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49 Cards in this Set

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Sepsis S&S, DX, TX
S&S: fever, hypothermia, increase HR, increased Resp, shock, change of mental status, rash, drop in urine output
DX: culture, WBC/platelets
TX: underlying cause, antiboitics, antifungals, antimicrobrial, IV fluids, O2
Classic triad of findings for Group A strep pharyngitis include: High fever, Tonsillar exudates, Anterior cervical adenopathy (in absence of significant cough)
Chain of Infection: Six Factors
Portal of exit
Mode of Transmission
Portal of entry
Susceptible host
seen in measles, <1cm, flat, nonpalpable, red, purple, brown, white or tan color
Infection of blood:
-Primary blood infection; no preexisting infection but contiminated by VAD
-Secondary blood infection; had an infection in another part of body
Mumps DX and TX
DX: swabbing and culture, mumps test
TX: treat symptoms, antibotics are not useful. Acetaminophen or NSAIDS combat fever, bed rest, Prevention with MMR
Chicken Pox (varicella zoster)
highly contagious virus, airborne resp, incubation: 2-3 weeks, can spread 1 day before eruption of skin.
S&S: fever for 24hrs, pruritic rash with macules to papules to vesicles which break and crusts, rash is centripetal (spreads from trunk to face to extrems. crusting is not contagious
DTaP vaccination:
give vaccine at 2, 4, 6, 15 months old and preschool (6yrs)
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
A self limiting disorder, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, more in boys ages 3-12 years old, cause unknown
<0.5cm, elevated palpable mass, containing serous fluid, seen in chicken pox, herpes simplex
Lateral curvature of the spine
Kyphotic spine
Lordosis of the spine
Exaggerated lumber curve
Labs for burns
Potassium moves from interstitial fluid to vascular and Sodium from vascular to interstitial. Results: hyperkalemia and hyponatremia
Bone Densitometry: The standard technique for determining bone density is a form of bone densitometry called dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). DEXA is a simple and painless and takes 2-4mins.
is an infection in the bones. Often, the orginial site of infection is elsewhere in the body, and spreads to the bone by the blood. Bacteria or fungus may sometime s be responsible for osteomyelitis
Neurological Assessment:
Part 1; Cerebral function
Mental Status: appearance
Intellectual function: average IQ
Thought content:to reality
Emotional status: affect or mood
Perception: recognize object
Motor ability: drink water
Language ability: speech patterns
Rheumatic Fever
is an acquired autoimmune after a group a beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection, many times after strep throat was not tx with pencillin
Transmitted by bodily fluids, a provirus (permanent infected), is a retrovirus (carries genetic material in RNA which hides it), secretes reverse transcriptase inside of T4 cells.
Meningococcal Meningitis
severe bacterial infection. S&S: high fever, headache, vomiting, stiff neck, rash
It's most common causitive organism is Bacterial H-Influenzae.
Assess for difficult and painful swallowing, note increased drooling and refusal to drink, stridor. Don't inspect throat until arrival to ER, this could stimulate spasm of the epiglottis and cause resp occulsion
Diarrheal diseases
Campylobactor: ingest of bad food/3-5d incub
C.Diff: ingest fecal
Salmonella: ingest bad food or drink/12-36hrs incub
Shigella: ingest of bad food/drink, driect contact with carrier/1-3 day incub
Chicken Pox
The most distinctive sign of chickenpox infection is an itchy rash of read spots and blisters. It takes about 1-2 days fr a chickenpox red spots (macule) to go through all of its stages, including blistering, bursting, drying, and crusting over
Methicillin-Resistant Staphlococcus Aureus (MRSA)
overuse of antibolitics, resistant to PCN and methicillin, organism found in skin. S&S: small red bumps similiar to boils then abscess, deep and very painful, surgical drainage may be needed
staphylococcus aureus, contact with carrier, 4-10d incub. Honey-colored, crusty, oozing blisters or sores, most often between the upper lip and nose. Scratching blisters could spread impetigo. Tx with antibotics
Chickenpox TX
cool baths, calamine lotion, benadryl syrup, acetaminophen, antiviral (Zovirax)
Legionellosis DX and TX
DX: sputum culture, legionella pneumophila antigen in urine, 2 blood smaples 3-6 weeks apart and compare levels.
TX antibotics: erytrhomycin, levofloxacin (Levaquin), azithromycin (Zithromax)
Mumps DX and TX
DX: swab and culture, mumps test
TX: treat symptoms, antibotics are not useful, acetaminphen or NSAIDS combact fever, bed rest
Prevention: MMR vaccine
After inhaled, bacteria to alveoli and mutiplies, body reacts by inflammation, neutro/macro engulf, lymph destroy bacteria and norm tissue, accumulation of exudates in alveoli leads to bronchopneumonia in 2-10wks. Granulomas composed of live and dead bacilli in lungs. Macrophages surronds and cause fibrous tissue (scarring)
Brudzinki's neck sign
One of the physically demonstrable symptoms of meningitis is Brudzinski's sign. Severe neck stiffness causes a patient's hips and knees to flex when the neck is flexed.
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
A self limiting disorder, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, more in boys ages 3-12 yrs old, cause unknown
Pertusssis vaccine: DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) given 2, 4, 6, 15 months and at 4-6 years old (preschool)
Thyroid gland
had two lobes connected by an isthmus (small connecting stalk) and is in the lower part of the neck just below the larynx. The thyroid gland produces 3 hormones: Thyroxine (T4), Triodothyronine (T3) and Calcitonin
diseases that are caused by infectious agents that can jump from species to species
Example: Hanatavirus, Rabies, and pet diseases such as; Cat-Scratch fever, Campylobacter and salmonella
Kernig's sign
one of the physically demonstrable symptoms of meningitis is Kernig's sign. Severe stiffness of the hamstrings causes an inablility to straighten the leg when the hip is flexed to 90 degrees
Flu vaccination: especially for elderly for risk of autoimmune (Guillain-Barre' Syndrome and temporal arteritis), chronic disease, immunocompromised (infants, health care workers)
Food-borne Hepatitis
Hep A and Hep E, transmission; ingest bad food and drink and contact with carrier
infection with gonorrhea is more common in certain groups of people: adolescents and young adults, people (often poor) living in urban areas and Southern States, African, drug users
Epstein Barr Virus, contact with pharyngeal secreations, incubation: 4-6 wks
antibotic used for gonorrhea
classis triad of findings fro Group A strep pharyngitis include: high fever, tonsillar exudates, anterior cervical adenopathy (in absence of signficant cough)
Negative feedback mechanism
acts like a thermostat in the home. As the temp rises (deviation from he ideal norm value), the thermostat detects the change and triggers the air-conditioning to turn on and cool the house. Once the temp reaches its thermostat setting (ideal norm value), the air-conditioning turns off.
is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteriium Treponema pallidum. Primary syphilis presents as a small painless open sore 3-6 weeks after exposure.
inflammed conjuctiva, highly contagious with direct contact with exudate. Pinkeye blood vessel engorgement.
S&S: photophobia, itching, buring, scratching, drainage that is watery, mucoid, purulent, or mucopurulent.
Virus: (adenovirus/herpes), discharge is watery and last longer then bacteria
Bacteria: (strep/staph), acute onset of redness, burning and discharge variable
PPD (TB test)
Hospitalization of the patient with active TB requires strict adherence to guidelines of resp isolation and us of an airborne infection isolation room (negative-pressure room). Sputum specimens - collect 3 specimens fro smear and cult 8-24 hours apart
where ever water is stagnant!
Legionellosis: multisystem illness, gram neg, trans-resp by environmental source (water cooling, air condition, water facets, shower head, humidfiers, resp therapy equip). Infect lungs, incub: 2-10 days
Rovsing's Sign
is a sign of appendicitis. If palpation of the lower left quadrant of a person's abd results in more pain in the right lower quadrant.
caused by paramyxovirus, direct contact with saliva, incub: 14-21d
S&S: fever, headache, malaise, anorexia for 24hrs, earache worse with chewing, parotisis (infected parotid gland)
chickenpox given at 12months. Older adults who had chickenpox do not need vaccine.
VZIG is affective in preventing disease if given within 96hrs of exposure