Bloody painful urinary dribbling
(2) Amenorrhea d/t blood stasis
B.289 C.399 Dr.47
qú mài 瞿麥

(1) Clears damp-heat, promotes urination, & unblocks painful urinary dribbling [Bloody painful urinary dribbling*, any painful urinary dribling; One of strongest herbs for UTIs/Bladder infections, usually too strong for most UTIs]
(2) Breaks up blood stasis [Amenorrhea d/t blood stasis]
(N) Is strong & very potent

CTX: Pregnancy

qú(dianthus variety of) mài(wheat)
Dianthi Herba
bitter, cold
(1) Hot stony UTI
(2) Vomit blood
(3) Coughs
B.292  C.417  Dr.49
(1) Hot stony UTI
(2) Vomit blood
(3) Coughs
B.292 C.417 Dr.49
shí wéi 石韋

(1) Clears damp-heat & unblocks painful urinary dribbling [Hot stony UTI*, bloody painful UTI]
(2) Clears heat & stops bleeding [Vomit blood*, uterine bleeding, bloody painful UTI, d/t hot blood]
(3) Clears LU, expels phlegm, & stops cough [Coughs*, wheezing, d/t LU heat]

No noted CTX

shí(stone) wéi(leather)
Pyrrosiae Folium
pyrrosia leaf
bitter, sweet, sl cold
(1) DH UTIs
(2) Insufficient lactation
B.286  C.398  Dr.46
(1) DH UTIs
(2) Insufficient lactation
B.286 C.398 Dr.46
tōng cǎo 通草

(1) Promotes urination & clears heat [DH UTIs*, bladder infection; More assisting herb, not strong ]
(2) Promotes lactation [Insufficient lactation*; Unblocking, raises ST qi & increases blood flow to breasts]
(N) Be careful during pregnancy but generally safe herb in most cases during pregnancy; is found cut in circles or shaved into strips

No noted CTX

tōng(unblocking) cǎo(herb)
Tetrapanacis Medulla
rice paper plant pith
sweet, bland, sl cold
(1) Edema
(2) Chronic WD bi painful joints
(3) LU or Intest abscess
(4) Digestive problems
(N) Edema in lower extremities, constitutional Dampness, Damp-Heat; Helper herb
B.275  C.389  Dr.R
(1) Edema
(2) Chronic WD bi painful joints
(3) LU or Intest abscess
(4) Digestive problems
(N) Edema in lower extremities, constitutional Dampness, Damp-Heat; Helper herb
B.275 C.389 Dr.R
yì yǐ rén 薏苡仁

(1) Facilitates resolution of dampness & strengthens SP [Edema*, diarrhea, leg qi, painful urinary dribbling, dampheat; Treats both root & manifestations; Must be dry fried first ]
(2) Facilitates resolution of dampness & eliminates painful obstruction [Chronic WD bi painful joints*, decreased joint mobility, spasms; Helper, esp for lower extremities ]
(3) Clears heat & expels pus [LU or Intest abscess*, soft pustulated carbuncles; Mild, not aggressive or strong ]
(4) Clears damp-heat [Digestive problems*, greasy tongue coat, d/t any damp-heat dz; ST/Intest, LJ]
(N) Good diuretic [Edema in lower extremities, constitutional Dampness, Damp-Heat; Helper herb]

No noted CTX

yì(coicis) yǐ(barley) rén(seed)
Coicis Semen
Job’s Tears
sweet, bland, sl cold
DrDamp-Diur, Clinic-Refrig
(1) Jaundice
(2) Damp sores
B.310  C.418  Dr.53
(1) Jaundice
(2) Damp sores
B.310 C.418 Dr.53
yīn chén hāo 茵陳蒿
(yīn chén; mián yīn chén hāo)
(1) Clears heat, resolves dampness, & reduces jaundice [Jaundice* all types - acute, chronic, Yang, Yin; Cholecystitis]
(2) Clears heat & facilitates resolution of dampness [Damp sores*, wind rashes, skin diseases; For skin & lower body only, can be used alone as a skin wash ]
(N) For LV, GB, & damp-heat in SP [*LV-increases bile flow, lowers liver cell death, promotes hepatic cell regeneration, great for treating all types of hepatitis; GB-promotes normal contraction of gallbladder; SP-pancreatitis ]

No noted CTX

yīn(cushion of cart) chén(arrange, exhibit, display) hāo(artemisiae, wormwood); Bensky: yīn chén
Artemisiae scopariae Herba
virgate wormwood
bitter, sl cold
(1) Urinary difficulty
(2) Spermatorrhea d/t LJ damp-heat disturbing ministerial fire of KD, elevated libido, premature ejaculation
B.272  C.272  Dr.54
(1) Urinary difficulty
(2) Spermatorrhea d/t LJ damp-heat disturbing ministerial fire of KD, elevated libido, premature ejaculation
B.272 C.272 Dr.54
zé xiè 澤瀉

(1) Promotes urination & leaches out dampness [Urinary difficulty*, edema, painful urinary dribbling, diarrhea, dizziness, esp d/t DH in LJ; Acute/chronic prostatitis/orchitis, UB infect, KD infect, yeast infect, DH leukorrhea ]
(2) Settles ministerial fire in KD by draining damp-heat from lj [Spermatorrhea d/t LJ damp-heat disturbing ministerial fire of KD, elevated libido, premature ejaculation]
(N) Removes swelling/drains dampness [*Drains fire from kidney through urination]

Caution: Sunken SP qi

zé(marsh) xiè(drain)
Alismatis Rhizoma
water plantain
sweet, bland, cold
(1) Edema
B.271  C.385  Dr.45
(1) Edema
B.271 C.385 Dr.45
zhū líng 豬苓

(1) Promotes urination & leaches out dampness [Edema*, scanty urination, painful urinary dribbling, vaginal discharge, jaundice, diarrhea]
(N) Compared w/ fú líng [*Is a stronger diuretic; just a diuretic – causes cells to release more fluids & kidneys to filter out more fluids, also washes out electrolytes, K+; is very good for women with Damp constitution with heavy fluid stagnation during period]

CTX: Absence of dampness

zhū(pig) líng(fungus)
Polyporaceae (fungus)
sweet, bland, sl cool
delete me