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8 Cards in this Set

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Sx: spontaneous sweating, aversion to Wind and Cold, increased susceptibility to invasion of Exterior pathogens, shiny pale complexion, (swollen itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, sinus congestion)

T: pale maybe slightly enlarged with white fur
P: deep, weak, empty, thready

CTX: Any type of Excess Condition, Exterior Conditions with spontaneous sweating, Yin Deficiency
Yù píng fēng săn

Dx: Wei Qi Deficiency

TxP: tonify Qi, stabilize surface, and stop sweating

Descript: Wei Qi Def w/ sweat

Jade Windscreen Powder
Yù(jade) píng(screen, reject, hold back) fēng(wind) săn(powder)

Categ: (1) VIII. A.1 Astr-Antidrot

B.326 C.773 NatCal
Dx: Wei Qi Deficiency

J君: huáng qí

C臣: bái zhú

Z佐: fáng fēng

Jade Windscreen Powder
Yù(jade) píng(screen, reject, hold back) fēng(wind) săn(powder)

(1) VIII. A.1 Astr-Antidrot
Sx: spontaneous sweating worse at night, palpitations, easily startled, shortness of breath, dyspnea, irritability, lethargy

T: pale or red
P: deep thin frail thready

CTX: Yin Deficiency with Heat
Mŭ lì săn

Dx: Heart Qi and Heart Yin Deficiency

TxP: astringe and stop sweating

Descript: Qi & Yin Def, esp worse at night

Oyster Shell Powder
Mǔ(male) lì(oyster) [mǔ lì=oyster] săn(powder)

Categ: (2) VIII. A.2 Astr-Antidrot

B.420 C.776
Dx: Heart Qi and Heart Yin Deficiency

J君: mǔ lì

C臣: huáng qí

Z佐: má huáng gēn

S使: xiǎo mài

Oyster Shell Powder
Mǔ(male) lì(oyster) [mǔ lì=oyster] săn(powder)

(2) VIII. A.2 Astr-Antidrot
Sx: chronic daybreak watery odorless diarrhea with undigested food, inability to digest food, abdominal heaviness, cold abdominal pain/cramping, pulling down sensation, low back/knee soreness, cold extremities, no appetite, fatigue, lethargy, edema, cold limbs

T: pale with white fur
P: slow deep weak

CTX: Diarrhea due to Damp-Heat or Food Stagnation
Sì shén wán

Dx: Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency causing diarrhea

TxP: warm and tonify Spleen and Kidney, astringe Intestines, and stop diarrhea

Descript: KD & SP Yang Diarrhea

Four-Miracle Pill
Sì(four) shén(God, spirit, divine essence) wán(pill)

Categ: (3) VIII. B.1 Astr-AntiDiarr

B.429 C.784 NatCal
Dx: Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency causing diarrhea

J君: bǔ gǔ zhī

C臣: ròu dòu kòu, wú zhū yú

Z佐: wǔ wèi zǐ

S使: shēng jiāng, dà zǎo

Four-Miracle Pill
Sì(four) shén(God, spirit, divine essence) wán(pill)

(3) VIII. B.1 Astr-AntiDiarr
Sx: uncontrollable bowel movements throughout day and night, tenesmus, rectal prolapse, severe abdominal pain relieved by pressure and heat, stools with pus and/or blood, sensitive to Cold, extreme fatigue, lethargy, no appetite, pale complexion, lower back soreness, weakness of legs

T: pale with thin white fur
P: slow thin

CTX: Dysentery with Heat and Toxins, acute Excess diarrhea/dysentery
Zhēn rén yăng zàng tāng

Dx: Severe Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency causing diarrhea

TxP: astringe Intestines, stop diarrhea, and warm and tonify Spleen and Kidneys

Descript: Severe KD/SP Yang Def-> diarrhea, incontinence

True Man's Decoction to Nourish the Organs
Zhēn(true, genuine) rén(man) yăng(nourish; to support, to give birth, to raise) zàng(organs) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (4) VIII. B.2 Astr-AntiDiarr

B.425 C.781
Dx: Severe Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency causing diarrhea

J君: yīng sù ké, ròu guì

C臣: hē zǐ, ròu dòu kòu

Z佐: rén shēn, bái zhú, dāng guī, bái sháo

S使: mù xiāng, zhì gān cǎo

True Man's Decoction to Nourish the Organs
Zhēn(true, genuine) rén(man) yăng(nourish; to support, to give birth, to raise) zàng(organs) tāng(decoction)

(4) VIII. B.2 Astr-AntiDiarr
Sx: chronic seminal emissions, chronic spermatorrhea, frequent urination, incontinence, fatigue, lack of energy, weak knees, soreness and weakness of legs, low back pain, tinnitus, poor memory, low libido, grey hair, poor or blurred vision, headache, palpitations, toothache

T: pale with white fur
P: thin frail

CTX: Heart Fire, Liver Fire, Kidney Yin Deficiency Fire, Damp-Heat in Lower Jiao
Jīn suŏ gù jīng wán

Dx: Kidney Jing Deficiency

TxP: tonify Kidneys and astringe Kidney Jing

Descript: KD Yin/Jing/Qi Def-->spermatorrhea

Metal Lock Pill to Stabilize the Essence
Jīn(metal) suŏ(to lock up) gù(hard, strong, solid, sure) jīng(essence) wán(pill)

Categ: (5) VIII. C.1 Astr-AntiSemEm

B.435 C.789 Nat
Dx: Kidney Jing Deficiency

J君: shā yuàn zǐ

C臣: lián zǐ, qiàn shí

Z佐: lián xū, duàn lóng gǔ, duàn mǔ lì

Metal Lock Pill to Stabilize the Essence
Jīn(metal) suŏ(to lock up) gù(hard, strong, solid, sure) jīng(essence) wán(pill)

(5) VIII. C.1 Astr-AntiSemEm
Sx: frequent urination, cloudy urine, seminal emissions, spermatorrhea, enuresis, insomnia (wakes up frequently), fatigue, disorientation, forgetfulness, difficulty/poor concentration, poor appetite, pale face, palpitations, gray hair, tinnitus, cold limbs, low back/knee soreness/weakness

T: pale enlarged scallops with white moist fur (may be slightly greasy at tip)
P: deep slow weak, maybe hollow

CTX: Damp-Heat in Lower Jiao, Excess Heat, Excess conditions, Yin Deficiency Heat
Sāng piāo xiāo săn

Dx: Heart Qi and Blood Deficiency and Kidney Yang and Qi Deficiency

TxP: harmonize and tonify Heart and Kidneys, astringe Kidney Jing, and stop frequent urination

Descript: KD & HT Def--> spermatorrhea, sweating, incontinence

Mantis Egg-Case Powder
Sāng(mulberry tree) piāo xiāo(1.cuttlefish; 2.nest of mantis eggs) săn(powder)

Categ: (6) VIII. C.2 Astr-AntiSemEm

B.436 C.792 Nat
Dx: Heart Qi and Blood Deficiency and Kidney Yang and Qi Deficiency

J君: sāng piāo xiāo

C臣: lóng gǔ, guī bǎn

Z佐: rén shēn, fú shén, dāng guī

S使: yuǎn zhì, shí chāng pú

Mantis Egg-Case Powder
Sāng(mulberry tree) piāo xiāo(1.cuttlefish; 2.nest of mantis eggs) săn(powder)

(6) VIII. C.2 Astr-AntiSemEm
Sx: flooding and spotting, continuous menstrual flow, incessant dripping of blood from uterus, bleeding dark red blood, purplish-black clots in blood, dysmenorrhea, irregular menses (slightly shorter cycle), irritability, PMS, heat sensations in chest, abdominal pain, dysuria, scanty dark urine, dry eyes, muscle spasms, mouth/tongue sores/ulcers, chest/hypochondriac fullness, insomnia (wakes up early hard to go back to sleep)

T: thin red (tips, sides) deep central crack with thin dry yellow fur, fur may be geographic
P: slightly rapid, thin, deep

CTX: Excess Heat, Blood Stagnation/Stasis, and/or Qi Deficiency
Gù jīng wán

Dx: Yin Deficiency with Deficiency Heat causing irregular menses/Heart and Liver Yin Deficiency

TxP: nourish Yin, clear Heat, stop bleeding, and stabilize menses

Descript: Yin Def Heat (LV & KD)

Stabilize the Menses Pill
Gù(hard, strong, solid, sure) jīng(menses, pass through, classics, scripture) wán(pill)

Categ: (7) VIII. C.3 Astr-AntiSemEm

B.445 C.802 Cal
Dx: Yin Deficiency with Deficiency Heat causing irregular menses/Heart and Liver Yin Deficiency

J君: guī bǎn

C臣: bái sháo

Z佐: huáng qín, chūn pí, huáng bǎi

S使: xiāng fù

Stabilize the Menses Pill
Gù(hard, strong, solid, sure) jīng(menses, pass through, classics, scripture) wán(pill)

(7) VIII. C.3 Astr-AntiSemEm
Sx: profuse continuous odorless thin clear/white/pale yellow leukorrhea, fatigue, lethargy, dull pale face, loose stools, heaviness, poor appetite, hypochondriac pain, anxiety, depression, worry, sadness, melancholy

T: enlarged puffy scallops dusky with thick white moist fur
P: soggy slightly slippery slightly wiry

CTX: Damp-Heat
Wán dài tāng

Dx: Leukorrhea due to Spleen Qi Deficiency and Liver Qi Stagnation

TxP: tonify Spleen, benefit Middle Jiao, transform Damp, and stop leukorrhea

Descript: SP QI Def w/ damp + LV Qi Stagnation--> leukorrhea

End Discharge Decoction
Wán(end, finish, to be over) dài(discharge, belt, girdle) tāng(decoction)

Categ: (8) VIII. C.4 Astr-AntiSemEm

B.447 C.806 Nat
Dx: Leukorrhea due to Spleen Qi Deficiency and Liver Qi Stagnation

J君: rén shēn, bái zhú, shān yào

C臣: cāng zhú, chén pí

Z佐: chē qián zǐ, bái sháo, chái hú

S使: jīng jiè suì, gān cǎo

End Discharge Decoction
Wán(end, finish, to be over) dài(discharge, belt, girdle) tāng(decoction)

(8) VIII. C.4 Astr-AntiSemEm