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8 Cards in this Set

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Sx: itchy skin that is not raised up, white when scratched, dry skin or itchy skin that is raised, red, slightly swollen, scratching leaves bloody red marks, or tiny blisters which discharge fluid when scratched

T: thin, white or yellow fur
P: floating + tight, rapid, or slippery

CTX: Use with caution in patients with Qi and Blood Deficiency
Xiāo fēng săn

Dx: Itching due to Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, or Wind-Damp Invasion

TxP: expel Wind, tonify Blood, clear Heat, dry Damp

Descript: Ext Wind-Heat, Wind-Cold, or Wind-Damp rash/itch (Standard): WH, WC, or WD trapped between skin & muscle layers.

Eliminate Wind Powder from Orthodox Lineage
Xiāo(to vanish, disappear) fēng(wind) săn(powder)

Categ: (1) XI. A.1 Anticonv-DispExogWind

B.636 C.967 NatCal
Dx: Itching due to Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, or Wind-Damp Invasion

J君: jīng jiè, fáng fēng, niú bàng zǐ, chán tuì

C臣: cāng zhú, kǔ shēn, mù tōng, shí gāo, zhī mǔ

Z佐: shēng dì huáng, dāng guī, hēi zhī má

S使: gān cǎo

Eliminate Wind Powder from Orthodox Lineage
Xiāo(to vanish, disappear) fēng(wind) săn(powder)

(1) XI. A.1 Anticonv-DispExogWind
Sx: headache, aversion to Cold, fever, dizziness, vertigo, stuffy nose, nasal congestion, clear or white nasal discharge, sneezing, and body aches

T: twf
P: floating

CTX: Headaches caused by Deficiency: Qi, Blood, Kidney Yin, Liver Yin; Liver Yang Rising
Chuān xiōng chá tiáo săn

Dx: Headache due to Wind Invasion

TxP: expel Wind and stop pain

Descript: Headache due to Ext Wind Invasion

Chuanxiong Powder to Be Taken with Green Tea from Awakening of the Mind
Chuān(Sichuan territory) xiōng(lovage root, Chuanxiong) chá(tea plant) tiáo(blend) săn(powder)

Categ: (2) XI. A.2 Anticonv-DispExogWind

B.628 (new vers) C.973 Nat
Dx: Headache due to Wind Invasion

J君: chuān xiōng, qiāng huó, bái zhǐ

C臣: xì xīn, bò hé

Z佐: jīng jiè, fáng fēng

S使: gān cǎo, qing cha

Chuanxiong Powder to Be Taken with Green Tea from Awakening of the Mind
Chuān(Sichuan territory) xiōng(lovage root, Chuanxiong) chá(tea plant) tiáo(blend) săn(powder)

(2) XI. A.2 Anticonv-DispExogWind
Sx: deviation of eye and mouth, facial spasms

T: not specified
P: not specified

CTX: Only for Zhong Feng due to Cold, Wind, and Phlegm, contraindicated during pregnancy
Qiān zhèng săn

Dx: Bell’s Palsy/Facial Paralysis

TxP: expel Wind, transform Phlegm, and stop muscle spasms

Descript: Wind Attacking Collaterals of Face (Bell’s Palsy, facial paralysis, wind stroke)

Lead to Symmetry Powder
Qiān(lead along) zhèng(upright, straight, correct) săn(powder)

Categ: (3) XI. A.3 Anticonv-DispExogWind

B.633 C.977
Dx: Bell’s Palsy/Facial Paralysis

J君: bái fù zǐ

C臣: bái jiāng cán

Z佐: quán xiē

Lead to Symmetry Powder
Qiān(lead along) zhèng(upright, straight, correct) săn(powder)

(3) XI. A.3 Anticonv-DispExogWind
Sx: muscle spasms, cramps, limited mobility and difficultly moving joints, painful extremities, migratory pain, numbness and pain in extremities, heaviness and pain in lower back and legs

T: moist white fur
P: not specified

CTX: Pregnancy; caution in patients with Blood Deficiency or Yin Deficiency with Heat
Xiăo huó luò dān

Dx: Wind-Damp-Cold Bi Zheng

TxP: expel Wind, dry Damp, transform Phlegm, open channels, invigorate Blood, and stop pain

Descript: 1)Wind-Cold-Damp Bi Obstr in chan & collat. 2)Zhong feng (wind-stroke) w/ obstr of damp, phlegm, & bld stasis in chan & collat.

Minor Invigorate the Collaterals Special Pill
Xiăo(minor) huó(huó(invigorate; alive, living [enliven])) luò(collaterals) dān(pellet, powder, red)

Categ: (4) XI. A.4 Anticonv-DispExogWind

B.631 C.1177 Cal
Dx: Wind-Damp-Cold Bi Zheng

J君: zhì chuān wū, zhì cǎo wū

C臣: tiān nán xīng

Z佐: rǔ xiāng, mò yào

S使: dì lóng, chén jiù

Minor Invigorate the Collaterals Special Pill
Xiăo(minor) huó(huó(invigorate; alive, living [enliven])) luò(collaterals) dān(pellet, powder, red)

(4) XI. A.4 Anticonv-DispExogWind
Sx: nasal obstruction, stuffy nose, thick yellow nasal discharge, frontal and temporal headache, dizziness

T: thin white maybe greasy fur
P: not specified

CTX: None specified
Cāng ér zĭ săn

Dx: External Wind-Cold causing sinus congestion

TxP: expel Wind and open Orifices

Descript: Ext Wind Attack Nasal Orifices (Sinus congestion due to unresolved ext wind obstruct wei qi). Bensky adds: bi yuan (deep-source nasal congest), and nao lou (seepage from brain).

Xanthium Powder
Cāng(deep blue or green) ěr(ear) zǐ(seed) săn(powder)

Categ: (5) XI. A.5 Anticonv-DispExogWind

B.628 C.82 Nat
Dx: External Wind-Cold causing sinus congestion

J君: cāng ěr zǐ

C臣: xīn yí huā

Z佐: bái zhǐ

S使: bò hé, cōng bái, qing cha

Xanthium Powder
Cāng(deep blue or green) ěr(ear) zǐ(seed) săn(powder)

(5) XI. A.5 Anticonv-DispExogWind
Sx: convulsions, spasms, tremors, bitter taste in mouth, mild to high fever, irritability, dizziness, vertigo, delirium, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, loss of consciousness

T: deep red with thick dry yellow fur
P: wiry/tight rapid forceful may be slippery and/or deep

CTX: Wind due to Deficiency
Líng jiăo gōu téng tāng

Dx: Liver Heat causing Fire producing Wind

TxP: cool Liver, clear Liver Heat, extinguish Wind, nourish Yin, and smooth sinews

Descript: LV excess Qi Congestion > Heat > Fire > int Wind rising

Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction
Líng jiăo(=líng[antelope] yáng[sheep] jiǎo[horn]) gōu(hook) téng(vine) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (6) XI. B.1 Anticonv-DispEndogWind

B.642 C.993 Nat
Dx: Liver Heat causing Fire producing Wind

J君: líng yáng jiǎo, gōu téng

C臣: sāng yè, jú huā

Z佐: bái sháo, shēng dì huáng, chuān bèi mǔ, zhú rú, fú shén

S使: gān cǎo

Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction
Líng jiăo(=líng[antelope] yáng[sheep] jiǎo[horn]) gōu(hook) téng(vine) tāng(decoction)

(6) XI. B.1 Anticonv-DispEndogWind
Sx: severe headache, dizziness, vertigo, facial numbness, tight neck/tongue, red eyes, tinnitus (high pitched), eye/ear pain, confusion, convulsions, spasms, red face, impatience, irritability, loss of consciousness

T: thin deep red deep central crack and may be quivering/deviated
P: deep thin rapid may be slippery

CTX: Dizziness/vertigo due to Blood, Qi, or Kidney Deficiency or Damp Phlegm Accumulation
Zhèn gān xī fēng tāng

Dx: Liver/Kidney Yin Deficiency, severe Liver Yang Rising causing Wind (prestrike/stroke)

TxP: sedate Liver, extinguish Wind, descend Yang, and nourish Yin

Descript: Wind-Type Stroke: Severe LV KD Yin defic > LV wind & LV yang rising (Pre-stroke & during stroke stages)

Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction
Zhèn(sedate, to suppress) gān(liver) xī(extinguish) fēng(wind) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (7) XI. B.2 Anticonv-DispEndogWind

B.644 C.999 Nat
Dx: Liver/Kidney Yin Deficiency, severe Liver Yang Rising causing Wind (prestrike/stroke)

J君: niú xī

C臣: zhě shí, lóng gǔ, mǔ lì

Z佐: guī bǎn, xuán shēn, tiān mén dōng, bái sháo, yīn chén hāo, chuān liàn zǐ, mài yá

S使: gān cǎo

Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction
Zhèn(sedate, to suppress) gān(liver) xī(extinguish) fēng(wind) tāng(decoction)

(7) XI. B.2 Anticonv-DispEndogWind
Sx: headache, dizziness, vertigo, stiff neck, tingling/numbness, tight facial muscles, eyelid twitching, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, impatience, red eyes, blurred vision, bitter taste in mouth

T: thin deep red deep central crack and may be quivering/deviated
P: deep thin rapid may be slippery

CTX: Yin Deficiency without Liver Yang Rising
Tiān má gōu téng tāng

Dx: Liver/Kidney Yin Deficiency, Liver Yang Rising causing Wind (mild)

TxP: pacify Liver, extinguish Wind, clear Heat, invigorate Blood, and tonify Liver and Kidney Yin

Descript: LV KD yin defic > LV yang rising causing internal wind, losing connection with yin bld. (Mild, ie hypertension, not for stroke.)

Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink
Tiān(heaven) má(hemp) gōu(hook) téng(vine) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (8) XI. B.3 Anticonv-DispEndogWind

B.647 C.1004 NatCal
Dx: Liver/Kidney Yin Deficiency, Liver Yang Rising causing Wind (mild)

J君: tiān má, gōu téng, shí jué míng

C臣: zhī zǐ, huáng qín

Z佐: yì mǔ cǎo, chuān niú xī, dù zhòng, sāng jì shēng

S使: yè jiāo téng, fú shén

Gastrodia and Uncaria Drink
Tiān(heaven) má(hemp) gōu(hook) téng(vine) tāng(decoction)

(8) XI. B.3 Anticonv-DispEndogWind