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4 Cards in this Set

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Băo hé wán

J君: Reduce Food Stagnation, aid digestion (meat and greasy foods)

C臣: Aid Spleen and Stomach Qi circulation. Reduce Food Stagnation, aid digestion (especially alcohol).

C臣: Dissolve Qi Stagnation. Reduce Food Stagnation, aid digestion.

Z佐: Descend Stomach Qi. Transform Phlegm.

Z佐: Transform Phlegm. Regulate Qi, aid digestion.

Z佐: Promote urination, drain Damp. Strengthen Spleen.

S使: Clear Heat due to Food Stagnation.

Dx: Food Stagnation

J君: shān zhā 山楂

C臣: shén qū 神麴

C臣: lái fú zǐ 萊菔子

Z佐: bàn xià 半夏

Z佐: chén pí 陳皮

Z佐: fú líng 茯苓

S使: lián qiào 連翹

Categ: (1) XV. F.1 Resolv-Digest
B.826 C.1266 NatCal
Sx: epigastric and abdominal fullness distension and pain, acid regurgitation, belching, bad breath, nausea, vomiting, aversion to food, may be diarrhea

T: thick greasy fur
P: slippery

CTX: Not for Food Stagnation due to Spleen Deficiency / Caution: pregnancy
Wū méi wán

J君: Expel parasites

C臣: Expel parasites.

C臣: Expel parasites.

C臣: Clear Heat.

C臣: Clear Heat.

Z佐: Warm Middle Jiao. Circulate Qi and Blood.

Z佐: Warm Interior. Circulate Qi and Blood.

Z佐: Warm Interior. Circulate Qi and Blood.

S使: Tonify Qi.

S使: Tonify Blood.

Dx: Roundworm infestation

J君: wū méi 烏梅

C臣: huā jiāo 花椒

C臣: xì xīn 細辛

C臣: huáng lián 黃連

C臣: huáng bǎi 黃柏

Z佐: gān jiāng 乾薑

Z佐: guì zhī 桂枝

Z佐: fù zǐ 附子

S使: rén shēn 人參

S使: dāng guī 當歸

Categ: (2) XVI. 1 Antihelm-Antiparast
B.847 C.1292
Sx: nutritional insufficiency, weight loss, toxin poisoning due to parasites, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain especially around navel, pain may cause fainting, cold hands and feet, irritability

T: varies
P: varies

CTX: Pregnancy, Damp-Heat
Féi ér wán

J君: (dry fried) Reduce Foods Stagnation, aid digestion

J君: (dry fried) Reduce Foods Stagnation, aid digestion (especially starch).

C臣: Clear Heat.

C臣: Warm Yang, stop diarrhea.

C臣: Wake up Spleen.

Z佐: Kill parasites.

Z佐: Kill parasites.

S使: Clear Heat.

S使: Clear Heat.

Dx: Food indigestion with parasites in young children

J君: shén qū 神麴

J君: mài yá 麥芽

C臣: huáng lián 黃連

C臣: ròu dòu kòu 肉豆蔻

C臣: mù xiāng 木香

Z佐: bīng láng 檳榔

Z佐: shǐ jūn zǐ 使君子

S使: zhū dǎn zhī 猪胆汁

S使: bò hé 薄荷

Categ: (3) XVI. 2 Antihelm-Antiparast
B.833 C.1296
Sx: vomiting, foul smelling stools, undigested food in stools, jaundice, slow growth, emaciation, crinkled hair, white spots on fingernails/eyes/mucus membranes of mouth

T: varies
P: varies

CTX: Spleen and Stomach Deficiency
Guā dì săn

J君: Cause vomiting

J君: Tonify and support Qi and Yin.

Dx: Food Stagnation of Phlegm Stagnation in epigastrium or chest

J君: guā dì 瓜蒂

J君: chì xiǎo dòu 赤小豆

Categ: (4) XVII.1 Entic
B.817 C.1311
Sx: epigastric and chest distension and hardness, epigastric and chest discomfort, feeling of Qi rising to throat causing difficulty in breathing, restlessness

T: varies
P: floating pulse at cun position

CTX: Pregnancy, Deficiency, single dose only